清晨,緊急被新新校長Morning Call,要我迅速擬一份【支持】的聲明。敝校雖然大力鼓吹「魔法應用」,但「並不鼓勵」拿AI生成的作品偽裝成自己的,因為這會扼殺真正的「創意」。
(連署頁面請移步至蝸蝸講不聽的文章:https://www.potatomedia.co/s/bTVPbJ0i )
AI終究只能是參考和協助的工具,清楚標示才能證實並檢視「創作者」的「創意」程度,否則,一旦「偽裝、說謊和矇騙是被允許的」,「創意」將不復存在,Potato Media淪為「AI偽裝原創的圖文」集散地,任何與Potato Media有關的「原創圖文」都可能被貼上「極有可能是AI生成」的標籤。
這種情況,對真正的「創作者」是一大打擊。Potato Media的不作為,最後結果是所有創作者一起承擔。
以下是完全無修改版的AI小說,校長只有寫「A 12 year old girl with a scary face」這樣而已,其它都是NovelAI寫的。
電腦截圖,Novel AI
A 12 year old girl with a scary face and a great mind. Her hair is short, curly, and red. Her skin is pale. She is 5 foot 3 inches and has blue eyes.
This girl's name is Emily.
Emily was walking through a park at night. It was a moonless night, and the sky was full of stars.
She was alone. She had been walking for hours.
Suddenly, she saw a figure in the distance.
"Who's there?" She asked.
"I'm a ghost!" The figure said.
Emily didn't believe the ghost, so she walked closer to see who it was.
The ghost was wearing a white sheet over its head, with two holes cut out for its eyes.
"What do you want?" Emily asked.
"I want to scare you." The ghost replied.
Emily wasn't afraid, so she walked even closer to the ghost.
The ghost moved away from Emily, so she followed it.
"Why are you following me?" The ghost asked.
"I'm not." Emily replied.
The ghost turned around and looked at Emily.
"Yes, you are." The ghost said.
"No, I'm not." Emily said.
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not."
They went back and forth like this for a while, until the ghost finally gave up and walked away.
"See? You can't scare me." Emily said.
Suddenly, the ghost came back.
"Now, I'll scare you." The ghost said.
The ghost moved closer to Emily, but she didn't move away.
"See? I'm not scared." Emily said.
"But you will be." The ghost said.
"No, I won't."
The ghost moved closer, but Emily still didn't move.
"I won't be scared." Emily said.
"I'll show you." The ghost said.
"I'm not afraid."
"You will be."
"I won't."
The ghost moved closer and closer to Emily, until she was just inches away from it.
"Now, you're scared." The ghost said.
"No, I'm not."
Then, the ghost took off its mask, revealing the face of a man.
"See? You were scared." The man said.
"No, I wasn't."
"Yes, you were."
They went back and forth like this for a while, until Emily finally gave up and walked away.
"See? You can't scare me."
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Emily was walking home one night, when she saw a figure in the distance.
"Who's there?"
"I'm a ghost!"
The figure came closer, revealing the face of a man.
Emily didn't believe the man, so she moved closer to see who it was.
As she got closer, she realized that the man was a clown.
"Who are you?"
"I'm the clown from the circus!"
"I didn't go to the circus."
"You must have seen me in a movie then."
"I don't watch movies."
"Then, how do you explain why I'm here?"
Emily thought about this, but she couldn't think of an answer.
"I don't know."
"I'll show you."
🍀2023/10/19 原發佈在其它平台,於2023/10/30遭到不合理對待後,決定將文章遷移至此。