A Girl without Peach Blossom 沒有桃花的女孩

更新於 2021/06/05閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
She was pretty. 她以前很漂亮
she was kind. 她以前很漂亮
She was thoughtful. 她很思慮周詳
She was hard-working, but in man’s eyes, she was too hard-working. 她工作很認真,但在男人眼中她工作太認真了
She was independent, but in man’s eyes, she was too independent. 她很獨立,但在男人眼中她太獨立了
She longed for romantic encounters. 她曾渴望桃花
She longed for love. 她曾渴望愛
She was waiting for her prince charming. 她曾渴望遇到一個白馬王子
She was still waiting for her prince charming. 她在等待她的白馬王子
Then, she gave up. 然後,她放棄了
She is a woman now. 她是個女人
She is beautiful, kind, and thoughtful. 她美麗、善良又思慮周詳
She is hard-working in his boss’s eyes. 在老闆眼中,她工作很認真
She is independent in his boss’s eyes. 在老闆眼中,她很獨立
She is waiting for nobody. 她不等任何了
She has a dog named Lucky. 她有隻名叫Lucky的狗
She has a cat named cash. 她有隻名叫Cash的貓
She is busy. 她現在很忙
She is alone but not lonely. 她獨自一人但不孤單
*Peach blossom means romantic encounter in Chinese 桃花在中文是遇上愛情的意思
She said  beautiful, but he said  expensive她說好漂亮,但他說好貴 She said it’s cute, but he said it’s useless她說這好可愛,但他這沒用啊 She said I want it, but he said you d
While sun is shining, people are frowning當陽光閃耀,人們皺眉 While it is raining, people are laughing happily當天空下雨,人們開心大笑 We need water我們需要水 We need rain我們需要雨
May 28th, 2021: 299 confirmed COVID 19 cases, 19 death The reporter said that with no expressions But they are not just numbers 
I have one beloved husband I have two intimate daughters I have three wonderful kids I have a four-bedroom house There are five members in my family
Cruel news about Outbreak of Corona Virus Infectiious  Disease took  people’s lives Night still young Teenagers & kids asked “When can we leave the ho
閒來無事寫了一首英文小詩。 Good custards  One cup of lemon tea  On the table  Do you want to have breakfast with me  May you have a nice day  Or you need a cup of
She said  beautiful, but he said  expensive她說好漂亮,但他說好貴 She said it’s cute, but he said it’s useless她說這好可愛,但他這沒用啊 She said I want it, but he said you d
While sun is shining, people are frowning當陽光閃耀,人們皺眉 While it is raining, people are laughing happily當天空下雨,人們開心大笑 We need water我們需要水 We need rain我們需要雨
May 28th, 2021: 299 confirmed COVID 19 cases, 19 death The reporter said that with no expressions But they are not just numbers 
I have one beloved husband I have two intimate daughters I have three wonderful kids I have a four-bedroom house There are five members in my family
Cruel news about Outbreak of Corona Virus Infectiious  Disease took  people’s lives Night still young Teenagers & kids asked “When can we leave the ho
閒來無事寫了一首英文小詩。 Good custards  One cup of lemon tea  On the table  Do you want to have breakfast with me  May you have a nice day  Or you need a cup of
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
紐約2008, 過去的TROUBLED BOY 2008的紐約, 正值雷曼兄弟金融海嘯, Sam當時剛從大學畢業, 隻身一人來紐約, 正好遇到大環境的不景氣, 好不容易找到了一間華人公司打雜, 上班賺到的錢只夠讓Sam在皇后區租一個小套房, 每天光通車的時間就占了大半, 下班除了去法拉盛外帶Chin
Hey girl! Remember the day we met? Eight years ago on the way to Detroit. You were the driver and on the right side I seated. The sunlight was just ..
完整標題:girl 與「子之女兒」、「孩之女兒」或「孩女」(女孩)、「孩女兒」(女孩兒) 或「孩女子」(女孩子) 之轉換密碼
安妮日記,是由一位名為安妮法蘭克的猶太裔女孩(Anne Frank)在納粹佔領荷蘭時期逃難時所寫的日記,戰後由其倖存的父親在1947年整理出版。這本日記是1942年6月12日安妮的13歲生日的禮物,不久就因納粹對荷蘭的入侵及佔領,躲避至阿姆斯特丹運河旁的大樓中以書櫃遮擋的閣樓密室,也就是安妮密
在紐約的一個圖書館裡,Amy and Nick 仍在熱戀中,他們又在玩尋寶遊戲,那張卡片,就藏在 Jane Austen 的小說裡。
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
紐約2008, 過去的TROUBLED BOY 2008的紐約, 正值雷曼兄弟金融海嘯, Sam當時剛從大學畢業, 隻身一人來紐約, 正好遇到大環境的不景氣, 好不容易找到了一間華人公司打雜, 上班賺到的錢只夠讓Sam在皇后區租一個小套房, 每天光通車的時間就占了大半, 下班除了去法拉盛外帶Chin
Hey girl! Remember the day we met? Eight years ago on the way to Detroit. You were the driver and on the right side I seated. The sunlight was just ..
完整標題:girl 與「子之女兒」、「孩之女兒」或「孩女」(女孩)、「孩女兒」(女孩兒) 或「孩女子」(女孩子) 之轉換密碼
安妮日記,是由一位名為安妮法蘭克的猶太裔女孩(Anne Frank)在納粹佔領荷蘭時期逃難時所寫的日記,戰後由其倖存的父親在1947年整理出版。這本日記是1942年6月12日安妮的13歲生日的禮物,不久就因納粹對荷蘭的入侵及佔領,躲避至阿姆斯特丹運河旁的大樓中以書櫃遮擋的閣樓密室,也就是安妮密
在紐約的一個圖書館裡,Amy and Nick 仍在熱戀中,他們又在玩尋寶遊戲,那張卡片,就藏在 Jane Austen 的小說裡。