Truth (Twentieth diary)

閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
I finally cross the gap in the mind. The difficulties were practicing English step by step and making friends with open attitude instead of staying in comfortable zone. For example, no matter I confront perplexities, I select to tackle the mental and real problems such as school application, signing up the language exams. Not because I rely on my effort, the fact is the strength from my belief. He gave me faith from inside to outside no matter how bad I’m. He just spontaneously give his abilities to me with no reward.

I start to engage in writing my CV details and SOP. Making aggressive learning ambition becomes my energy in lots of aims. Somethings changes and I believe that my effort pushes me progressively. That’s not a fictitious prospect anymore. I can’t fabricate the truth to let others feel I’m good. It can’t benefit to me in long relationship even for myself.
Mime的沙龍 的其他內容
Hello, _ _ _:  How have you been? Have you become happier with him? I have imagined this situation in the night many times. I knows that it can’t ch
  Do you remember your first job? I dare not argue with my boss. Sad, lost, suffered but I never thought of giving up. Later I tried to grab every op
Hey, Stranger. How have you been today? Do you feel more comfortable or happier than yesterday?   Nothing important than yourself but I know that ..
你得不到,是因為不屬於你;放不下,因為你不甘心。失去所愛雖然傷心,但失去不愛你的人,又有什麼可惜? 種下良善的種子,歷經一些不甘與痛,才有機會萌芽開花。 十年太長,什麼都有可能會變。一輩子太短,一件事也可能做不完。 放不下的人真的很懦弱,不敢直視自己的命運,也不能勇敢接受失去,想念在髮梢間伺機而動,
10:11 night   Dear, How have you been? Do you feel happier day by day? Do you finish your matters in hand on time? No, however god help me overcome w
12:49 noon  Lord, I’m afraid that I will be useless like a normal person in the world. How could I arrange my life to follow up those successful and
Hello, _ _ _:  How have you been? Have you become happier with him? I have imagined this situation in the night many times. I knows that it can’t ch
  Do you remember your first job? I dare not argue with my boss. Sad, lost, suffered but I never thought of giving up. Later I tried to grab every op
Hey, Stranger. How have you been today? Do you feel more comfortable or happier than yesterday?   Nothing important than yourself but I know that ..
你得不到,是因為不屬於你;放不下,因為你不甘心。失去所愛雖然傷心,但失去不愛你的人,又有什麼可惜? 種下良善的種子,歷經一些不甘與痛,才有機會萌芽開花。 十年太長,什麼都有可能會變。一輩子太短,一件事也可能做不完。 放不下的人真的很懦弱,不敢直視自己的命運,也不能勇敢接受失去,想念在髮梢間伺機而動,
10:11 night   Dear, How have you been? Do you feel happier day by day? Do you finish your matters in hand on time? No, however god help me overcome w
12:49 noon  Lord, I’m afraid that I will be useless like a normal person in the world. How could I arrange my life to follow up those successful and
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一個普通到不行的故事,到了一個會說故事的人手上,總是變得精彩感動!《真實》做為日本導演 - 是枝裕和的海外拍攝作品,以法國家庭的故事,探討人的生命旅途中所遇到的緣分。那些真實的、虛假的,生離死別、愛恨情仇,總是在生命中不期而遇,也不期而癒。
The Truth: an uncomfortable book about relationships 中文翻譯是(把妹達人最終章:搞定人生下半場但我實在不喜歡這個翻譯因為跟內容不貼合) 我覺得這是