🔗 將物件解耦合 🔗
你還記得在學校時代,當兩位朋友吵架時,有時會有第三者出來做調解嗎?在程式設計中,我們有一種模式就像那位調解者,幫助兩個物件之間保持距離,這就是仲介者模式( Mediator Pattern )!
package main
import "fmt"
// User represents each individual in the chat
type User struct {
Name string
ChatMediator Mediator
// SendMessage sends the user's message to the chat room
func (u *User) SendMessage(message string) {
u.ChatMediator.SendMessage(message, u)
// ReceiveMessage is called when a message is received from the chat room
func (u *User) ReceiveMessage(message string) {
fmt.Printf("%s received: %s\n", u.Name, message)
// Mediator is an interface representing the middle-man in communication
type Mediator interface {
SendMessage(string, *User)
// ChatRoom acts as the mediator for user messages
type ChatRoom struct {
Users []*User
// SendMessage broadcasts the message from the sender to all other users in the chat room
func (c *ChatRoom) SendMessage(message string, user *User) {
for _, u := range c.Users {
if u != user {
func main() {
alice := &User{Name: "Alice"}
bob := &User{Name: "Bob"}
chatRoom := &ChatRoom{Users: []*User{alice, bob}}
alice.ChatMediator = chatRoom
bob.ChatMediator = chatRoom
alice.SendMessage("Hi Bob!")
bob.SendMessage("Hello Alice!")
package main
import (
type Mediator interface {
Notify(sender TrafficLight, event string)
type TrafficCommandCenter struct {
lights []*TrafficLight
func (tcc *TrafficCommandCenter) Notify(sender TrafficLight, event string) {
if event == "GREEN" {
for _, light := range tcc.lights {
if light != &sender {
type TrafficLight struct {
color string
mediator Mediator
func (tl *TrafficLight) TurnGreen() {
tl.color = "GREEN"
tl.mediator.Notify(*tl, "GREEN")
fmt.Println("Traffic light is now GREEN!")
func (tl *TrafficLight) TurnRed() {
tl.color = "RED"
fmt.Println("Traffic light is now RED!")
func main() {
tcc := &TrafficCommandCenter{}
light1 := &TrafficLight{color: "RED", mediator: tcc}
light2 := &TrafficLight{color: "RED", mediator: tcc}
tcc.lights = append(tcc.lights, light1, light2)
light1.TurnGreen() // This should turn light1 to GREEN and light2 to RED
light2.TurnGreen() // This should turn light2 to GREEN and light1 to RED
仲介者模式可以幫助我們管理和調整物件間的互動。使用它,我們可以確保物件間的互動是有序的,並且可以輕鬆地進行調整。在設計大型系統時,這種模式可以為我們提供很大的便利 ~~~👏