將軍茶壺...Admiral Teapot.

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Admiral Teapot.


Participated in a contest a while ago, but I didn’t get selected, so I put it up here to keep it as a base and to enjoy it.

  • Design Concept

The moonlight pours on the ground as if it were a thin layer of frost. When I look up at the bright moonlight, I am filled with deep longing for my hometown in the moment I look down.

This feeling of longing is like water waves, leisurely and far away, like a soft but firm emotion, like cast iron, which can be soft and curved, but also has strong qualities.

The colors of the night, like cast iron, are deep and steady, bringing us into a cinematic state of mind. This deep black is complemented by touches of gold, just like the light and shadow in our lives. The beauty of the depths of cast iron is so profound that you can’t help but be mesmerized by it.

However, we are not just talking about the physical properties and beauty of cast iron. The cast iron teapot here symbolizes a deeper meaning. The name of the teapot is aptly named, representing not only strength and fortitude, but also tenderness and warmth. It is an attitude towards life, restrained without arrogance, and full of wisdom.

The external structure of the bottle is cleverly designed to allow it to rest securely on the table, as if it were a work of art in its own right, unforgettable. It is more than an object, however, it is a symbol of the spirit. The suspension of the bottle not only adds to its utility, but also makes us think that, like cast iron, the essence of the bottle is eternal, and it is only the form that changes. No matter what the form, the core values remain the same.

The bottle with its base, which is like a chair, and the imagery that goes along with it, looks from a distance like a general sitting on a chair, so far-sighted, powerful, and confident.

The golden wine glass with the coasters, these two are like the old, the young and the old, the three generations, to pass on the spiritual experience to the next generation, and let all the wisdom in the future development and results.

The combination of these three bodies of imagery gives a new life to a cast-iron bottle, making it a work of art, if you will.

The General teapot can also be seen as a husband and wife teapot, with the two spouted cups representing a shared journey, and the six spouted cups symbolizing many children and grandchildren, and the passing on of life’s history and experiences. It is like a family, where one is indispensable. The flow of emotions is like the melting of cast iron, baptized by fire, making us stronger and deeper.

So when we appreciate this cast-iron bottle, we are not just appreciating an object, we are appreciating the beauty of life, contemplating the flow of emotion, and cherishing the value of family. It is a kind of art, a philosophy, a reflection on life. This deep and rich meaning is the charm of cast iron.

Work for Survival? Survive to Work ?


