How Millennials and Gen Z Can Invest in a Better Future

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Hello. In the coming decades, my generation of millennials and Gen Xers will inherit the largest amount of wealth humanity has ever created some $30 trillion. That's a huge wallet.
millennial 千禧世代
Gen Xer X世代
humanity (n.) 整個人類,包括過去、現在和未來的所有人。
這個詞語通常用於描述人類的共同經驗、命運和挑戰,強調人類之間的聯繫和共同體。 (不可數名詞)
Unluckily for us, we'll also inherit some huge issues climate change, geopolitical instability, and inequality. What we choose to do or not do with this enormous wallet will define the future of our species. No pressure, folks.
geopolitical instability 全球政治不穩定
Geopolitical instability has increased in the region due to ongoing conflicts and tensions between neighboring countries.
inequality 社會不平等
The widening gap between the rich and poor is a major contributor to social inequality in many countries around the world.
Why, might you ask, am I talking about my generation's wallet? Well, the reason why is that I'm an investor, and the essence of my job is to allocate your savings to build a better future. Because I'm also a millennial who doesn't particularly like losing sleep over the thought of rising global temperatures. My job also requires me to think about what's good for society and where I sit.
the essence of 某個事物或概念的核心或本質
The essence of love is to care for and support another person unconditionally.
allocate (v.) 分配或分派資源、財產或時間等,以達到特定目的或完成任務。
The company needs to allocate more resources to marketing in order to increase sales.
One of the keys to bettering the world is ESG investing. ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance. Think of ESG as additional little pieces of data that some investors consider when analyzing the risks or opportunities of an investment.
So, for example, a car company that starts selling more electric vehicles may be around longer in the future when we can't burn as many fossil fuels. So an investor might consider that company to be a safer place to put their money. In an ideal world.
Here's what ESG promises. It promises better investment returns because money is invested in companies with sustainable practices, which makes them likelier to be around long-term. It promises business leaders who share more and better data about what their companies are doing.
sustainable practice 指在生產和運營過程中採用環保、節能、節水等可持續性措施,以減少對環境的負擔,並促進社會、經濟和環境的可持續發展。
sustainable (adj.) 可持續的,能長期保持的
Many people are now choosing to live a more sustainable lifestyle by reducing their carbon footprint, using renewable energy sources, and practicing eco-friendly habits.
It promises greater productivity by allocating money to companies that maintain strong relationships with customers, employees, and suppliers. That's the vision. The good news is that some people younger generations especially, have started buying into this vision, and ESG strategies have gained a ton of momentum over the past years.
That's the good news. Hashtag happy. The not-so-good news is that we're still far away from achieving the full promises of ESG.
Here's a sobering fact a recent survey from Callan, a major investment consulting firm, suggests that about half of institutional investors consider the benefits of ESG to be unclear or unproven. In other words, many of the people who will allocate millennials and Gen Zier's money aren't fully convinced that ESG is relevant when deciding where to put your money. Now, I think there are many reasons why this might be the case.
sobering fact 引人注意的事實
The sobering fact is that the world's oceans are becoming more acidic due to climate change, which threatens the survival of many marine species.
For example, investors focused on short-term outcomes might not necessarily know the best way to consider longer-term sustainability. Or there may be a sense that companies can't do well and do good at the same time. Whatever the reason may be, this is a problem, folks.
sustainability (n.) 永續性
The company's sustainability report highlights their efforts to reduce waste, use renewable energy, and support local communities.
there may be a sense that
If the people running the investment strategies don't anticipate ESG will work, how can we achieve its full promises? The keyword in all of this is expected. Let me now tell you something I didn't fully appreciate until I started working in finance. We'd all like to think that investment decisions are made with cold, hard data and nothing else.
