雅思大作文 公共場合禁止手機📱 範文

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雅思大作文 公共场合禁止手机📱 范文2023年10月7日

Some people think that the use of mobiles / (cell) phones should be banned in public places such as libraries, shops and on public transport.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

观点 1:公共场所应禁止使用手机


噪音控制: 禁止使用手机可以减少图书馆等安静场所的噪音污染,提供更安静的环境。

隐私: 在拥挤的公共场所,电话交谈会侵犯他人隐私。

安全: 在公共交通工具上,使用电话会分散注意力,并可能导致事故。

礼仪: 禁止使用电话可以鼓励更多的面对面交流,改善社交礼仪。


交流: 禁止使用手机会妨碍重要的交流,包括紧急电话。

无障碍: 有些人因为无障碍原因而依赖手机,例如在不熟悉的地方使用 GPS。

娱乐: 在乘坐公共交通工具的长途旅行中,手机可以提供有用的娱乐。

个人自由: 这种禁令可能被视为对个人自由的不必要限制。

View 1: Mobile phones should be banned in public places


  1. Noise Control: Banning phones can reduce noise pollution in quiet places like libraries, providing a more peaceful environment.
  2. Privacy: In crowded public places, phone conversations can infringe on others’ privacy.
  3. Safety: On public transport, using phones can be a distraction and potentially lead to accidents.
  4. Etiquette: Banning phones can encourage more face-to-face interactions and improve social etiquette.


  1. Communication: Banning phones can inhibit important communication, including emergency calls.
  2. Accessibility: Some people rely on their phones for accessibility reasons, such as using GPS in unfamiliar places.
  3. Entertainment: Mobile phones can provide useful entertainment during long commutes on public transport.
  4. Personal Freedom: Such a ban could be seen as an unnecessary restriction on personal freedom.

观点 2:公共场所不应禁止使用手机


紧急情况: 在紧急情况下,手机是必不可少的求助工具。

无障碍: 对于某些残障人士来说,手机可以帮助他们在公共场所导航和交流。

方便: 手机提供了许多便利,如网上购物、订票或使用地图,这在公共场所尤其有用。

自由: 只要不对他人造成伤害,人们就有权随意使用个人设备。


噪音污染: 移动设备会造成噪音污染,在公共场所干扰他人。

侵犯隐私: 偷听电话交谈往往会侵犯他人隐私。

安全隐患: 在走路或乘坐交通工具时使用手机,可能会因分心而导致事故。

减少社交互动: 在公共场合使用手机会减少面对面的社交互动。

View 2: Mobile phones should not be banned in public places


  1. Emergency Situations: Mobile phones are essential tools in emergency situations for calling help.
  2. Accessibility: For people with certain disabilities, mobile phones can help them navigate and communicate in public places.
  3. Convenience: Mobile phones provide many conveniences, like online shopping, booking tickets, or using maps, which can be especially useful in public places.
  4. Freedom: People should have the right to use their personal devices as they choose, provided they are not causing harm to others.


  1. Noise Pollution: Mobile devices can cause noise pollution, disturbing others in public places.
  2. Invasion of Privacy: Overheard phone conversations can often infringe on the privacy of others.
  3. Safety Hazards: Using phones while walking or on transport can lead to accidents due to distraction.
  4. Decreased Social Interaction: The use of mobile phones in public can decrease face-to-face social interaction.


In today’s digital age, mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. However, there is a growing debate about whether their use should be banned in certain public places such as libraries, shops, and on public transport. While some argue that a ban is necessary to maintain peace and order, I personally believe that a complete prohibition is not the most effective solution.

Proponents of banning mobile phone use in public places argue that it can disrupt the tranquility and concentration of these environments. For example, in libraries, the sound of incoming calls and text notifications can disturb other patrons who are trying to study or read in silence. Similarly, in shops, customers using their phones may become less attentive to their surroundings, leading to accidents or delays in the shopping experience. Additionally, on public transport, loud conversations or multimedia usage can disturb fellow passengers who are seeking a peaceful journey.

