Eastward - 遊戲英文短評

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
*With light spoiler / 輕微劇透
Maker: Pixpil (皮克皮)
Genre: RPG / action-adventure
Platform: PC / Switch / Xbox One / macOS
The storytelling methods brings me nostalgia. Nowadays, due to the "fast-food" entertainment trends, the mainstream storytelling of games is to put players right into actions. Eastward, on the other hand, starts out and lays the background in a slow path, similar to RPG games I've played in my childhood era. It is nor good or bad, rather a choice of personal taste, but in today's gaming culture, the progression pace at the beginning could cause the player to lose interest. I only started to get hooked about 4 or 5 hours into the game, which is 1/5-1/6 of the total time I spent to reach the ending.
Aside from some longer-than-necessary dialogues with no important purposes and the abrupt, out-of-place chapters of the monkey train, overall I exceedingly enjoyed Eastward. The art style is adorable, the characters are relatable, the puzzles are with adequate difficulties, and the ending is a nice mixture of melancholy and happiness.
One thing that stands out to me is that one of the main characters "John" never speaks a word through out the entire game, no dialogue texts, no animation portraying him speaking, and even no narration describing him doing so. I wonder if this is an implicit tribute to the silent adventurer of Ys series, Adol, or to Half-Life's Gordon Freeman. Anyhow, it is an effective way to put the player in John's shoes.
My rating: 9/10
get hooked - 著迷、喜歡上
dialogue - 對話、對白
melancholy - 憂鬱
黑米BR的沙龍 的其他內容
Game Review: Well-designed levels with progressively harder difficulties and more mechanisms for puzzle-solving.
Game Review: Great story plots, thrilling gameplay interlocked with actions, puzzle-solving, and rooms to breath.
Game Review: Loosely based on true events that happened in Taipei, Taiwan during WWII.
Game Review: The well-designed visuals, sound effects, music, and overall art style are of Sky's strongest points.
Game reviews of two casual games: "Monument Valley 2" and "SP!NG"
Game Review: Similar to its predecessor "Midnight Shadows", "Lost in the Dark" is scarily cute.
Game Review: Well-designed levels with progressively harder difficulties and more mechanisms for puzzle-solving.
Game Review: Great story plots, thrilling gameplay interlocked with actions, puzzle-solving, and rooms to breath.
Game Review: Loosely based on true events that happened in Taipei, Taiwan during WWII.
Game Review: The well-designed visuals, sound effects, music, and overall art style are of Sky's strongest points.
Game reviews of two casual games: "Monument Valley 2" and "SP!NG"
Game Review: Similar to its predecessor "Midnight Shadows", "Lost in the Dark" is scarily cute.
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