4. HUAN敢愛敢恨的自由

2017/07/19閱讀時間約 2 分鐘







It’s an amazing country. People are everywhere. What they want is just grab your ass although sometimes it’s not bad haha. All the people want to take photos with you. This makes me feel like I’m a popular star. I just hope I can have the same experience everywhere around the world especially in Columbia. BTW Felipe is too pretty, if someone looks like Felipe, he doesn’t need to be gentle, warm, rich, patent, intelligent. He can just attract me with his face. That’s enough. It’s nice and awesome to meet the guys in India. I’ll never forget the time.

By Huan


Darren Cheng
Darren Cheng
Darren是我爸給我的名字,不是英文老師取的。台北是我媽生下我的地方。成癮於記錄事情,相機也好文字也罷,一直相信著把生命丟到路上,就會看見它原本的樣子,喜歡在生活旅行也在旅行中生活。現在的我正找回人生的主導權,在一段注定有結尾的旅程中,過一個80歲後依舊有著無數故事可說的人生。 好吧簡單來說,我喜歡閱讀寫字、攝影旅行、瘋狂做自己。