But the truth is that investors are people, and the economy is made of people, which means that like it or not, a lot of what happens in financial markets comes down to psychology and expectations. And these expectations can be a force for good or bad. John Maynard Keynes, one of the fathers of modern economics, once famously described how powerful expectations, or animal spirits, as he called them, can play a powerful role in markets.
animal spirit 動物精神(經濟學詞語)
指的是市場參與者情緒和信心對經濟活動的影響。在經濟學中,animal spirit認為市場行為並不完全由理性決策驅動,而是受到人們的情緒和信心影響。當市場參與者對未來經濟前景感到樂觀和自信時,他們會更願意進行投資和消費,從而刺激經濟增長;反之,當他們感到憂慮或恐懼時,則可能會把錢留在手中,導致經濟放緩或衰退。
He also had a pretty sweet mustache. Anyway, I digress. The point is that I've seen the power of what expectations can do.
And here's a firsthand example. I'm from Venezuela, and in my late 20 teens, my home country experienced one of the worst periods of hyperinflation ever recorded. Now, there were many reasons why this hyperinflation took place, and I won't go into all of them here.
hyperinflation (n.)惡性通貨膨脹
But among those reasons was a concept called inflation expectations. What inflation expectations basically means is that when people believe prices in the future will go up, that belief that animal spirit can literally cause prices to rise. Today expectations create reality.
So coming back to ESG, what Venezuela and Lord Keynes have taught me is that making ESG and sustainability mainstream will require us to literally redefine society's expectations of what ESG is and what it can do. That might sound like a tall order, but I think there are a few things you and I can do about it. One solution investors are working on is to standardize ESG metrics.
tall order 高要求;艱鉅任務
Asking a group of amateurs to climb the mountain within a week is a tall order.
metric (n.) 測量指標
So, for context, right now, there are lots of divergent opinions about what metrics matter most or are material. And in the middle of this analysis, is paralysis, because there are a million things we could be measuring, it's no surprise why some investors are skeptical. Standardizing ESG metrics is showing some promise already.
skeptical (adj.) 懷疑的
I am skeptical of his claim that he can finish the project in one day, as it seems too good to be true.
Instead of incentivizing investors to cherry-pick data that make companies look good, they encourage us to measure what matters. For example, data security is massively important for healthcare companies because patient safety and security are paramount. Although important data security might not be as central a consideration for, say, a kitchen cabinet manufacturer.
incentivize (v.) 提供激勵措施,以鼓勵人們採取行動,或達到某個目標。
The company plans to incentivize its employees by offering bonuses for meeting certain performance targets.
cherry-pick data
There's a cool Harvard Business School study that was released not too long ago, and it found that companies that address material ESG issues can outperform companies that don't by as much as 9% per year. That's good news. Hashtags can't stop, won't stop.
outperform (v.)表現優異;超越
A outperforms B:A 的表現勝過 B
outperform expectations:表現優於預期
outperform the market:表現優於市場平均水平
Here's a second solution. Investors like me are working on literally changing the way we calculate financial forecasts. So right now, most investors use financial models to make educated predictions about what a company might do in the future and how much money it's going to make.
educated prediction
Let's just say we also excel at making spreadsheets. I'm so thrilled more than zero people laughed at that one. What if, though? What if, in addition to basic financial data, we built in other pieces of data into our models that are predictive of how much earnings a company is going to make.
But beyond standardized ESG metrics or new ways of calculating financial forecasts, I think the third and most important thing we need is trust. If we trust and expect that companies that do good will be around longer, we start to create a future where ESG becomes an indelible part of any company. We start to create a future where sustainable companies are less risky to own and money managers believe in using the right data to make better decisions.
indelible (adj.) 無法去除的;無法洗掉的
The war had an indelible impact on the country's economy and politics.
We start to create a world where you, the personal investor, leverage the power of expectations to demand even more tools, even better metrics, and so on and so forth, where trust in the system improves further. Economists might call this a virtuous cycle. I sometimes call this the virtuous cycle of how to keep humanity alive for centuries and eons to come.
leverage (v.)借助已有的…實現新(或更好)的目標
She leveraged her network of contacts to secure the job offer.
virtuous cycle 善循環
Saving money consistently and investing it wisely can create a virtuous cycle of financial growth and stability.
eons 數百萬年或更長,可以用來描述歷史上遠古的事件或是地球上的演化過程。
Yay. Awesome. But that might be a little too long.
