更新於 2024/12/13閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

20241213_TechNEws 科技日報

A massive, intricately designed robot heavily armored with a combination of metallic plates and illuminated sections, predominantly in shades of gray, pink, and blue. It has multiple appendages, including large arms and legs, and is equipped with various gadgets and sensors. The toy figure is standing inside of a rocky terrain with purple lava flowing beneath it on an encased glass display container with "DVINZ" logo below with neon lights casting a dramatic light over the scene.

A massive, intricately designed robot heavily armored with a combination of metallic plates and illuminated sections, predominantly in shades of gray, pink, and blue. It has multiple appendages, including large arms and legs, and is equipped with various gadgets and sensors. The toy figure is standing inside of a rocky terrain with purple lava flowing beneath it on an encased glass display container with "DVINZ" logo below with neon lights casting a dramatic light over the scene.

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  • 參考來源彭博資訊

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  • 參考來源Barron’s
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