2024-07-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 24 分鐘

隨筆 #03 | 當事態發展到不可控的時候,別忘,還有最重要的一點可控!





    • 不被激怒(儘管發怒是動物本能)
    • 不埋怨,不責備,不說讓自己後悔的話
    •  不為自己不能改變的事煩惱
    • 心懷善念
    • 換位思考
    • 成人達己



    We are facing some troubles recently,which seem endless and hopeless.I even doubt that my team member beside meis from the opposite of the negotiation table.

    At the edge of uncontrolled situation,I realized that there is something more important could be in control.

    At this time, I am trying my best to remind myself the followings:

    • Not to be provoked (although to burst into anger is an instinct)
    • No complaint, no blaming, no words that I may regret later
    • Don't worry about the things I can't change
    • With good intentions
    • Put myself in other 's shoes
    • To reach my goal in line with other's gain

    Most of the time,We can't choose our fate, but we can choose our attitude.We cannot determine the attitude of others, but we can control our own response;We cannot keep the outside world clean, but we can keep our inner world clear.

    I believe,God will always leave a door open.I hope,even He closed all the door, He will show me something through the window.

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