晚安曲DAY 9|Rihwa〈Last Love〉

2021/06/01閱讀時間約 5 分鐘
〈Last Love〉是 2013 年日劇《最後的灰姑娘》的戲劇歌曲,今晚想分享給你聽的原因,是它雖做為戲劇插曲但絲毫不比主題曲遜色。
演唱此歌的 Rihwa 是韓裔日僑歌手,高中時前往加拿大留學並在此時期開始嘗試不同語言、各種類型的音樂創作。 2013 年她還是個新人歌手,可是創作實力堅強,因她在高中學成歸國後,在日本札幌地區發行了幾個音樂作品,在 2012 年被唱片公司簽下而進了歌壇。
〈Last Love〉為全英文的創作歌曲,因為風格非常日系,一開始看劇聽歌時我沒有發現它是一首英文歌(大笑)。雖然整部戲是走輕鬆喜劇路線,以及成年人的戀愛還會有點色色的並帶些逗趣的元素在裡面,較符合主題曲陽光正向的感覺;〈Last Love〉則是對應著女主角敏感的心境,年近四十歲卻愛上一個小她十五歲的年輕大男孩,當劇情走到女主角難過、心碎的時候,此歌就會開始播送。

愛上的是一個內心世界有很多故事、傷痛的大男孩,這個男孩卻讓她找回久違的戀愛感,心動的感覺騙不了人,即使會遍體麟傷,女主角仍奮不顧身的走進這場艱難的愛情。我個人覺得〈Last Love〉倒不是一首太悲傷的抒情歌,它有更多的成分是明白愛情是令人動心的彩虹,看見彩虹之前仍要經過烏雲累積、打雷閃電和風吹雨淋,當陽光出現後,才能真正成為彼此的最後一道彩虹,存在雙方心裡直到永遠。

〈Last Love〉歌詞、中文翻譯點這裡

作曲:Rihwa 作詞︰Rihwa
I just felt that I knew it all
I just tried to put it all away
Everytime I got too much to recall
I’m holding back my tears
Taking plenty of time
We all made it getting here
And we wanted someone to understand
What we believe
Fireworks in water
That’s how I’m burning as a fighter
No matter what will wait for us
Please let me get closer
And let me touch the core of your world
As we are carrying on
Till all pain’s gone
No one knows who is who at all
Someone calls someone to fall apart
Everything I did wrong for our love was
That we had no fears
My world is going around
I can touch the ground
And I’ll be the core of my world
For holding your hand
Fireworks in water
That’s how I’m burning as a fighter
No matter what will wait for us
Please let me get closer
And let me touch the core of your world
As we are carrying on
Till all pain’s gone
Trying to talk about thing that are trivial
Is making my heart beating like a merry-go-around
I had some nights that I shed tears on my pillow
Believing in myself everything will be alright
All I wanna do is walking by your side
Fireworks in water
That’s how I’m burning as a fighter
No matter what will wait for us
Please let me get closer
And let me touch the core of your world
As we are carrying on
Till our love never goes away


  1. Oo歌詞
  2. 德川日語



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