1. The European Union announced last week that it was preparing to charge tariffs, which are import taxes, on all electric cars arriving from China.
歐盟上週宣布,準備對所有來自中國的電動汽車徵收關稅, 這個進口稅。
2. The European Union said that it had found “substantial evidence” that Chinese government agencies have been illegally subsidizing these exports, something China denies.
歐盟稱,已發現「大量證據」, 而這個證據表明中國政府部門一直在非法補貼電動汽車出口,而中國對此予以否認。
上述斜線的which, that都是形容詞子句, 如同中文裏的這個/那個, 跟五大句型的關係, 希望分析者請告知.