2024-09-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 50 分鐘


  • 此系列內容來自詹姆斯.克利爾的免費郵件課程,使用其著作《Atomic Habits 原子習慣》的理論基礎,旨在30天內提供以下的資訊:
    V 消除習慣養成中可能產生的任何疑問
    V 獲得採取行動所需的工具與策略
    V 學習任何習慣養成都能適用的架構
  • 這章恰巧與我近日的感觸不謀而合:當你聚焦於「我已經做了什麼」時,能夠消融「我因為做了這個獲得了什麼」的失落感。

Visualize Your Progress and Stay the Course with a Habit Tracker

Lesson 9 of 11
Visualize Your Progress and Stay the Course with a Habit Tracker

The most effective form of motivation is progress. When we get a signal that we are moving forward, we become motivated to continue down that path. 
When it comes to building better habits, a crucial step is to visualize the progress you’re making, and to be able to see yourself move forward. Perhaps the most straightforward way to visualize your progress is with a “habit tracker.”

A habit tracker is a simple way to measure whether you did a habit. The most basic format is to get a calendar and cross off each day you stick with your routine. For example, if you meditate on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, each of those dates gets an X. As time rolls by, the calendar becomes a record of your habit streak.
As a complement to Atomic Habits, I designed a Habit Journal exactly for this purpose. In addition to the notebook and journaling pages, each journal comes with 12 habit tracking templates, one for each month of the year. Here’s what it looks like when it’s filled out. 

Of course, you don’t have to use the journal. You could use a calendar or create your own habit tracker on a sheet of paper. 
Once you have created your habit tracker, the mantra to keep in mind is“never break the chain.” That is, once you start tracking your habits, you don’t want to break the chain of crossing off each day or filling in each cell. 

“Don’t break the chain” is a powerful mantra. Don’t break the chain of stashing money away in your savings account every month and you’ll build wealth and gain peace of mind. Don’t break the chain of meditation and you’ll gain focus and more control over your internal state. Don’t break the chain of reading every day and you will finish 20+ books per year. Don’t break the chain of practicing guitar every day and you’ll gain mastery faster than you’d expect. 

There are other forms of habit tracking outside of using a calendar. I’ve heard about quite a few of them from my readers. One woman tracked how many pages of her book manuscript she wrote each day by adding a hairpin to a container after finishing each page. Another man tracked each set of push-ups by adding marbles to a jar. Of course, there’s also the story from Atomic Habits about the successful stock broker using paper clips to track his sales calls. 
No matter how you do it, these strategies provide proof of your progress. One glance at the X’s on the calendar or the marbles in the jar and you immediately know how much work you have (or haven’t) been putting in. 

These visual signals of progress can be particularly powerful on a bad day. When you’re feeling down, it’s easy to forget about all the progress you have already made. At this stage of the course, you may feel like you’re putting in a lot of effort without seeing many results. Habit tracking provides visual proof of your hard work—a subtle reminder of how far you’ve come and how consistent you’ve been. 
Let’s talk about how to integrate habit tracking with the other methods we’ve discussed in this course. 

In my opinion, the best strategy is to make an implementation intention for tracking. 
For example: 

  • I record my set in my workout journal after I finish each set at the gym.
  • I write down what I ate for dinner after I put my plate in the dishwasher in the kitchen.
  • I record how I slept in my sleep journal after I turn my alarm off in the morning in bed.
  • I put an X on the calendar after I take my medicine and vitamins in the kitchen. 
  • I write down a moment I shared with my kids after I put them to bed at 8pm in their bedroom. 


  • 在健身房完成每一組動作後,我會在健身日誌中紀錄下來
  • 在廚房把髒碗放進洗碗機後,我會把我晚餐吃了什麼寫下來
  • 每天早上在床上關掉鬧鐘後,我會在睡眠日誌中紀錄我睡得如何
  • 在廚房吞下藥丸和維他命後,我會在行事曆上畫個大叉叉
  • 在每晚八點哄孩子入睡後,我會寫下我和他們分享的時刻

The completion of the behavior is the cue to write it down. Of course, even with a clear intention, there will be some times when you fall off course.
Whenever this happens to me, I try to remind myself of a simple rule: “never miss twice.”
If I miss one day, I try to get back into it as quickly as possible. Missing one workout happens, but I’m not going to miss two in a row. Maybe I’ll eat an entire pizza, but I’ll follow it up with a healthy meal. I can’t be perfect, but I can avoid a second lapse. As soon as one streak ends, I get started on the next one.

The breaking of a habit doesn’t matter if the reclaiming of it is fast. The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It is the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows. Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit. 
Too often, we fall into an all-or-nothing cycle with our habits. The problem is not slipping up; the problem is thinking that if you can’t do something perfectly, then you shouldn’t do it at all. Never miss twice helps you overcome that pitfall.

