24. 復 000001 地雷-坤震 (Quarter 2-7)

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亨,出入無疾,朋來無咎,反復其道。七日來復,利有攸往。-- 所謂恢復,通常是指回復通達、通暢,逐漸回復交流或交通的能力,發出訊息和接收訊息都不會引發疾病,朋友來訪也不會感到膽顫心驚的不自在。反過來說,獨處時也能回復自我的心神,專注在自己行走的道路上,不會感到寂寞和無助。通常大約經過一週七日的時間來恢復,身心的運作就能順利多了。

初九:不復遠,無只悔,元吉。/ 變卦坤為地 -- 因為心智有了長期性或遠距離的變化,然後纔會有意圖恢復這樣的事情。如果沒有長遠的變化,那又有什麼好後悔的呢?所謂的恢復,不過就是把分散的意識或元神再度連結起來、走出迷惘和混亂的身心狀態啊!

六二:休復,吉。/ 變卦地澤臨 -- 如果休息一下就能立即恢復,這是值得喜悅的。休息不見得就是什麼事情都不做,或許大熱天在涼爽的樹蔭下歇一會,或許吃喝一點合乎自己味口的飲食,或許從事一些合乎自己品味的興趣和活動。

六三:頻復,厲,無咎。/ 變卦地火明夷 -- 如果需要頻繁的休息纔能恢復,代表當時身體可能已經極度疲倦,正在發出嚴厲的警訊,這有什麼好意外的呢?也許有潛伏在體內的不明隱疾,或是潛在的發炎症狀或免疫反應,身體正在尋求頻繁休息和足夠能量的幫助來恢復健康呢!

六四:中行獨復。/ 變卦震為雷 -- 如同季節寒暑的變化一直持續著,在休息和恢復的過程中,身心的運作並沒有停止,仍然在持續的進行中。也就是說,我們只是用比較獨立的說法來看待「恢復」這件事情。其實呢!身體的新陳代謝、盈虧消長是時時刻刻都在進行的,這也是生命持續變化運轉的原動力。

六五:敦復,無悔。/ 變卦水雷屯 -- 既然恢復需要長久適應變化的能力,而不是回到變化之前的起點,那麼恢復的真正意義就是在於如何妥當的和持續變化的環境互相交融和轉化,這也就是所謂的敦化。有時候經過一段時間的適應,也可能會突然大幅度的轉變了體質,頓時之間很快的就恢復了。

上六:迷復,凶,有災眚。用行師,終有大敗,以其國君,凶﹔至于十年,不克征。/ 變卦山雷頤 -- 藉由過度迷信的方式來恢復是自陷困境的,甚至可能導致不能忽視的災難。如果還要把過度的迷信推行到群體,最終可能導致整個文明社會的大分裂和再重組。此時,如果連信用穩固的專家和君子都把持不住,喪失了探究、推理和驗証的精神,那真是太危險了!這樣的群體可能將面臨至少十年的衰退和窒礙,許多對外的交流和探索都無法進行了。處在迷惑而找不到答案的時候,不如暫時休養身心、收集相關資訊,耐心等待進一步的確實訊息。(P.S. 此處「敗」解爲重組分裂的狀態,類似 re-combination of the destructive status 之意。)

"As a detecting message was sent, the detecting terminator might get the feedback-responsive message at some time from the other sensible terminator, that's the basic principle of interactive discovery."

"That meant, the message of discovery might keep company with the message of recovery. And this awesome principle might be followed by some kind of ancient Hanese medical treatment to stimulate human body's immune response for curing the disease."

"In the ancient Hanese pictogram words, '復' seemed like a picture of walking path with two ways or a subway’s rigid rails, you could go forward from a starting termination to the other ending termination and come back through the same path. You could safely repeat your journeys in such path as many times as you want and without missing your way."
"That must not only a stable way, but also a full speedy way. By such way, you could move fast and without any doubt. That might be a reason why 'full' sounded like this Hanese word '復'. And its meaning was extended to define the fully healthy condition of the human body."

"It's reasonable! If the blood flow could fluently run in the bloody pipes by its full speed and the nervous system could transmit messages without being obstructed, then the human body health might get better condition."

"In fact the health was usually regarded as a constant comfortable situation, and the familiar habits of the living styles decided the stable comfort. That's why something out of the familiar habits might temporally cause the human body's uncomfortable reaction of immune response."

