- He carried a lot of baggage around, literally, in terms of paper, but also psychologically.
他帶著很多行李,字面上是指紙張,但心理上也是如此。 - I think the rest of us can cut ourselves some slack.
我認為其他人可以給自己一些放鬆的空間。 - We often find somebody in management has decided that there needs to be some kind of clean desk policy, for reasons that are often not very clear. Maybe it's just aesthetic.
我們經常發現,某些管理層決定需要某種清桌政策,原因往往不太明確。也許這只是出於美觀。 - Or maybe they've read something about how high-functioning precision engineering production lines work.
或者他們可能讀過一些文章關於高效運作的精準生產線如何運作。 - It destroys their sense of their own space, of their control of their environment.
這破壞了他們對自己空間的感知,以及對環境的控制感。 - So, is there such a thing as a bad mess or a bad distraction, or do they always have merit?
那麼,是否存在所謂壞的雜亂或壞的分心,還是它們總是有其價值? - There are many situations where messes are just entirely dysfunctional, and distractions just make it impossible to get stuff done.
有許多情況下,雜亂完全是失能的,分心則使得事情無法完成。 - The argument of the book is just to try nudging the pendulum a little bit more toward mess.
這本書的論點是試著將擺錘(事態局面/觀點)稍微推向雜亂這一邊。 - If we experiment a little bit more with improvisation, we might well be surprised by how that improves things.
- 第1句是很聰明的語帶相關,baggage除了是行李之外,也可以指心理負擔。要寫得出語帶相關的句子,大概要靈機一族的時候,才有靈感寫吧。有空的話可以設計一下:
- His heavy weight brings him a lot of pressure, not only on his mind, but on his knees too. (這重量為他帶來很大的壓力,不只是在心理上,也在他的膝蓋上。)
- 至於第2句,我是想介紹cut ourselves some slack這個說法,日常生活上就是「不要對自己太嚴格」,「放過自己」,「給自己留一條生路」的意思:
- We have only started learning to dance since last summer. Let's cut ourselves some slack. (我們不過上一個夏天才開始學習跳舞,我們不要對自己太嚴格吧。)
- 第3句帶有諷刺的意味,好幽默感地指出某些人做的事情沒有大意義,還補充「也許這只是出於美觀」。我們寫作的時候也不妨用這些句子流露出個人的風格~
- There are people who express hatred for reasons that are not neccessarily exist. Maybe it's just to confirm their existence.(有些人會無緣無故散佈仇恨。也許只是為了確認他們存在。)
恭喜大家已經完成了2019年DSE英文閱讀卷Part A中比較困難的單詞和句子~
2020年文憑試英文閱讀 Part A (2020 DSE Eng pp1 Part A)
還有其他HKDSE 文憑試資源~