1955年2月04日,英外交部長Sir Antony Eden 在國會答詢關於開羅宣言,波茨坦宣言,與台灣主權。Koa-Ông Péng-Hun 譯。若有爭議處,請參考英文原文。
1955Nî 2--goe̍h chhe 4, Eng-kok gōa-kau pō͘-tiúⁿ Sir Antony Eden tī kok-hōe hôe-tap chi̍t-sûn koan-î Cairo Soan-giân, Potsdam Soan-giân, kap Tâi-oân chú-koân. Koa-Ông Péng-Hun hoan-e̍k. Nā ū cheng-gī ê só͘-chāi, chhiáⁿ chham-khó Eng-bûn goân-bûn.
HC Deb 04 February 1955 vol 536 cc159-60W 159W
Eng-kok kok-hōe hōe-gī kì-lo̍k tóng-àn hō-bé HC Deb 04 February 1955 vol 536 cc159-60W 159W
英國國會會議紀錄案號 HC Deb 04 February 1955 vol 536 cc159-60W 159W
Mr. Shinwell asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Whether he will include in the OFFICIAL REPORT a factual statement on the legalistic and treaty aspects of the situation on the South-East China coast.
Shinwell gī-oân mn̄g Gōa-tiúⁿ: I kám ê kā tùi Tiong-kok tang-lâm hái-hōaⁿ ê hoat-lu̍t kap tiâu-iok ê sū-si̍t ê tîn-su̍t khǹg-ji̍p Koaⁿ-hong Pò-kò ?
Shinwell 議員問外長:是否會把對於中國東南海岸法律和條件 的事實的陳述放入官方報告?
Sir Anthony Eden:
Gōa-tiúⁿ Sir Anthony Eden hôe-tap:
外長 Anthony Eden 爵士回答:
Formosa and the Pescadores were ceded to Japan by China in the Shiminoseki Treaty of 1895.
Formosa kap Phêⁿ-ô͘, sī tī 1895Nî ê Shiminoseki Tiâu-iok lāi-té, iû Tiong-kok koah-niū hō͘ Ji̍t-pún ê.
In the Cairo Declaration of November, 1943, the Allies stated that it was their purpose "that all the territories which Japan has stolen from the Chinese such as … Formosa and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China.…"
Tī 1943Nî ê Cairo Soan-giân lāi-té, Liân-kun seng-chheng in ê bo̍k-te̍k sī: “èng-tong chiong Ji̍t-pún ùi Tiong-kok thau-the̍h ê léng-thó͘ jû…Formosa kap Phêⁿ-ô͘, kui-hêng hō͘ Tiong-hôa Bîn-kok…”
在1943年11月的開羅宣言中,聯軍 聲稱他們的目的是:“應當將日本自中國竊取的領土如...台灣 和澎湖,歸還中華民國”
This Declaration was a statement of intention that Formosa should be retroceded to China after the war. This retrocession has, in fact, never taken place, because of the difficulties arising from the existence of two entities claiming to represent China, and the differences amongst the Powers as to the status of these entities.
Chit-ê Soan-giân sī ì-hiòng ê tîn-su̍t, piáu-sī chiàn-āu èng-tong kā Formosa kui-hêng hō͘ Tiong-kok. Tān-sī chit-ê kui-hêng pēng bô hoat-seng. Khùn-lân hoat-seng tī: ū nn̄g-ê thoân-thé lóng soan-chheng in tāi-piáu Tiong-kok, í-kip Liân-kun chi-kan tùi lióng-chō tē-ūi ê jīn-ti hun-kî.
這宣言是意願 的陳述,表示戰後應將福爾摩莎割還給中國。但這個割還並沒有發生。困難發生在於:有兩個團體都宣稱代表中國,及聯軍間對兩造地位的認知分歧。
The Potsdam Declaration of July, 1945, laid down as one of the conditions for the Japanese Peace that the terms of the Cairo Declaration should be carried out. In September, 1945, the administration of Formosa was taken over from the Japanese by Chinese forces at the direction of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers;
1945Nî 7--goe̍h ê Potsdam Soan-giân, siat-hā tùi Ji̍t-pún ê hô-pêng tiâu-kiāⁿ chi it, tō sī Cairo Soan-giân pit-su ài si̍t-si. 1945Nî 9--goe̍h, Formosa ê hêng-chèng tī-lí, tī Liân-kun Chòe-ko Thóng-sòe ê chí-sī chi-hā, iû Ji̍t-pún-lâng choán kàu Tiong-kok-lâng chhiú-té.
but this was not a cession, nor did it in itself involve any change of sovereignty. The arrangements made with Chiang Kai-shek put him there on a basis of military occupation pending further arrangements, and did not of themselves constitute the territory Chinese.
Tān-sī che m̄-sī koah-niū léng-thó͘, mā bô khan-sia̍p chú-koân î-choán. Hām Chiúⁿ Kài-sek ê chit-ê an-pâi ki-pún-siōng sī kun-sū chiàm-léng, beh tán-thāi chin-chi̍t-pō͘ ê hia̍p-gī. Chit-ê an-pâi pún-sin bô tāi-piáu Tâi-oân chū-án-ne sio̍k-î Tiong-kok léng-thó͘.
Under the Peace Treaty of April, 1952, Japan formally renounced all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores; but again this did not operate as a transfer to Chinese sovereignty, whether to the People's Republic of China or to the Chinese Nationalist authorities.