The key insight of this lesson is to visualize the progress you’re making each day. If you have to wait for the number on the scale to change, or for your bank account to increase, or for a sense of calm to wash over your life, then the feedback loop is often too long for you to maintain motivation. 
If, however, you’re focused on tracking your actions – whether that be the number of workouts you perform each week, the number of sales call you make each day, or the amount of time you spend meditating each morning – then you’ll have immediate visual proof that you are showing up and living out the habits that are important to your life and goals. 

Week 3 Summary

  • Rather than having some linear relationship with achievement, habits tend to have more of a compound growth curve. The greatest returns are delayed. Temptation bundling and commitment devices are two helpful strategies that may enable you to get over the hump and build a habit that lasts. 
  • External rewards are one of the best strategies we have for maintaining motivation while we’re waiting for long-term outcomes to arrive. 
  • If you have to wait for long-term rewards, then the feedback loop is often too long for you to maintain motivation. If, however, you’re focused on tracking your actions, then you’ll have immediate visual proof that you are showing up and living out the habits that are important to your life and goals. 

Week 3 Progress Check-In

  • By now, at the end of week three, you will have a simple two-minute habit, a clear implementation intention that helps you identify when and where to perform the habit, an environment that is optimized for your particular habit, and a series of strategies that can provide additional incentive during periods when you lack motivation or feel like you’re sliding off course.


  • 相較於線性關係,習慣與成就本身的關係更近似複合性的成長曲線。最好的回饋總是遲延出現,誘惑捆綁法及承諾機制是兩個能使你克服死亡之谷、讓習慣堅持下去的辦法。
  • 外部獎勵也是當我們在等待長期回報時,能用以維持動力的好策略之一。
  • 如果你必須等待長期回報,回饋機制又沒辦法支援你維持動力的話,你可以反過來專注於追蹤你的行為本身,藉由立即性的目視化結果,來證明你正參與其中、並且持續執行著那些影響你人生與目標甚鉅的習慣。


  • 現在,在第三週的尾端,你已經有了簡易版本的兩分鐘習慣、能幫助你分辨何時何地從事習慣的明確執行意向、能讓你特定習慣最優化的環境,以及一系列可以提供額外誘因的策略,讓你在等待回報時不會減退驅動力或感覺好像偏航。

That's all for Lesson 9. See you in the next lesson,

James Clear
Author of Atomic Habits and keynote speaker​



​ Helpful bonuses and downloads

  • Habit Tracker template – Use the template to track your habits and build a habit streak. 
  • Workbook – This 18-page PDF includes an action checklist (including templates for key strategies) for each lesson of the course, plus lesson summaries and a key terms dictionary. 
  • Examples Database – The examples database is a Google Sheet of 140+ examples of how to implement each strategy covered in this course for dozens of different habits. 

References and further reading

  • For more on habit tracking, see Chapter 16 of Atomic Habits
  • The most effective form of motivation is progress: This line is paraphrased from Greg McKeown, who wrote, “Research has shown that of all forms of human motivation the most effective one is progress.” Greg McKeown, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less (Currency, 2014).
  • The first mistake is never the one that ruins you: Phillippa Lally et al., “How Are Habits Formed: Modelling Habit Formation in the Real World,” European Journal of Social Psychology 40, no. 6 (2009), doi:10.1002/ejsp.674.
  • Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit: “Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit.” I swear I read this line somewhere or perhaps paraphrased it from something similar, but despite my best efforts all of my searches for a source are coming up empty. Maybe I came up with it, but my best guess is it belongs to an unidentified genius instead.


  • Habit Tracker template – 用這份範本追蹤你的習慣,並且建立一個習慣條錄吧
  • Workbook – 這是一份18頁的PDF檔,內容包括一份每一堂課的行動檢查表(內有關鍵策略的範本),加上課程統整與專有名詞辭典。
  • Examples Database – 這是一個內有超過140個策略應用實例的Google表單,每個策略都適用於數十種不同的習慣培養。 


  • 習慣追蹤的詳細說明,請參見《原子習慣》第16章
  • 組成驅動力最有效的元素正式進步:這句話改寫葛瑞格·麥基昂寫的:「研究顯示組成人類動力最有效率的要件就是進步。(暫譯)」葛瑞格·麥基昂(Greg McKeown)《少,但是更好》,Currency出版社,2014年。
  • 第一個錯誤從不是真正毀掉你的那個:菲莉帕·萊利等人共同撰寫的論文〈習慣是怎麼組成的:模擬現實生活中的習慣養成〉,收錄於《歐洲社會心理學雜誌》第四十輯,第6集,2009年
  • 錯失一次是意外,錯失兩次是新習慣的開始:我發誓我讀過這句話或類似的,但儘管費盡力氣搜集資料,我還是沒能找到原處。或許是我自己想到的,但我更相信它出自某個我還沒找到的天才。
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