生命中的一切發生,皆自有定數。 一切隨緣、隨緣一切。

愛愛.愛迪生 的其他內容
人類對於山頂,頂端都會有一種夢想?誰不想住在玉山上對吧,建築的基本結構"田""井"這種結構就像椅子一樣,穩固. 一棟建築物該擁有甚麼配備?遊戲區?睡覺區?家人區?我都想要可以嗎....隨著資訊爆炸,大家都不知道該擁有甚麼,看看網路上的圖片,就拿著圖片給設計師,設計師設計師,我要這種方格,你看你看就
山川之間的靈性連結,彷彿這片土地是仙境一般。而在這仙境之中,我計劃將建築巧妙地融入自然環境,這不僅是一座建築物,更是對大自然的尊重和回饋。 為了實現這個概念,我將建築設計為一個融入山的延伸,就像是大自然自己的創作之一。這
建築之姿如人生,無垠可能蔓延。 創我所欲,追本逐末,不隨俗流沉眠。 個個皆奇,如建築獨特存,靈魂永流轉。
人類對於山頂,頂端都會有一種夢想?誰不想住在玉山上對吧,建築的基本結構"田""井"這種結構就像椅子一樣,穩固. 一棟建築物該擁有甚麼配備?遊戲區?睡覺區?家人區?我都想要可以嗎....隨著資訊爆炸,大家都不知道該擁有甚麼,看看網路上的圖片,就拿著圖片給設計師,設計師設計師,我要這種方格,你看你看就
山川之間的靈性連結,彷彿這片土地是仙境一般。而在這仙境之中,我計劃將建築巧妙地融入自然環境,這不僅是一座建築物,更是對大自然的尊重和回饋。 為了實現這個概念,我將建築設計為一個融入山的延伸,就像是大自然自己的創作之一。這
建築之姿如人生,無垠可能蔓延。 創我所欲,追本逐末,不隨俗流沉眠。 個個皆奇,如建築獨特存,靈魂永流轉。
Google News 追蹤
如果你因被背叛丟失了一座城池, 那就整頓兵馬, 繼續地攻城掠地. 有一天你所有的會比你失去的還多. 背叛者讓天來收.
注水 看它舒展 釋放 氤氳、馥郁、芬芳 品茗 滿嘴苦澀 等啊忍啊 那本該有的回甘 到底來不來?   這是在有關飲料的新詩創作挑戰寫下的新詩!
四、國王的新衣 西漢陸賈「新語」中有一則記載: 秦二世之時,趙高駕鹿而從行。 秦二世問:「丞相為什麼駕鹿?」 趙高說:「這是馬!」。 秦二世說:「丞相弄錯了,這是鹿,不是馬!」 趙高說:「這是馬!陛下若不相信我的話,那就問問群臣。」 於是秦二世問群臣,群臣半言馬半言鹿。當此之時,秦二世
三、解鈴還須繫鈴人 到了為河伯娶媳婦的日子,西門豹到河邊與耆老們相會。三老、官員、有錢有勢的人、地方上的 父老也都會集在此,連看熱鬧的老百姓來了近二、三千人。 女巫是個老太婆,看來年紀已經七十歲。後頭跟著的女弟子也有十來個人, 都身穿絲綢的單衣,站在老巫婆的後面。 西門豹說:「叫河伯的媳婦
二、河伯娶親 《韓非子》、《戰國策》、《論衡》、《淮南子》、《說苑》等書都記載有西門豹的事跡。現在且看 《史記.滑稽列傳》所載西門豹為鄴縣縣令的一段史事! 《史記.滑稽列傳》載褚少孫補記: 「子產治鄭,民不能欺﹔子賤治單父,民不忍欺﹔西門豹治鄴,民不敢欺。」——「三不欺」是古代 官場的「為
Admiral Teapot. That.. Participated in a contest a while ago, but I didn’t get selected, so I put it up here to keep it as a base and to enjoy it.
如果你因被背叛丟失了一座城池, 那就整頓兵馬, 繼續地攻城掠地. 有一天你所有的會比你失去的還多. 背叛者讓天來收.
注水 看它舒展 釋放 氤氳、馥郁、芬芳 品茗 滿嘴苦澀 等啊忍啊 那本該有的回甘 到底來不來?   這是在有關飲料的新詩創作挑戰寫下的新詩!
四、國王的新衣 西漢陸賈「新語」中有一則記載: 秦二世之時,趙高駕鹿而從行。 秦二世問:「丞相為什麼駕鹿?」 趙高說:「這是馬!」。 秦二世說:「丞相弄錯了,這是鹿,不是馬!」 趙高說:「這是馬!陛下若不相信我的話,那就問問群臣。」 於是秦二世問群臣,群臣半言馬半言鹿。當此之時,秦二世
三、解鈴還須繫鈴人 到了為河伯娶媳婦的日子,西門豹到河邊與耆老們相會。三老、官員、有錢有勢的人、地方上的 父老也都會集在此,連看熱鬧的老百姓來了近二、三千人。 女巫是個老太婆,看來年紀已經七十歲。後頭跟著的女弟子也有十來個人, 都身穿絲綢的單衣,站在老巫婆的後面。 西門豹說:「叫河伯的媳婦
二、河伯娶親 《韓非子》、《戰國策》、《論衡》、《淮南子》、《說苑》等書都記載有西門豹的事跡。現在且看 《史記.滑稽列傳》所載西門豹為鄴縣縣令的一段史事! 《史記.滑稽列傳》載褚少孫補記: 「子產治鄭,民不能欺﹔子賤治單父,民不忍欺﹔西門豹治鄴,民不敢欺。」——「三不欺」是古代 官場的「為
Admiral Teapot. That.. Participated in a contest a while ago, but I didn’t get selected, so I put it up here to keep it as a base and to enjoy it.