在”Culture Smart! Norway“裡讀到一段:”The great outdoors plays a large part in Norwegian life and there is certainly plenty of it to enjoy–from forests and mountains to lakes and fjords. Norwegians seem to have instinctive love and respect for nature and are knowledgeable about the folklore that surrounds it. The need to take advantage of the clean, fresh air and to find peace and calm is recognized and valued in Norwegian society. Miles and miles of hiking trails (which in a straight line could actually extended from Oslo to Tokyo) are to be found throughout the country…….Enjoying nature is all-year round experience…….And what of the Norwegian climate, which can often make a day indoors seem attractive to foreigners? Norwegians will simply assure you that there is no such thing as bad weather, merely the wrong clothes.
While Norwegians have a respect for private property, they also believe that nature is for all and should be enjoyed as FREELY as possible. An unofficial law, known as the right of passage, permits public right of access to uncultivated land anywhere, providing no damage or harm is caused. So you may walk, picnic, or set up a tent on any uncultivated land. You may pick berries and mushrooms…….
Those taking advantage of this right of access are required to do so with a sense of respect for landowners, other country users, and the natural environment.”
嘉明湖,申請的入山證(本質也是威權時代遺留下來的莫名其妙且不具實質意義的措施)是11/9 & 11/10兩天,由於沒申請山屋住宿,11/9晚上要進去時,在大門管制站卡了一會,說入園時間是上午8時到下午5時,已過,派出所也下班了。但窗口就有個箱子,箱身上寫在開園時間後入園將入山證投入即可。溝通了一番,還是收了入山證,讓我進去。有質疑一下我為什麼沒申請住宿要扛那麼大一包,我說帶了2台單眼+2組腳架,要到