"From this concept about recovery in 易經, actually every sensible change might cause the body and mind to face the choice of accepting or refusing the changes, even try to fight with the changes."

"Sudden and unexpected change might cause the weak body feel uncomfortable, even get a disease, that's why some great global traveling times or severe climate changing times in history were also the rioting diseased times which were caused by the massive impact of the influenza."

"That's why there were some words emphasized the long term adaptability is as important as escaping or fighting for surviving from all kinds of the strange diseases."

"When the disease invaded human body, it could be regarded as a discovering message. If human body could respond the recovering message to the disease, then the disease might be adapted or fitted with a body and no more let the body feel uncomfortable."

"As a matter of fact, In the Nineteenth Century, a famous biologist Charles Robert Darwin had ever said: 'It's not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.' when he studied about the 'Origin of Species'."

"So, according to the concept about recovery in 易經, it's not going back to the original situation of the past time-space, but find a way to adapt to the changing world and keep going forward to the future."

"Sure! How can we reset our body and mind, and seem like a little baby was just born out of the world? It's impossible! Due to the Bible, God created the world in six days, and rested at seventh day, that's why each qua had six yaos in 易經. That meant, each change might involve six phases, and there were sixty-four major sub-changes of the great change in the world of 易經."

"That's why the basic recovering period of time was usually predicted as a week in the first yao of this qua, usually the responsive activity between invading disease and the body's immune system might last seven days."

"But I wonder what is the finest and perfect adaption that we can do, is there a limit that we can't move across and can't help to stop ourselves changes? We might get older and weaker in our limited ages of life, and how can we accept all of the unusual things and changes which suddenly appear in the world?"


"There were some words suggested the best way to deal with the endless adapting situation in last yao of this qua: Keep patient to detect and collect more information about the changes, don't rush to do anything by the rough decision which based on any kind of suspicion and superstition."

"Actually, not everything in the world was real, something was fanatic, something was ridiculous or over-anxious, even illusive or hallucinatory..... That's why the next qua '無妄' was going to talk about how to prevent the delusion."

"I'm very confused about this word '妄' which related to 'delusion',...... why there was a symbol of woman - '女' who carried a big empty basket - '亡' on her head in this ancient Hanese word pictogram? Did it present a subjective impression that most of the women always felt their baskets were empty?"

"From the other sight-angle, It probably meant: If a man thought women were all dancing around in their dream world and without any spirit or thought in their minds to concern the real world, then he might be just falling into delusion......"

"Let's stop kidding each other, I think this word '妄' might be created by a simpler principle......"

"In ancient Hanese pictogram words, the woman was graphed as a young and conservative sitting female human figure. And when a woman stayed under a roof or indoor space, it had the meaning about safety, but a little anxious, this situation was marked as '安' and sounded like 'an'...... Why? Because if she didn't get the truly evidence about what happen outside the door, especially about some unusual and scaring events, she might feel safe, but still anxious, even over worry at that time."

"Do you worry about the future?....... How the world will be changed by the future?"

"Future?....... Don't worry about the future!..... The future always runs at full speed, we are just passengers and even cannot feel what is its real speed........."

One night, during sleeping time, I dreamed about a small park:

Children are laughing loudly, surrounding and playing the sliding board....... They repeat to climb up and slide down, again and again, without any tiredness,........until sunset and their parents call them back home.........

But I see a very little boy still sit on the top of the sliding board, hands hold on rails, seems like just think about something there or no dare to slide down directly...... The sky becomes darker and the air becomes colder, but no one calls him back, and no one guide him slide.......

I feel a little bit weird and look around there for a while, then I see a big train is suddenly roaring on the railroad toward the park, rushes across and bumps against a series of trees,...... and keeps rushing toward sliding board......

"Sliding down from there! Right now!..... Just loose your hands!..... Don't be scared!......" I stand up from the bench immediately, keep shouting and running to the sliding board and trying to give him some encouragement in this urgently dangerous situation,......just in several seconds,......he is disappearing.......

After a moment, the roaring train is getting away as a blowing wind, ..... Sliding board becomes pieces and dusts,...... then I hear a boy's laughing sound behind me...... When I turn around to look, I can't believe what a funny boy looks as same as the face of myself in my childhood.

"You are so lucky! Boy!" I congratulate and ask him in astonishment and my head is sweating "How could you do that?...... How did you disappear from there at that moment?"

He stops laughing and answers in serious expression "I jumped out there through a hole!..... I saw a transparent hole in the air!......"

