Work overtime(23)

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Time flies and we still need to work hard for better self. I prepared a report all night yesterday in order to have a great opportunity to join multinational corporation. Therefore, I made more effort after my friend came to complain her relationship with boyfriend. I felt something warm from inside that I don’t know why. Maybe that I finally can dedicate to myself this time instead of others.
The inspiring book really give me a brand new vision now that I can focus on my religion and completely devote myself to chase his glories. Lord comes to my heart and touch me again. He tells that don’t be afraid and be strong because I’m with you. What a beautiful mercy. I am so grateful that Sophia can give me a opportunity to work with them. And I can interview these big companies today. Although I had been working overtime for weeks, I accumulated energy more than before since I could confront my weakness and went through of it to turn out self-motivation power.

Jerry also helps me find a good place to settle down and the insistence in training equips me to deal with more kinds of hardship. Never fear never give up. Lord is my strength and I know that I’m not the previous one.

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HR Manager: We've noticed you're working a lot of overtime lately. Can you tell me more about your situation? 人力資源經理:我們注意到你最近加班很多。你能告訴我更多about你的情況嗎?
OEEC 4/15 Today is so tired and interest   ,because wake up bed too early at A.m 5 .will…share about meet co-work. She’s name is Vicky. Vicky and
提升自己在職場的競爭力 學對岸的說法,女人不要只戀愛,還要搞事業 在職場打滾十年了,卡在一個要上不上,但又不會餓死的位置,文科生的我,對於目前的薪水是知足的。開了幾個會和同行聊了幾次,去年的順流讓我更相信轉變的時機到了,請參考這篇30天斷捨離-Day9 以前有伴侶,所以能承擔的風險較高,然而離
失業日記停更了幾天,因為生活一直處在一種飽滿的狀態,我感覺慢慢踏穩步伐、找回力量。開始去做之前瘋狂忙碌而無法做的事:咖啡、博物館、展覽、上課、運動、煮飯,還去找了兩位諮商師。 第一位諮商師告訴我,I'm more than a title on the job.