2024-07-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 52 分鐘

一網打盡跟電視節目或網路影片有關的IELTS Speaking Part 2經典考題

Describe a TV show or online video clip that you found funny. You should say:
what the show or video was about
when and where you watched it
who you watched it with, if anyone
And explain why you found it so funny.

Last month, I stumbled upon a YouTube video that had me in stitches for a solid 10 minutes. It was a compilation of funny cat moments that not only brightened my evening but also became my go-to mood lifter for days after. The video was a collection of short clips showing cats in various amusing situations, like getting startled by cucumbers or failing spectacularly at jumping. I discovered this gem while scrolling through my YouTube recommendations one evening after dinner. I was alone in my living room, relaxing on the couch with my tablet when I decided to watch it. The video started with a cat trying to fit into a tiny box, which immediately caught my attention. As I continued watching, I found myself laughing out loud at the cats' antics and their often puzzled expressions. One particularly funny moment showed a cat attempting to catch a red dot from a laser pointer, only to crash into a wall. Another memorable scene featured a kitten getting completely tangled in a ball of yarn, looking both confused and adorable. The video also included some cats reacting to their reflections in mirrors, which was both funny and somewhat relatable. I found the background music and sound effects added to the clips enhanced the comedic timing perfectly. What made this video so amusing was the cats' utterly unpredictable behavior and their seemingly human-like reactions. The fact that these were all unscripted, natural moments made them even more entertaining and genuine. I ended up watching the video twice that evening and even shared it with some friends the next day. Overall, this cat compilation video provided me with a much-needed dose of laughter and lightheartedness, reminding me of the simple joys in life and the humor we can find in everyday moments.


1. stumble v. 偶然發現,無意中遇到

Example: I stumbled upon an interesting café while exploring the city.


2. compilation n. 匯編,集錦

Example: The teacher made a compilation of the best student essays from the year.


3. amusing adj. 有趣的,好笑的

Example: The children found the clown's performance very amusing.


4. antics n. 滑稽可笑的行為

Example: The puppy's antics always make us laugh.


5. enhance v. 提高,增強

Example: Adding some music can enhance the atmosphere of a party.


6. genuine adj. 真實的,真誠的

Example: Her smile was genuine and made everyone feel welcome.


Describe a viral video you have seen recently. You should say:
what the video was about
how you came across this video
why it became viral
and explain how you felt after watching it.

Recently, I came across a viral video that took the internet by storm. It featured a young street musician playing a complex piece on an old piano in a busy subway station. I stumbled upon this video while scrolling through my social media feed late one night. The video began with the musician sitting down at the worn-out piano, catching the attention of a few passersby. As he started playing, more and more people gathered around, clearly mesmerized by his skill.

The video went viral for several reasons. Firstly, the contrast between the grand music and the humble setting was striking. Secondly, the musician's incredible talent was undeniable - he played a challenging classical piece flawlessly. Lastly, the reactions of the crowd, ranging from surprise to joy, were heartwarming to watch.

After watching the video, I felt a mix of emotions. I was amazed by the musician's talent and touched by the way music brought strangers together. It also made me reflect on how we often overlook the extraordinary in our daily lives. Overall, the video left me feeling inspired and reminded me of the power of music to connect people.




1. viral adj. 病毒式傳播的,迅速流行的

Example: The funny cat video quickly went viral on social media.


2. complex adj. 複雜的,難懂的

Example: Learning a new language can be a complex process.


3. passerby n. 過路人,路人

Example: A kind passerby helped me pick up my dropped groceries.


4. mesmerized adj. 著迷的,入迷的

Example: The children were mesmerized by the magician's tricks.


5. humble adj. 簡陋的,樸素的

Example: Despite his success, he still lives in a humble apartment.


6. extraordinary adj. 非凡的,特別的

Example: The chef prepared an extraordinary meal for the special occasion.


Describe a documentary you have watched and found interesting. You should say:
what the documentary was about
when and where you watched it
how you learned about this documentary
and explain why you found it interesting.

Recently, I watched a fascinating documentary called "The Social Dilemma" which explores the impact of social media on our society. I stumbled upon this documentary while browsing Netflix one weekend evening at home. I had heard about it from a colleague who mentioned it during a discussion about technology's influence on our daily lives.

The documentary features interviews with former executives and engineers from major tech companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter. They share insider knowledge about how these platforms are designed to keep users engaged and how this affects our behavior and mental health. The film also includes dramatized scenes illustrating the effects of social media addiction on a typical family.

I found this documentary particularly interesting for several reasons. Firstly, it provided a behind-the-scenes look at how social media algorithms work, which was eye-opening. Secondly, the personal stories shared by the tech insiders were compelling and sometimes alarming. Lastly, the documentary raised important questions about privacy, mental health, and the spread of misinformation in the digital age.

