- 劇作家Lorraine Hansberry描繪1960年代紐約格林威治村一群知識分子/藝術家的生活。
- 從2023年往回看,過去六十年改變不大,人面對差不多的問題,關於社會、藝術、文化和政治。理想幾乎每每令人失望。
- Oscar Isaac在舞台上能量超強、演技精湛!
BAM - The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window
- This play written by Lorraine Hansberry depicted the life of an intellectual community in New York City's Greenwich Village, in the 1960s.
- Well, it seems that the world has not changed much in the past 60 years in the aspect of society, art, culture, and politics. One’s ideal fails him/herself almost constantly.
- Oscar Isaac was radiant on stage with incredible acting.
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