However, I believe that a complete ban on mobile phone use is an extreme measure that may not be practical or enforceable. Instead, I propose that certain guidelines and regulations should be implemented to manage phone usage in public spaces. For instance, libraries can designate designated areas where phone use is allowed, ensuring that noise levels are kept to a minimum. Shops can display signage reminding customers to be mindful of their surroundings while using their phones. Public transport operators can create designated “quiet zones” where phone usage is discouraged or restricted to emergencies only.

Moreover, mobile phones have also proven to be beneficial in various public settings. They provide a convenient and efficient means of communication, allowing people to stay connected with their loved ones or to access important information in emergency situations. In some cases, mobile phones can even enhance the overall experience in public places, such as using navigation apps or accessing digital content in museums and galleries.

In conclusion, while there are valid concerns about the disruptive nature of mobile phone use in public places, a complete ban may not be the most practical solution. Instead, implementing guidelines and regulations that promote responsible phone usage can strike a balance between maintaining peace and order while still allowing the benefits of mobile phone access in these settings.






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Google News 追蹤
當歐美高中開始禁用智慧型手機,改讓學生使用類似Nokia復古手機時,台灣國高中應該怎麼做? 英國知名的「伊頓公學」,學生包含眾多王室成員與超過20位英國首相的名校,近日決定,新生將不允許帶智慧型手機來學校。
現時都市人生活營營役役,街上行人多邊行邊看手機(俗稱手機盲毛),不論在地鐵巴士等交通工具,親友聚會甚至在家中,各人只顧垂頭滑動手機,可曾理會身邊人感受?高牆外的世界,其實每個人也活在自己的囚籠中。   雨傘運動時利用手機作溝通及集體行動的通訊平台,極有效率。但如有同路朋友不幸被秋後算帳,以至要身
"暫時保管",在古代的說法,就是「沒收」。 現代人手機是隨身標配, 當然包括高中生。 但上課當然不能荒於機!所以各班通常都有代為保管手機的「養機箱」,或是以校規訂定相關規定;總之,上課在未經教師允許時,是不准使用手機的,偷用會被校規處份。 但學生就是寧可犯錯,也不要無聊!有些孩子就是會想
該是面對手機成癮的壞習慣吧!看似一機掌握全世界,殊不知是越來越脫離現實。 「自己明明從以前就很愛看書,現在卻變得愈來愈不容易專注。一讀到需要聚精會神的篇章,便把書丟在一旁。」
如果你也想戒掉耍廢和玩手機的習慣,少發點 Threads 廢文了,寫閱讀心得吧。
當歐美高中開始禁用智慧型手機,改讓學生使用類似Nokia復古手機時,台灣國高中應該怎麼做? 英國知名的「伊頓公學」,學生包含眾多王室成員與超過20位英國首相的名校,近日決定,新生將不允許帶智慧型手機來學校。
現時都市人生活營營役役,街上行人多邊行邊看手機(俗稱手機盲毛),不論在地鐵巴士等交通工具,親友聚會甚至在家中,各人只顧垂頭滑動手機,可曾理會身邊人感受?高牆外的世界,其實每個人也活在自己的囚籠中。   雨傘運動時利用手機作溝通及集體行動的通訊平台,極有效率。但如有同路朋友不幸被秋後算帳,以至要身
"暫時保管",在古代的說法,就是「沒收」。 現代人手機是隨身標配, 當然包括高中生。 但上課當然不能荒於機!所以各班通常都有代為保管手機的「養機箱」,或是以校規訂定相關規定;總之,上課在未經教師允許時,是不准使用手機的,偷用會被校規處份。 但學生就是寧可犯錯,也不要無聊!有些孩子就是會想
該是面對手機成癮的壞習慣吧!看似一機掌握全世界,殊不知是越來越脫離現實。 「自己明明從以前就很愛看書,現在卻變得愈來愈不容易專注。一讀到需要聚精會神的篇章,便把書丟在一旁。」
如果你也想戒掉耍廢和玩手機的習慣,少發點 Threads 廢文了,寫閱讀心得吧。