2024-07-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

咖啡機旁的Small Talk:新人遇上暖心前輩

Coffee Machine Connections: New Hire Meets Office Ally

Amy (到職三週的行銷企劃): Hi there! I'm just trying to figure out how this coffee machine works. It seems more complicated than my old office's.嗨!我正在試著弄清楚這台咖啡機怎麼用。它好像比我之前公司的還要複雜。

John (資深財務分析師): Oh, hello! You must be the new marketing planner. I'm John from the Finance department. Need a hand with that?哦,你好!你一定是新來的行銷企劃吧。我是財務部的John。需要幫忙嗎?

Amy: Thanks, John. That'd be great. I'm Amy, by the way. How long have you been with the company?謝謝,John。那太好了。順便說一下,我是Amy。你在公司工作多久了?

John: Going on five years now. Time flies! How are you finding everything so far?已經快五年了。時間過得真快!到目前為止你覺得一切如何?

Amy: Everyone's been really welcoming. I'm working on my first campaign proposal – it's exciting but a bit nerve-wracking.大家都很熱情。我正在準備我的第一個活動提案 – 既興奮又有點緊張。

John: Oh, I remember that feeling! Don't worry, you'll do great. The marketing team here is top-notch.哦,我記得那種感覺!別擔心,你會做得很好的。這裡的行銷團隊都是一流的。

Amy: That's reassuring to hear. By the way, do you know any good lunch spots nearby? I'm still exploring the area.聽你這麼說我就放心了。對了,你知道附近有什麼不錯的午餐地點嗎?我還在摸索這個區域。

John: Actually, a few of us from different departments usually grab lunch at this great sandwich place around the corner. Want to join us today?實際上,我們幾個來自不同部門的同事通常會去轉角那家很棒的三明治店吃午餐。今天想一起來嗎?

Amy: That sounds perfect! I'd love to, thanks for the invite.聽起來太棒了!我很樂意,謝謝你的邀請。

John: Great! We usually head out around 12:30. I'll stop by the marketing department to pick you up.太好了!我們通常12:30左右出發。我會去行銷部門接你。

Amy: Awesome, looking forward to it. Thanks again for your help with the coffee machine!太棒了,我很期待。再次感謝你幫忙解決咖啡機的問題!

John: No problem at all. Always happy to help a new colleague. Catch you later!一點也不麻煩。很高興能幫到新同事。待會見!

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