《VOA》US Court Permits Abortion Drug for Now with Restriction

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A federal appeals court ruled late Wednesday that the abortion drug mifepristone may still be used in the United States for now with some restrictions.
federal appeals court 聯邦上訴法院
rule (v.) 裁定、判決
The court ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.(證據不採用)
abortion (n.) 墮胎
She decided to have an abortion after learning that the fetus had a serious medical condition.
induced abortion
人工墮胎 / spontaneous abortion 自然流產
Abortion is a process that ends a woman's pregnancy.
One restriction requires visiting a doctor in-person to receive the drug. Another restriction limits the drug's use to the first seven weeks of pregnancy, down from the current 10 weeks.
in-person (adv.) 親自地
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the drug Mifepristone 23 years ago. In 2016, the agency expanded the use to 10 weeks and permitted sending it to women by mail. Medical experts say millions of women have used the drug to end their pregnancies in combination with a second drug, misoprostol.
in combination with
This medicine should be taken in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise for the best results.
The appeals court decision narrowed a ruling by a lower court judge in Texas. That ruling suspended the FDA's approval of the drug. Preventing the drug from being sent by mail means there is a limit on the most used method of abortion in the U.S.
ruling (n.) 裁決、裁定
narrow (v.) 限制
suspend (v.) 暫時中止,通常指的是一個行動、過程或活動。
The judge decided to suspend the trial until further evidence can be presented in order to make a fair ruling.
Alliance Defending Freedom, the group that brought the Texas legal case against the drug, called the federal appeals court decision a "victory." The group was also involved in the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade to end the constitutional right to abortion last year.
constitutional right 憲法權力
常見用法:constitutional right to (do something),表示某項行為是一種被憲法保障的權利。
constitutional right to free speech (自由言論)
constitutional right to bear arms (持有武器)
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement that the Biden administration "strongly disagrees" with the appeals court decision.
Attorney General 司法部長
administration (n.) 組織、公司、政府等的管理和運作
administration也可以用來指代特定的政府管理部門,例如美國總統的管理部門就被稱為 the Administration。
"We will be seeking emergency relief from the Supreme Court to defend the FDA's scientific judgment and protect Americans' access to safe and effective reproductive care," he said.
emergency relief
access to 可以使用、獲取或接觸到某物的權限或機會
The library offers free access to a vast collection of books and digital resources.
reproductive care 生殖保健
Competing decisions
The latest abortion dispute started last Friday with conflicting court decisions in the states of Texas and Oregon.
dispute (n.) 爭議的問題或情況(ex: 勞資爭議或鄰居間的爭端)
settle a dispute 解決爭端
labor dispute 勞資爭議 / legal dispute 法律爭議 / territorial dispute 領土爭議
In Texas, U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk ordered a hold on FDA approval of mifepristone last Friday. The order came after anti-abortion groups claimed that the FDA used an improper process when it approved mifepristone in 2000. They said the agency did not fully consider the drug's safety when used by girls under the age of 18 to end a pregnancy.
order a hold on
The CEO ordered a hold on the company's expansion plans until the market stabilizes.
improper (adj.)
The teacher reprimanded(訓斥) the student for his improper behavior in class.
Kacsmaryk agreed with the anti-abortion groups. He wrote that the FDA ignored safety concerns when it approved mifepristone.
His order also agreed with anti-abortion groups who said that a 19th-century law could be used to block sending abortion drugs through the mail. The Comstock Act was passed in 1873. It banned mailing birth control methods and things that could be used in an abortion. Since then, courts have narrowed the law.
block (v.) 堵塞;阻擋;阻礙
She blocked the door tightly so that no one could get in.
Some legal experts say the law has not been enforced since the 1930s. But anti-abortion groups turned to the law after the Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision.
enforce (v.)
The police will enforce the law to maintain public safety.
In Oregon, U.S. District Judge Thomas Rice issued a different ruling. He ordered federal officials not to make any changes that would restrict the use of mifepristone.
issue (v.) 發布、下令或宣佈
The company issued a press release announcing the new product.
The ruling came from a legal action brought by a group of 17 Democratic Party-led states seeking to expand the availability of abortion drugs. States led by Democratic Party governors are buying up drugs used in abortions to guarantee their availability.
On Monday, the Justice Department appealed Kacsmaryk's ruling. Also, more than 300 drug company officials signed an open letter calling for the Texas ruling to be struck down. They said the ruling limits the FDA's power and ignores years of scientific evidence of the drug's safety.
call for 要求;呼籲
The protesters called for the immediate release of the political prisoners
strike down 撤銷、廢止、推翻
The Supreme Court struck down the state's restrictive abortion law.
What's next?
Alliance Defending Freedom said in a call with the media early Thursday that it did not plan to ask the Supreme Court to become involved at this point.
It remains unclear if the Supreme Court will take the case. But the appeal of Kacsmaryk's earlier ruling will continue in the appeals court whether or not all or part of it remains in effect.
remain in effect
Hai Do wrote this report for VOA Learning English from Associated Press and Reuters sources.

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兩年前的今天,美國最高法院推翻了羅訴韋德案。各州可以自行決定是否允許墮胎。從那時候開始,墮胎不再受到聯邦法律保護。 目前的狀況是,不再保護墮胎權利的州,有些甚至在想辦法要讓婦女無法取得口服墮胎藥。 如果你認為禁絕婦女墮胎就可以解決低生育率的問題,那麼你就大錯特錯了。
許多人其實不知道試管嬰兒是有法可管的 也就是台灣的《人工生殖法》 來門診諮詢時才發現很多事是被禁止的 此文來介紹基本的人工生殖法, 讓欲進入試管嬰兒療程的夫妻們有所了解 
【法國:全球首個墮胎權入憲的國家】 法國國會召開國會兩院特別會議,以壓倒性票數通過修憲案,法國成為世界上首個把墮胎權寫入憲法的國家,也代表法國以憲法保障墮胎權和自由。
兩年前的今天,美國最高法院推翻了羅訴韋德案。各州可以自行決定是否允許墮胎。從那時候開始,墮胎不再受到聯邦法律保護。 目前的狀況是,不再保護墮胎權利的州,有些甚至在想辦法要讓婦女無法取得口服墮胎藥。 如果你認為禁絕婦女墮胎就可以解決低生育率的問題,那麼你就大錯特錯了。
許多人其實不知道試管嬰兒是有法可管的 也就是台灣的《人工生殖法》 來門診諮詢時才發現很多事是被禁止的 此文來介紹基本的人工生殖法, 讓欲進入試管嬰兒療程的夫妻們有所了解 
【法國:全球首個墮胎權入憲的國家】 法國國會召開國會兩院特別會議,以壓倒性票數通過修憲案,法國成為世界上首個把墮胎權寫入憲法的國家,也代表法國以憲法保障墮胎權和自由。