I can't live without you沒有你我活不下去

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I need you to wake me up. 我需要你叫我起床
I need you to choose breakfast for me. 我需要你幫我選早餐
Bread or sandwich? Coffee or tea? Sugar or sugar-free? 麵包或三明治?咖啡或茶?加糖?還是不加糖?
I need you to push me on time. 我需要你督促我準時
I need you to order my lunch. 我需要你幫我訂午餐
I need you to remind my schedule. 我需要你提醒我的行程
I need you to order my dinner. 我需要你幫我訂晚餐
I need you to tell my sweetheart that I love him. 我需要你告訴我的甜我愛他
I need you to find the answer to the question. 我需要你幫忙找問題的答案
I need you to find the solution to the problem. 我需要你幫忙找困擾的解決方案
When I get lost, I need you. 當我迷路時,我需要你
When I feel hungry, I need you. 當我覺得飢餓時,我需要你
When I feel lonely, I need you. 當我覺得寂寞時,我需要你
When I feel happy, I need you. 當我覺得快樂時,我需要你
If people don’t know me, you are my representative. 當人們不認識我,你就是我的代理人
If people don’t accept me, you will speak up for me. 當人們不接納我,你就替我說話
You are my everything. 你是我的一切
You are so important. 你是如此重要
I can’t live without you. 我沒有你活不下去
You are my smartphone. 你是我的智慧型手機
The man looked at a great pile of jeans and said: ”Why you need so many jeans?”男人看著成堆的牛仔褲說:「為什麼你需要這麼多牛仔褲?」 Lady: ”But they are different.”女人說:「他們都不一樣啊
She was pretty她以前很漂亮 she was kind她以前很漂亮 She was thoughtful她很思慮周詳 She was hard-working, but in man’s eyes she was too hard-working她工作很認真,但在男人眼中她工作太認真了
She said  beautiful, but he said  expensive她說好漂亮,但他說好貴 She said it’s cute, but he said it’s useless她說這好可愛,但他這沒用啊 She said I want it, but he said you d
While sun is shining, people are frowning當陽光閃耀,人們皺眉 While it is raining, people are laughing happily當天空下雨,人們開心大笑 We need water我們需要水 We need rain我們需要雨
May 28th, 2021: 299 confirmed COVID 19 cases, 19 death The reporter said that with no expressions But they are not just numbers 
I have one beloved husband I have two intimate daughters I have three wonderful kids I have a four-bedroom house There are five members in my family
The man looked at a great pile of jeans and said: ”Why you need so many jeans?”男人看著成堆的牛仔褲說:「為什麼你需要這麼多牛仔褲?」 Lady: ”But they are different.”女人說:「他們都不一樣啊
She was pretty她以前很漂亮 she was kind她以前很漂亮 She was thoughtful她很思慮周詳 She was hard-working, but in man’s eyes she was too hard-working她工作很認真,但在男人眼中她工作太認真了
She said  beautiful, but he said  expensive她說好漂亮,但他說好貴 She said it’s cute, but he said it’s useless她說這好可愛,但他這沒用啊 She said I want it, but he said you d
While sun is shining, people are frowning當陽光閃耀,人們皺眉 While it is raining, people are laughing happily當天空下雨,人們開心大笑 We need water我們需要水 We need rain我們需要雨
May 28th, 2021: 299 confirmed COVID 19 cases, 19 death The reporter said that with no expressions But they are not just numbers 
I have one beloved husband I have two intimate daughters I have three wonderful kids I have a four-bedroom house There are five members in my family
Google News 追蹤
接下來第二部分我們持續討論美國總統大選如何佈局, 以及選前一週到年底的操作策略建議 分析兩位候選人政策利多/ 利空的板塊和股票
🤔為什麼團長的能力是死亡筆記本? 🤔為什麼像是死亡筆記本呢? 🤨作者巧思-讓妮翁死亡合理的幾個伏筆
「話說我當時其實是在到處轉盤子,但覺得妳太強大,自己有點跟不上就fade out了⋯自慚形穢(吧)」 「蛤為什麼覺得強大」 「不知道耶,一種能量層面的感覺。妳的氣場很穩,很錨定,知道自己要什麼。我就很浮躁」 前幾天一個曾經見面過一次後來就沒下文的網友,在網路上看到我開關於紅藥丸內容的直播跑來告訴我
2020/6/25 撐傘貓寫了一首歌,放在網路上: She ⋯⋯Maybe the fear I can‘t foresee A trace of torture or nature  
剛抵達紐約第一天,媽咪約我和菲格羅亞先生晚上一起看劇,地點是在大姐上班的New York City Center(紐約市藝術表演劇場),前年聖誕夜時收到大姐送的禮物-二張Alvin Ailey演出的
●2017韓國電影【I Can Speak  아이 캔 스피크 花漾奶奶秀英文】如果我忘了,就等於我輸了(羅文熙 李帝勳) ◎我看的電影不多,去年2017裡看過的韓國電影裡,就這部【I Can Speak  아이 캔 스피크】讓我難忘。
接下來第二部分我們持續討論美國總統大選如何佈局, 以及選前一週到年底的操作策略建議 分析兩位候選人政策利多/ 利空的板塊和股票
🤔為什麼團長的能力是死亡筆記本? 🤔為什麼像是死亡筆記本呢? 🤨作者巧思-讓妮翁死亡合理的幾個伏筆
「話說我當時其實是在到處轉盤子,但覺得妳太強大,自己有點跟不上就fade out了⋯自慚形穢(吧)」 「蛤為什麼覺得強大」 「不知道耶,一種能量層面的感覺。妳的氣場很穩,很錨定,知道自己要什麼。我就很浮躁」 前幾天一個曾經見面過一次後來就沒下文的網友,在網路上看到我開關於紅藥丸內容的直播跑來告訴我
2020/6/25 撐傘貓寫了一首歌,放在網路上: She ⋯⋯Maybe the fear I can‘t foresee A trace of torture or nature  
剛抵達紐約第一天,媽咪約我和菲格羅亞先生晚上一起看劇,地點是在大姐上班的New York City Center(紐約市藝術表演劇場),前年聖誕夜時收到大姐送的禮物-二張Alvin Ailey演出的
●2017韓國電影【I Can Speak  아이 캔 스피크 花漾奶奶秀英文】如果我忘了,就等於我輸了(羅文熙 李帝勳) ◎我看的電影不多,去年2017裡看過的韓國電影裡,就這部【I Can Speak  아이 캔 스피크】讓我難忘。