Tī 1952Nî 4--goe̍h ê Hô-pêng Tiâu-iok chi-hā, Ji̍t-pún chèng-sek hòng-khì só͘-ū tùi Formosa kap Phêⁿ-ô͘ ê koân-lī, miâ-hūn kap seng-bêng sok-chhú. Tān-sī che iû-oân bô tāi-piáu Tâi-phêⁿ léng-thó͘ choán-î kàu Tiong-kok chú-koân chi-hā, m̄-koán sī Tiong-hôa Jîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok iá-sī Tiong-kok Kok-bîn-tóng tong-kio̍k.
1952年4月的和約下,日本正式放棄所有對福爾摩莎及澎湖的權利,名份及聲索 。但這仍然不代表台澎領土轉移至中國主權下,不管是中華人民共和國或中國國民黨當局。
(E̍k-chù: Hit-tong-sî Eng-kok í-keng chèng-sek gōa-kau sêng-jīn PRC, bô sêng-jīn ROC, só͘-í thiat-siau chèng-hú chheng-ūi, m̄ chheng Tiong-hôa Bîn-kok, chheng Tiong-kok Kok-bîn-tóng tong-kio̍k).
Formosa and the Pescadores are therefore, in the view of Her Majesty's Government, territory the de jure sovereignty over which is uncertain or undetermined.
Só͘-í Lú-ông ê Chèng-hú jīn-ûi: Formosa kap Phêⁿ-ô͘ chit tè thó͘-tē, hoat-lí ê chú-koân kui-sio̍k sio̍k-î bô-khak-tēng he̍k-chiá sī iá-bē koat-tēng.-
(E̍k-chù: Eng-kok-lâng tī chia liâu tio̍h nn̄g ê āu-mn̂g. Nā-sī kóng Tâi-Phêⁿ chú-koân iá-bē koat-tēng undetermined, bêng-hián tō àm-sī, nā-chún Tâi-Phêⁿ ki-bîn beh hêng-sú si̍t-bîn-tē bîn-cho̍k chū-koat-koân self-determination, sī ū hoat-lí i-kì ê. Tān-sī, Eng-kok-lâng mā ē-sái kóng, bô-khak-tēng uncertain tō sī iá-koh ài tiâu-cha gián-kiú ê ì-sù, tán gún tiâu-cha gián-kiú oân-sêng liáu-āu tō chai-iáⁿ eng-kai kā Tâi-Phêⁿ chú-koân kui hō͘ siâng ah. Só͘-í kiàn-kok éng-oán sī ài khò ka-tī ê, bô jīm-hô gōa-le̍k ē-sái pó-chèng lí ē-tàng kiàn-kok, he kin-pún tō bô hù-ha̍p chú-koân-chiá ê tēng-gī.)
(譯註:英國人在這裡留了兩個後門。如果說台澎主權尚待決定 undetermined,顯然就暗示,如果台澎居民要行使 殖民地民族自決權 self-determination,是有法理依據的。但是,英國人也可以說,不確定 uncertain 就是還有待調查研究的意思,等我們調查研究完成之後就知道該把台澎主權歸給誰了。所以建國永遠是要靠自己的,沒有任何外力可以保證你能夠建國,那根本就不合主權者的定義。)
The Nationalist-held islands in close proximity to the coast of China are in a different category from Formosa and the Pescadores since they undoubtedly form part of the territory of the People's Republic of China.
Tiong-kok Kok-bîn-tóng tong-kio̍k khòng-chè ê óa-kīn Tiong-kok hái-hōaⁿ ê gōa-tó (e̍k-chù: Kim-mn̂g Má-chó͘ Lia̍t-tó), hām Formosa kap Phêⁿ-ô͘ ê tē-ūi bô-kâng, in choa̍t-tùi sī Tiong-hôa Jîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok ê léng-thó͘ (e̍k-chù: hit-tong-sî Eng-kok í-keng chèng-sek gōa-kau sêng-jīn PRC. Bô sêng-jīn ROC, só͘-í mā bô sêng-jīn ROC tùi Kim-mn̂g Má-chó͘ ê chú-koân seng-bêng sok-chhú).
中國國民黨當局控制的毗鄰中國海岸的外島 (譯註:金門馬祖列島),與福爾摩莎及澎湖地位不同,毫無疑問的它們是中華人民共和國國的領土 (譯註:此時英國已正式外交承認PRC。不承認ROC,所以也不承認ROC對金馬的主權聲索)。
Any attempt by the Government of the People's Republic of China, however, to assert its authority over these islands by force would, in the circumstances at present peculiar to the case, give rise to a situation endangering peace and security, which is properly a matter of international concern.
M̄-koh nā-sī Tiong-hôa Jîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok chèng-hú khì-tô͘ ēng bú-le̍k tī chia--ê tó-sū (e̍k-chù: Kim-mn̂g Má-chó͘ Lia̍t-tó) téng-koân hêng-sú i ê koân-le̍k, tī bo̍k-chêng ê khoân-kéng chi-hā, lóng ē ín-khí gûi-ki̍p hô-pêng kap an-choân ê chêng-sè, che ē sī kok-chè só͘ koan-chhiat ê.
但如果中華人民共和國政府企圖以武力在這些島嶼 (譯註:金門馬祖列島) 上行使其權力,在目前的環境下,都會引起危及和平及安全的情勢,這會是國際所關切的。