“Your sparkles aren't your purpose.”這句話讓我思考很久,畢竟能在面對現實奔湧而來的海嘯時,還能燃起心中那點火花,還能為之奮鬥,不就已經是自己生命裡偉大的英雄了嗎?
後來才想明白,追求Sparkle沒有錯,那點微光確實能在某些時刻照亮黑暗的人生,就像Amy cuddy在TED時說的:“Having your identity taken from you, your core identity. There is nothing leaves you feeling powerless than that.”由此可知我們生活中不能缺少Sparkle,當你注視火光,便覺周遭黯然失色,任何一種愛,只要過於偏激,便會成為令人恐懼的武器。
So, the purpose isn't build on sparkle.別忘了生活還有許多值得去享受的事物,白雲匆匆飛過的藍天,下過雨後清新的綠葉,媽媽剛買回來的美味肉炸,螢幕裡閃閃發亮的少年。
Hey girl!難得來人間一趟,媽媽花了十個月才把你生下來,別說什麼人間不值得,去觸摸、去感受生命的存在,你知道的,人間是最最值得。
Forgetting the trauma of childbirth is one of the great gifts of the universe.
Life is full of possibilities!
Can't Crush A Soul Here. That's What Life On Earth Is For.
Don't miss out on the joys of life.
He's just criticizing me to cover up the pain of his own failed dreams.