After watching, I felt more aware of my own social media habits and the potential risks associated with excessive use. It sparked numerous discussions with friends and family about our reliance on technology. Overall, "The Social Dilemma" left me with a lot to think about regarding the role of social media in our lives and society at large.

最近,我觀看了一部名為《社交困境》的引人入勝的紀錄片,它探討了社交媒體對我們社會的影響。我是在一個週末晚上在家瀏覽 Netflix 時偶然發現這部紀錄片的。我是從一位同事那裡聽說這部片的,他在討論科技對我們日常生活的影響時提到了它。

這部紀錄片採訪了來自 Facebook、Google 和 Twitter 等大型科技公司的前高管和工程師。他們分享了關於這些平台如何設計來保持用戶參與度,以及這如何影響我們的行為和心理健康的內部知識。影片還包括戲劇化場景,展示了社交媒體成癮對一個典型家庭的影響。



1. fascinating adj. 迷人的,極有吸引力的

Example: The museum had a fascinating exhibition about ancient Egypt.


2. stumble upon v. 偶然發現

Example: While walking in the woods, we stumbled upon a beautiful waterfall.


3. compelling adj. 引人入勝的,令人信服的

Example: The speaker gave a compelling argument for environmental protection.


4. alarming adj. 令人擔憂的,驚人的

Example: The rapid increase in pollution levels is alarming.


5. spark v. 引發,激發

Example: The new policy sparked a heated debate among the citizens.


6. reliance n. 依賴,信賴

Example: Our reliance on technology has increased significantly in recent years.


Describe a TV variety show that you enjoy watching. You should say:
what the show is about
who the show's host/hostress is
how often you watch it
and explain why you enjoy watching it.

I really love a TV variety show called "Running Man". It's a popular South Korean entertainment program that combines elements of reality TV, game shows, and comedy. The show features a regular cast of celebrities who compete in various challenges and missions each episode, often with guest stars joining them.

The main host of the show is Yoo Jae-suk, a well-known comedian in South Korea. He's famous for his quick wit and ability to create funny situations. The other regular cast members also contribute significantly to the show's entertainment value with their unique personalities and humor.

I try to watch "Running Man" every week when a new episode airs. If I miss the original broadcast, I usually catch up on streaming platforms. I've been following the show for several years now, and it has become a part of my weekly routine.

I enjoy watching "Running Man" for several reasons. Firstly, the challenges and games are always creative and unpredictable, which keeps the show exciting. Secondly, the chemistry between the cast members is fantastic, and their interactions often lead to hilarious moments. Additionally, I appreciate how the show often introduces aspects of Korean culture, especially when they film in different locations around the country.

Moreover, "Running Man" has a good balance of physical challenges and mental games, which adds variety to each episode. The show also does a great job of making their guests feel comfortable, resulting in natural and entertaining interactions. Overall, "Running Man" provides me with an hour of laughter and entertainment, helping me relax and unwind after a long week.

我非常喜歡看的電視綜藝節目叫做《Running Man》。這是一個結合了真人秀、遊戲節目和喜劇元素的熱門韓國娛樂節目。節目由一群固定的明星藝人組成,他們在每集節目中參與各種挑戰和任務,經常有客串明星加入。


我盡量每週都會收看《Running Man》的新一集。如果錯過了原始播出,我通常會在串流平台上補看。我已經追看這個節目好幾年了,它已經成為我每週例行活動的一部分。

我喜歡看《Running Man》有幾個原因。首先,節目中的挑戰和遊戲總是富有創意且難以預料,這讓節目保持刺激感。其次,cast成員之間的化學反應非常棒,他們的互動常常產生搞笑的時刻。此外,我很欣賞節目經常介紹韓國文化的各個方面,特別是當他們在全國各地拍攝時。

另外,《Running Man》在體力挑戰和腦力遊戲之間取得了很好的平衡,為每一集增添了多樣性。節目也很善於讓嘉賓感到自在,從而產生自然且有趣的互動。總的來說,《Running Man》為我提供了一小時的歡笑和娛樂,幫助我在漫長的一週後放鬆和解壓。

1. element n. 要素,元素

Example: Teamwork is an important element of success in many jobs.


2. challenge n. 挑戰,難題

Example: Learning a new language can be a big challenge.


3. wit n. 機智,才思

Example: Her quick wit often makes people laugh in conversations.


4. unpredictable adj. 難以預料的,不可預知的

Example: The weather in spring can be quite unpredictable.


5. chemistry n. (人與人之間的)化學反應,契合

Example: The two actors had great chemistry on screen.


6. unwind v. 放鬆,解除緊張

Example: After a stressful day, I like to unwind by reading a book.


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