Youtube視頻題為「Q & A with Ra Uru Hu: Left-ness & Right-ness In Traditional Education」(Ra Uru Hu問答:傳統教育中的左向腦與右向腦)。
視頻網址: https://youtu.be/dpBaF_hQjVI?si=3Lbl3wmR-LvsGiL5
how does left ness and rightness in human design affect the traditional educational system one of the one of the major problems that we have in education is that education is based on a methodology that is rooted in in what in design is called the strategic basically were part of an evolutionary process if we go back in our family tree to the Neanderthal we go back to a creature that was entirely right that is they were deeply receptive everything about their nature was that they were in tune to their environment they were in tune to the nature around them because of their receptive nature when Homo Sapien appeared that is so-called modern man modern man was the other side of the coin modern man was purely strategic and strategic is about being focused it's about taking our binary vision and being able to create strategies out of what we see in human beings this was an enormous advantage that is it gave us the capacity through mine to be able to control the world everything being rooted in the strategic approach and everything about the strategic approach is that you you have to focus you have to remember you know there are basic rules about the way in which you progress the fact is in 1781 we've had a whole different mix genetically in in the beings that are emerging on this plane and and half of them are coming in with a great deal of rightness the other side of the coin according to human design the ninth centered being is what I refer to as Homo Sapien in transit us that is where a transitional form we're actually moving towards a new right that ultimately will come at us we carry left 'no sand rightness rightness is a deep deep dilemma for children in school deep dilemma they're not designed to focus they're not designed to be strategic all school programs are rooted in the strategic approach all of them all of them always have been because the educational systems the way we have developed our teaching programs are all rooted historically in this strategic approach and we have all these children that are right many of them are misunderstood by their teachers that is their they're not respected they're not considered to be as intelligent the teacher may think they're perhaps a little more creative but doesn't really see that they have the potential to be academic and it's simply because Wright doesn't perform in the same way the educational system today is is devastating to those children that have a right mind it is something that can be easily dealt with but it means that there has to be an approach in which these children and their parents are educated a right-minded child can be brilliant in school as a matter of fact truly brilliant but the rules for them are different and it's a dilemma in the classroom the right-minded child has to be present and pay attention if they pay attention they take everything in so they don't have to study they take it all in the left minded child needs to focus so they're only interested in certain things that the teacher says they're not interested all the time and the times that they're not interested creates problems that is there they're bored they need something to do they start fooling around they distract the right minded students who can no longer be present and they lose out on their process of taking everything in the left child can later go back and study those things that missed but the right can't do that so if we're going to change the way in which children are going to excel in terms of how they translate information we're going to have to begin to see that we need a whole new approach in terms of separating the the right and the left children and teaching them literally in different ways now of course that's not going to happen hey it's just not going to happen so what we end up with is how well a job we can do in letting parents know and the teachers that are open to us to begin to have this process of slowly you know in particularly at the home level so that the child doesn't suffer from the reflection of the teaching system on the parents looking at the child you got a right-minded child and the parent told over and over and over again you know that the child is not doing well and they can't you rubberband all of this stuff it begins to having a terrible impact on the psychology of the child itself so it's very important when the opportunity is there to be able to and you don't have to get these parents into human design you know they do they just they want to do something that's right for their children but again it's a classroom problem because the the right-minded child in the right environment is an environment without distraction in it's an environment that is simply stimulating where they're present then they take things in as a matter of fact you can teach a right child in half the time that you teach the left because you're always making up for what they've missed because they're only doing they're focusing and they're missing out on things it's totally different teaching techniques and again the institution's you know this is this is you know it means changing everything and you know I saw the way I think I think one person at a time one child at a time one parent at a time you know in order to be able to have that impact you.
一切都植根於戰略方法,戰略方法的一切都是你必須集中注意力,你必須記住你知道進步方式有基本規則。事實上,在1781年,我們在這世上出現的生物中有了一種全新的混合基因型,其中一半帶有大量的「右向腦」。根據人類設計/人類圖,九中心生物就是我所指的Homo Sapien in transit us(過渡期間的人類)。也就是說,我們是一種過渡形式。我們實際上正在朝著一種新的「右向腦」發展。最終會來到我們身邊。