- **內容/Content**:介紹APA風格的基本概念和原則。/ Introduction to the basic concepts and principles of APA style.
- **活動/Activity**:觀看APA風格網站的導向視頻,討論APA風格的目的和重要性。/ Watch an orientation video of the APA Style website, discuss the purpose and importance of APA Style.
- **作業/Assignment**:閱讀關於APA風格的基礎文章,並撰寫一個簡短的反饋報告。/ Read basic articles about APA Style and write a brief feedback report.
### 第3-4周:文章結構與格式 / Weeks 3-4: Article Structure and Format
- **內容/Content**:學習如何設置論文格式,包括標題頁、字體和樣式。/ Learn how to set up paper format, including title page, font, and style.
- **活動/Activity**:分析和討論樣本論文。/ Analyze and discuss sample papers.
- **作業/Assignment**:創建一個符合APA格式的示例文檔。/ Create a sample document in APA format.
### 第5-6周:引用和參考文獻 / Weeks 5-6: Citations and References
- **內容/Content**:學習如何正確引用和列出參考文獻。/ Learn how to correctly cite and list references.
- **活動/Activity**:實踐引用不同類型的資源。/ Practice citing different types of resources.
- **作業/Assignment**:為一篇現有文章創建完整的參考文獻頁。/ Create a complete reference page for an existing article.
### 第7-8周:避免抄襲 / Weeks 7-8: Avoiding Plagiarism
- **內容/Content**:了解抄襲的定義和如何避免抄襲。/ Understand the definition of plagiarism and how to avoid it.
- **活動/Activity**:分析抄襲案例和探討如何合法引用。/ Analyze plagiarism cases and discuss how to cite legally.
- **作業/Assignment**:編寫一篇文章,並展示適當的引用和重新詞述技巧。/ Write an article and demonstrate proper citation and paraphrasing techniques.
### 第9-10周:無偏見和包容性語言 / Weeks 9-10: Unbiased and Inclusive Language
- **內容/Content**:學習使用無偏見和包容性語言來描述人物。/ Learn to use unbiased and inclusive language to describe people.
- **活動/Activity**:審查和修改文本以提高包容性。/ Review and modify texts to enhance inclusivity.
- **作業/Assignment**:寫一篇關於敏感話題的文章,使用無偏見語言。/ Write an article on a sensitive topic using unbiased language.
### 第11-12周:表格和圖形 / Weeks 11-12: Tables and Figures
- **內容/Content**:學習如何在APA格式中有效地使用表格和圖形。/ Learn how to effectively use tables and figures in APA format.
- **活動/Activity**:創建並分析不同類型的圖表和表格。/ Create and analyze different types of charts and tables.
- **作業/Assignment**:為一篇文章添加並格式化表格和圖形。/ Add and format tables and figures for an article.
### 第13-14周:複雜文
獻類型的引用 / Weeks 13-14: Citing Complex Literature Types
- **內容/Content**:學習引用書籍章節、會議論文、電子資源等複雜文獻。/ Learn to cite complex literature such as book chapters, conference papers, and electronic resources.
- **活動/Activity**:研究和討論這些資源的引用方法。/ Research and discuss citation methods for these resources.
- **作業/Assignment**:創建一個包含多種類型文獻的參考文獻頁。/ Create a reference page containing various types of literature.
### 第15-16周:APA風格的應用與實踐 / Weeks 15-16: Application and Practice of APA Style
- **內容/Content**:綜合所學知識,應用APA風格寫作。/ Integrate learned knowledge and apply APA style writing.
- **活動/Activity**:撰寫一篇完整的研究論文,使用APA格式。/ Write a complete research paper in APA format.
- **作業/Assignment**:同儕評審和修改論文,確保格式準確。/ Peer review and modify the paper to ensure accurate formatting.
### 持續活動 / Ongoing Activities:
- **每週閱讀 / Weekly Reading**:定期閱讀和討論APA風格博客文章。/ Regularly read and discuss APA Style blog articles.
- **每週小測驗 / Weekly Quizzes**:進行小測驗以鞏固所學知識。/ Conduct quizzes to consolidate learned knowledge.
- **討論會 / Discussions**:定期組織討論會,分享經驗和挑戰。/ Regularly organize discussions to share experiences and challenges.