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美光Micron ~美股網路報告參考

    美光Q3不斷的下跌,與消費性電子不如預期有關,Q2的樂觀預期轉為保守,和台股的記憶體類股表現一樣,跌跌不休,不一樣的是美光是HBM三家供應商之一,雖然產能遠不如三星、海力士,但還是佔有一席之地,AI伺服器的主要晶片,GPU的輝達、網通傳輸的博通,及記憶體的海力士、美光,iPhone 16即將上市,記憶體規格也提升,美光為iPhone記憶體的供應商,短期的逆風不會改變長線的趨勢。


    Jacob Wolinsky2024年6月9日 05:42:49 格林尼治標準時間







    在這個領域,它是領先的參與者之一,在動態隨機有源儲存器(DRAM)晶片的市場份額排名第三,僅次於三星和韓國公司SK Hynix。


    美光最近最大的增長領域是其高頻寬記憶體(HBM)晶片,特別是其HBM3E晶片,其儲存複雜生成人工智慧資料的儲存容量最高。 它們還比許多競爭對手提供的類似晶片消耗更少的電力,這降低了客戶的成本。

    美光的收入增長是由資料中心驅動的,大公司和組織在那裡儲存和處理大量資料。 事實上,在上個季度,美光的資料中心收入創下歷史新高,人工智慧需求推動了大部分收入。

    總體而言,在截至5月30日的第三財季,美光的收入為68億美元,同比增長82%,比上一季度增長17%。 淨收入從去年同期的19億美元淨虧損上升到3.32億美元。

    它比上一季度的淨收入7.93億美元有所下降,但該季度納入了可大的稅收優惠。 在調整的基礎上計算,美光上個季度的調整淨收入為7.02億美元,而上一季度為4.76億美元。

    美光總裁兼執行長Sanjay Mehrotra表示:“強勁的人工智慧需求和強勁的執行使美光推動了17%的連續收入增長,超過了我們第三財季的指導範圍。” “我們正在獲得高頻寬記憶體(HBM)等高利潤產品的份額,我們的資料中心SSD收入創下歷史新高,這表明了我們在DRAM和NAND中人工智慧產品組合的實力。”


    美光成為如此有吸引力的股票的一個主要原因是其在蓬勃發展的行業中收入和市場份額顯著增長。 但現在更大的原因是它的估值。 與其他快速增長的科技股不同,美光並沒有被高估。 事實上,它在很大程度上被忽視了,而且市盈率僅為10,因此被大大低估了。

    9月還有兩個主要催化劑,可能會推動價格上漲。 第一個是美聯儲在9月10日和11日舉行的聯邦公開市場委員會會議。 人們普遍預計,美聯儲將自疫情以來首次下調利率,這應該會衝擊許多股票,特別是被低估的科技股,因為它將降低借款成本,從而有可能提高利潤。



    在第四季度,美光的收入為76億美元,比上一季度增長了12%,每股收益為61美分,是上一季度的兩倍。 此外,其毛利率的前景為33.5%,將高於上個季度的26.9%。 如果美光達到並超過這些估計,它可能會使股價飆升。

    華爾街分析師確實看漲了美光,因為41名分析師的目標價中位數為每股165美元。 這將比其目前每股90美元的股價高出85%。 截至9月5日,美光股票同比上漲了9%。


    The best tech stock to buy in September

    Jacob Wolinsky09/06/2024 05:42:49 GMT

    This semiconductor stock, not named NVIDIA, has huge upside and could soar in September

    While overvalued tech stocks like NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA) have taken a beating so far in September, there is one in particular, Micron Technology (NASDAQ:MU) that has the potential to break out this month.

    Micron stock is not overvalued, yet it has seen rapid revenue growth, and it has a couple of catalysts this month that could send its price higher.

    Making memory chips

    Micron is a chipmaker, but it does not compete directly with NVIDIA, Intel, AMD or the other big names in the semiconductor space.

    That’s because Micron plays in a different arena, making memory and storage chips for personal computers, smartphones, as well as high performance computing data centers.

    In this space, it is one of the leading players, with the third largest market share in dynamic random active memory (DRAM) chips behind Samsung and South Korean firm SK Hynix.

    AI demand fueling revenue growth

    Micron’s biggest growth area recently has been with its high bandwidth memory (HBM) chips, particularly its HBM3E chips, which have among the highest storage capacity to store complex generative AI data. They also consume less power than similar chips offered by many of its competitors, which lowers costs for its clients.

    Micron’s revenue growth has been driven by data centers, where large companies and organizations store and process massive amounts of data. In fact, in the last quarter, Micron had record data center revenue, with AI demand driving most of the revenue.

    Overall, in the fiscal third quarter ended May 30, Micron generated $6.8 billion in revenue, up 82% year over year and 17% from the previous quarter. Net income climbed to $332 million, from a net loss of $1.9 billion in the same quarter a year ago.

    It was down from net income of $793 million in the previous quarter, but that quarter incorporated a sizable tax benefit. When calculated on an adjusted basis, Micron had adjusted net income of $702 million last quarter, compared to $476 million the previous quarter.

    “Robust AI demand and strong execution enabled Micron to drive 17% sequential revenue growth, exceeding our guidance range in fiscal Q3,” Sanjay Mehrotra, president and CEO of Micron, said. “We are gaining share in high-margin products like High Bandwidth Memory (HBM), and our data center SSD revenue hit a record high, demonstrating the strength of our AI product portfolio across DRAM and NAND.”

    Why September could be big

    A major reason why Micron is such an attractive stock is obviously its significant revenue and market share growth in a booming industry. But a bigger reason right now is its valuation. Unlike other fast growing tech stocks, Micron is not overvalued. In fact, it has largely flown under the radar, and with a price-to-earnings ratio of just 10, it is wildly undervalued.

    It also has two major catalysts upcoming in September that could drive the price higher. The first is the Federal Reserve’s FOMC meeting on September 10 and 11. It is widely anticipated that the Fed will lower interest rates for the first time since the pandemic, and that should jolt many stocks, particularly undervalued tech stocks, as it will reduce the cost of borrowing, thus potentially boosting profits.

    The second, and more specific, catalyst is Micron’s fiscal fourth quarter earnings report, due to come out on September 26.

    Analysts see huge upside

    In its fourth quarter, Micron has guided for $7.6 billion in revenue, up 12% from the previous quarter, and earnings per share of 61 cents, double what it was last quarter. Further, the outlook for its gross profit margin is 33.5%, which would be up from 26.9% last quarter. If Micron meets and exceeds these estimates, it could send the stock price shooting higher.

    Wall Street analysts are indeed bullish on Micron, as the median price target among 41 analysts is $165 per share. That would be 85% higher than its current share price of $90 per share. As of September 5, Micron stock was up 9% year-to-date.

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