與大小蕃薯一起在清邁度過第一週! 景點、活動和美食…

    (Scroll down for English)在我們的第一周,我們第一天到步便花了一整天的時間佈置,買了很多東西,發現這裡的物價非常便宜……一大推車的雜貨只需大概1000港元,按摩53元,美味的日式套餐不到38元…


    我還發現了近四季酒店我最喜歡的按摩場所(顯然那裡的客人總是預訂)…那裡現在是我遊樂場…這是一棟泰式木屋,俯瞰著稻田,非常放鬆。 椰子油和蜂蜜臉部護理是 200 港幣,而泰式按摩不到 100元!

    我們第一次約會之夜是在一家由四季酒店的前廚師開設的餐廳度過的……我想去Rim Phi Rom 泰國餐廳,而蕃薯爸爸去過該地區一家名為“Steak of the Day”很不錯的餐廳……後來我們發現事實上,這是同一家餐廳。 他們拿出了當天牛排的白板…看著所有的澳洲牛排,我問有沒有本地的,他們又拿出了後面的白板.. Rim Phi Rom Thai Restaurant 的菜單! 我對演示感到驚訝......它看起來相當不錯! (價格非常合理,尤其是泰式菜單)

    第六天我們終於成功觀光了……大象POOPOOPAPER公園……2歲的小蕃薯最喜歡了(很有觸感!),而大蕃薯則在做紙體驗途中跑了去大便……! 我們買了很多紀念品,但當我向她贈送讀書俱樂部紀念品時,Izzie阿姨卻嗤之以鼻! (幾天後她改變主意了!)








    週日,我們不小心參加了 9 座寺廟之旅,因為 Grab 的大象保護區目的地不準確。 大蕃薯非常喜歡坐在電車裡,儘管我認為他更喜歡那匹馬(我們不能把他裝進一輛馬車)。 我想我們剛剛出現在 Wiang Kum Kam,並為我們自己的電車支付了非常合理的價格……比我們在網上預訂要合理得多。


    Week 1 in Chiangmai with a toddler & preschooler!  Things to see, do & eat…

    In our 1st week, we spent the 1st few days setting up, doing lots of shopping and discovering how cheap everything was…  hk$1000 for a huge trolley of groceries, $53 for massage, <$38 for a yummy Japanese set meal…


    We finally managed to go sightseeing on Day 4, but unfortunately the water park was closed, so we walked down the road to a flower farm (there are quite a few in Chiangmai) & managed to sneak in some photos (with R photobombing!) before the owner shooed us away (to be fair, the workers just nodded/shrugged when we asked if we could go in)...  Probably because it’s low season, those places were closed…

    I also discovered my favourite massage place near 4 seasons (apparently the guests there always book it)…  it is now my happy place…  It’s a wooden Thai house overlooking rice paddies, very relaxing.  Coconut oil & honey facial is hkd200, while Thai massage <$100!

    We went for our 1st date night at a restaurant opened by a former chef from Four Seasons…  I wanted to go to Rim Phi Rom Thai Restaurant & Ryan had been to a nice restaurant in the area called Steak of the Day…  We later found out that it was in fact, the same restaurant.   They took out Steak of the Day’s whiteboard…  Looking at all the Australian steak, I asked if there was anything local and they took out the whiteboard behind..  Rim Phi Rom Thai Restaurant’s menu!  I was pleasantly surprised by the presentation..  It looked rather fine!  (very reasonable prices, especially the Thai menu)

    We finally successfully sightsaw on Day 6…  Elephant POOPOOPAPER Park…  2 year-old X enjoyed it the most (very sensory!), while R went off to poo in the middle…!  We bought loads of souvenirs, though Iz turned up her nose when I presented her with souvenirs for book club!  (She changed her mind a few days later!)

    Picture with the poo (in the background)

     Boiling the poo

    Pulping through the machine

    Patting the fibers to distribute evenly.

    Finished product!


    Scratch pads to learn English, bookmarks for bookworms & roses for R’s teachers.


    Speaking of food, look at this mango monster…

     On Sunday, we went accidentally went on a 9-temple tour, as Grab had an inaccurate Elephant Sanctuary destination..  we sat in a tram for ~half an hour.  R very much enjoyed sitting in the tram, although I think he would’ve preferred the horse (which we couldn’t fit into 1 cart).  I think we just turned up at Wiang Kum Kam & paid a very reasonable price for our own tram…  much more reasonable than if we’d prebooked online.

    In the evening we went to Four Seasons for dessert..  The longan sticky rice was delicious.

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