Suddenly I woke up from bed and tried to note down this dream,...... then I suspected 復 might include another possible way which still not entirely realized by physical scientists, because of 復 just sounded like 'ho' in Taiwanese......Was it an invisible path between two holes in the time-space? Black Hole or Wormhole had ever mentioned by modern physicists? Or a Holy Way with a bi-path?...........

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.

LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery

不利有攸往。-- 山嶺地表下通常有著層層覆蓋的土壤,那是經過很久的時間纔逐漸形成的「地層結構」(earth-strata)。如果想挖掘地底究竟埋藏著什麼東西,可要小心謹慎的去進行,以免破壞地層結構、導致山崩地裂。......
亨,小利有所往。-- 高明的裝修就是利用最少的改裝技術或修飾技巧、在最關鍵的地方達成最大的功效,使設計製作的物品可以適應環境的變化,並且擁有長期保存的價值。例如,以山形的蓋子罩住燈火,不但能防雨、調光,也有裝飾燈盞的作用;以拱形板材罩在車輪上方,可以防止泥沙噴濺。......
亨,利用獄。-- 彼此適合或契合,即使離開再遠,還是能感應對方內心震動的頻率,這本來是值得高興、非常難得的。但是,如果因此而造成彼此很大的牽絆,甚至互相縴制對方,那麼這和處在心靈的監獄中不也是相通的嗎?......
盥而不薦,有孚顒若。-- 風在地上運行,可能受到地形地物的影響而改變風向,局部的風向不見得就是整體的風向。當我們發現,將自己局部的觀察結果當作最後的結論只是個人主觀的感覺時,往往就會洗手作罷、不再根據私人的感覺來介入和推進整體事務的運作方向。因為,在這樣的狀況下,......
元亨,利貞。至於八月有凶。-- 土地豐收本來是使人精神飽滿、興致高昂的事,但是到了接近農曆八月十五日中秋月圓前後期間,遠離故鄉開墾土地的人卻可能陷入思鄉情緒的困擾、心情在喜悅和憂愁間擺盪。此時如果能品嚐到家鄉的口味,也許能稍微減輕思念的焦慮感呢!品嚐不是大口吞吃,因為......
元亨,利涉大川。先甲三日,後甲三日。-- 山林樹蔭的陰涼之處往往是蟲子或微生物大量繁殖的所在,甚至會產生蠱毒瘴癘之氣。在山嵐霧氣瀰漫之時,務必讓元神意識保持通暢銳利、保持清醒,纔能安然渡過大河川。新的發端明顯開始之前往往有醞釀擴張的繁殖期,之後也有收斂停息的安定期,病原體的形成和傳播也是如此。...
不利有攸往。-- 山嶺地表下通常有著層層覆蓋的土壤,那是經過很久的時間纔逐漸形成的「地層結構」(earth-strata)。如果想挖掘地底究竟埋藏著什麼東西,可要小心謹慎的去進行,以免破壞地層結構、導致山崩地裂。......
亨,小利有所往。-- 高明的裝修就是利用最少的改裝技術或修飾技巧、在最關鍵的地方達成最大的功效,使設計製作的物品可以適應環境的變化,並且擁有長期保存的價值。例如,以山形的蓋子罩住燈火,不但能防雨、調光,也有裝飾燈盞的作用;以拱形板材罩在車輪上方,可以防止泥沙噴濺。......
亨,利用獄。-- 彼此適合或契合,即使離開再遠,還是能感應對方內心震動的頻率,這本來是值得高興、非常難得的。但是,如果因此而造成彼此很大的牽絆,甚至互相縴制對方,那麼這和處在心靈的監獄中不也是相通的嗎?......
盥而不薦,有孚顒若。-- 風在地上運行,可能受到地形地物的影響而改變風向,局部的風向不見得就是整體的風向。當我們發現,將自己局部的觀察結果當作最後的結論只是個人主觀的感覺時,往往就會洗手作罷、不再根據私人的感覺來介入和推進整體事務的運作方向。因為,在這樣的狀況下,......
