前一篇「如何寫出專業的開頭句?三個關鍵技巧大公開」JC說明了開頭句的重要性及分享三個如何寫作有效開頭句的技巧,這裡JC要直接不藏私直接分享六種必備的實用模板(英文稱之為 boilerplate n.),讓各位可以根據不同的情境或是目的,直接在下方<框框處>填入關鍵詞套用,既簡單又可以讓你的email看起來超專業!
1. Your name was given to me by <Shohei who works for ABC company>.
2. I got your name from <Shohei who works for ABC company>.
補充: 1跟2意思一樣,但1的語氣比較正式,2的語氣比較偏輕鬆,商務上如果對方是比較資深或是公司比較傳統的話,JC會建議用1會顯得比較適合;若是對方是平輩、晚輩或是公司文化比較創新隨性,可採用2,比較親切。
1. As per our conversation,...
2. Futher to our phone call, <we will email you the lastest catelog once it becomes available next week>.
3. Pursuant to our phone call,...
4. With reference to your last email,...
5. As mentioned,...
補充: 特別想把1跟2拿出來比,1語感上比較沒有一種連續的感覺,相反的2 further to our phone call 有一種接續下去的感覺,所以如果這封email有連貫性或還會有後續,JC通常會用採用2,但這就是個人的選擇,交給你/妳決定。
1. I am writing to complain about <the quality of 產品名稱 I purchased at your store/on your website (order# 8888)>.
2. I am writing to draw your attention to <the poor quality of the 產品名稱 that I ordered on May 29>.
1. I am writing to inquire(美式)/enquire(英式) about...
2. I am interested in finding out...
3. I would really appreciate it if you could provide...
補充: 範例1有特別把inquire/enquire區別出來,如果對方是美國人會建議用美式的inquire,若是英國或澳洲,可考慮使用英式用法enquire。