So for short, let's call it the virtuous cycle of investing in the 21st century. Because like it or not, it represents the future of investing. If there's one thing to take away from what I've been saying, it's these fellow millennials and Gen Xers start thinking about your assets today.
Start thinking about your savings, what might be passed down to you, and how it can be used to build the world's future if you don't invest your own money. Ask your fund manager what they plan to do with your assets, what metrics they use, and why. Your pension funds, your 401K, and even the money in your savings or checking account all can be put to work to create the virtuous cycle of investing in the 21st century.
pension funds 退休金基金
And if this sounds like a pie-in-the-sky idea right now, think about Lord Kane's mustache for a second and consider whether it's your expectations that may any changing. Thank you.
pie-in-the-sky 不切實際的;看似美好的
The CEO's plan to double the company's profits in a year was just pie-in-the-sky thinking, given the current economic conditions and competition.

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人的一生,時間是有限的,當我們將寶貴的時間與精力用於投資,其實這不是投資,而是另一項工作。美好的人生回憶與經驗,是需要時間創造的。你的錢應該被用來當成一種創造理想生活的工具,你的人生究竟想要什麼?你想在這個世界推動什麼價值觀? 購買S&P 500指數型基金(S&P 500 index fu
上次談到2024年職場軟實力之「永續發展」能力,已經變成一種顯學。——一個在2023年甚至到2024年異軍突起的軟實力。 永續發展的目的? 為何我走上永續發展的道路? 我經歷了什麼? 如果現在想走這行,建議需要具備什麼能力?
這篇文章是一個認識 ESG 的入門途徑。本文探討ESG與個人的關係,能帶來的好處,並期望讓大家瞭解ESG其實與每個人的距離很近、容易實踐。
自從走入ESG地圖,一路向未來取經。   曾被多次詢問公司一定要做ESG嗎? 我不正經的答案是: 如果10年內公司要收掉,那就不用! 如果20年後公司要收掉,那加減做! 如果30年後公司要存活,那必須做!   在面臨未來越不確定的考驗和通膨壓力, 企業已深深感受生存危機, 推動E
ESG投資已為近年投資趨勢,落實ESG對一間公司而言相當重要。ESG評比高的公司,肩負社會責任與可持續發展理念,透過財報公開透明、低風險政策執行更能穩健營運。研究顯示,實施ESG永續發展的企業更不容易受到金融危機的波及,因而獲得投資人青睞,吸引大量永續資金、加快市場轉型。   那什麼是ESG永續
人的一生,時間是有限的,當我們將寶貴的時間與精力用於投資,其實這不是投資,而是另一項工作。美好的人生回憶與經驗,是需要時間創造的。你的錢應該被用來當成一種創造理想生活的工具,你的人生究竟想要什麼?你想在這個世界推動什麼價值觀? 購買S&P 500指數型基金(S&P 500 index fu
上次談到2024年職場軟實力之「永續發展」能力,已經變成一種顯學。——一個在2023年甚至到2024年異軍突起的軟實力。 永續發展的目的? 為何我走上永續發展的道路? 我經歷了什麼? 如果現在想走這行,建議需要具備什麼能力?
這篇文章是一個認識 ESG 的入門途徑。本文探討ESG與個人的關係,能帶來的好處,並期望讓大家瞭解ESG其實與每個人的距離很近、容易實踐。
自從走入ESG地圖,一路向未來取經。   曾被多次詢問公司一定要做ESG嗎? 我不正經的答案是: 如果10年內公司要收掉,那就不用! 如果20年後公司要收掉,那加減做! 如果30年後公司要存活,那必須做!   在面臨未來越不確定的考驗和通膨壓力, 企業已深深感受生存危機, 推動E
ESG投資已為近年投資趨勢,落實ESG對一間公司而言相當重要。ESG評比高的公司,肩負社會責任與可持續發展理念,透過財報公開透明、低風險政策執行更能穩健營運。研究顯示,實施ESG永續發展的企業更不容易受到金融危機的波及,因而獲得投資人青睞,吸引大量永續資金、加快市場轉型。   那什麼是ESG永續