元亨,利貞。至於八月有凶。-- 土地豐收本來是使人精神飽滿、興致高昂的事,但是到了接近農曆八月十五日中秋月圓前後期間,遠離故鄉開墾土地的人卻可能陷入思鄉情緒的困擾、心情在喜悅和憂愁間擺盪。此時如果能品嚐到家鄉的口味,也許能稍微減輕思念的焦慮感呢!品嚐不是大口吞吃,因為......
元亨,利涉大川。先甲三日,後甲三日。-- 山林樹蔭的陰涼之處往往是蟲子或微生物大量繁殖的所在,甚至會產生蠱毒瘴癘之氣。在山嵐霧氣瀰漫之時,務必讓元神意識保持通暢銳利、保持清醒,纔能安然渡過大河川。新的發端明顯開始之前往往有醞釀擴張的繁殖期,之後也有收斂停息的安定期,病原體的形成和傳播也是如此。...
Google News 追蹤
隨著人們對健康意識的提高,運動已經成為了現代生活的一部分。然而,運動也伴隨著各種風險,特別是運動傷害問題。在這樣的情況下,整復作為一種有效的治療手段,扮演著重要的角色,不僅能夠預防運動傷害,還可以維護整體健康。讓我們來探討整復在這方面的作用。 首先,讓我們了解一下什麼是整復。整復是一種綜合性的治療
整復是一種古老而有效的中醫療法,對於改善生活質量和促進整體健康有著顯著的效益。本文將探討整復對生活質量和健康的效益,並介紹在台中、台北、新竹等地的整復服務,特別以撥筋堂為例,分析其服務內容和價格。 首先,讓我們了解一下整復的基本概念和作用。整復是通過針灸、推拿、按摩等手法,針對身體的特定部位進行治
先迷後利用中通 潮來潮往中道行 中路暢行左右迷 富潤屋兮德潤身 後其身兮順待時 不落分別是真言 先迷後利用中通,是在描述所看到的現象。 就看到的現象而言,起初看不清楚,是怎麼一回事,但是之後,如果可以用清淨心來面對萬事萬物,自然會有所通達而不會迷惘。 潮來潮往中道行,是在描述目前或是即將會感受到
不是老天喜歡整人, 所以倒了一拖拉庫的無常來整你。 無常,就像是天賜的疫苗。 當你碰到壞的事情,是無常,會過去。 好的事情也是,是無常,會過去。 保持「無常」的思維,你的心才不會被困住,你才能把握當下。 苦也好、樂也好, 人根本的問題在於「思維」, 我們一輩子的主導,就是自己的心
所有發生的,都是必須發生。 休息區、避風港、療癒的聖地,這些都是為了讓你康復,治癒最深的傷口,恢復到可以面對挑戰的狀態。 康復了之後,就可以繼續人生的冒險了。 若康復之後,一直待在休息區裡面,會錯過人生。 —
隨著人們對健康意識的提高,運動已經成為了現代生活的一部分。然而,運動也伴隨著各種風險,特別是運動傷害問題。在這樣的情況下,整復作為一種有效的治療手段,扮演著重要的角色,不僅能夠預防運動傷害,還可以維護整體健康。讓我們來探討整復在這方面的作用。 首先,讓我們了解一下什麼是整復。整復是一種綜合性的治療
整復是一種古老而有效的中醫療法,對於改善生活質量和促進整體健康有著顯著的效益。本文將探討整復對生活質量和健康的效益,並介紹在台中、台北、新竹等地的整復服務,特別以撥筋堂為例,分析其服務內容和價格。 首先,讓我們了解一下整復的基本概念和作用。整復是通過針灸、推拿、按摩等手法,針對身體的特定部位進行治
先迷後利用中通 潮來潮往中道行 中路暢行左右迷 富潤屋兮德潤身 後其身兮順待時 不落分別是真言 先迷後利用中通,是在描述所看到的現象。 就看到的現象而言,起初看不清楚,是怎麼一回事,但是之後,如果可以用清淨心來面對萬事萬物,自然會有所通達而不會迷惘。 潮來潮往中道行,是在描述目前或是即將會感受到
不是老天喜歡整人, 所以倒了一拖拉庫的無常來整你。 無常,就像是天賜的疫苗。 當你碰到壞的事情,是無常,會過去。 好的事情也是,是無常,會過去。 保持「無常」的思維,你的心才不會被困住,你才能把握當下。 苦也好、樂也好, 人根本的問題在於「思維」, 我們一輩子的主導,就是自己的心
所有發生的,都是必須發生。 休息區、避風港、療癒的聖地,這些都是為了讓你康復,治癒最深的傷口,恢復到可以面對挑戰的狀態。 康復了之後,就可以繼續人生的冒險了。 若康復之後,一直待在休息區裡面,會錯過人生。 —