Hello, midlife workers!

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

Welcome to midlife wonderland. Here, I share thoughts on what it takes to be a midlife worker. I share notes from books that have inspired me over the past few years. I will also share some of my reflections on my midlife work. 

A midlife worker works on his/her inner self to rebuild a system that works for midlife: a phase that defines itself by mindset, not by age. In order to rebuild a system that works, a midlife worker commits to self-care and embarks on his/her hero/heroine's journey with liminal calculations on how long it might take, just like when one commits to marriage and childrearing. It is a lifelong commitment.

In this journey, I invite you to cultivate curiosity to rediscover who you truly are and uncover who you want to be in the second half of your life. I invite you to let go of what no longer serves you and make space for what serves the future versions of you. I invite you to nurture and instill a sense of creativity in your everyday routine. By doing so, we co-create this midlife wonderland and inspire each other when we take mini-breaks from our own hero/heroine's journey.

I can't wait to share this eye-opening, transformative journey with you.

Welcome, midlife workers! 

We play, rest, and have fun. We explore new possibilities and integrate past identities into an expanded version of Self.
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(課堂用途非真實) Hello歡迎來到我的部落格👋🏻,想要跟大家分享一家我最近發現和覺得很棒的運動工作室,就是位於台中市北屯區廍子路470號的「Hello運動工作室」!如果你正在找一個能夠提供小班制運動課程的地方,那你千萬不能錯過這篇文,讓我們接著看下去吧! 「Hello運動工作室」提供
烏雲不斷凝結,然後,暴風雨隨著朱莉雅父親的驟逝,落下了。 如同其他故事中的賭徒丈夫,不斷加注自己手上的籌碼,妄圖以高槓桿方式確保幸福計畫能如預期般的進行,卻毫無察覺自己的岌岌可危。
This time I'll be talking about some stuff I had on my mind for a while soul switching I mean when I was about to sleep,I suddenly had a thought. Wha
I don't know how to type chinese so I'll be doing this in english for now.I am trying to get my bearing in my new shcool.And I have a lot on my mind s
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllll
这支情歌的MV,意识不良,搞师生恋,个老师系咁想撩个盲妹女学生。爽啊。个老师还是当年有名的音乐监制Lionel Ritchie。 Lionel Richie  Hello Official Music Video
本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
(課堂用途非真實) Hello歡迎來到我的部落格👋🏻,想要跟大家分享一家我最近發現和覺得很棒的運動工作室,就是位於台中市北屯區廍子路470號的「Hello運動工作室」!如果你正在找一個能夠提供小班制運動課程的地方,那你千萬不能錯過這篇文,讓我們接著看下去吧! 「Hello運動工作室」提供
烏雲不斷凝結,然後,暴風雨隨著朱莉雅父親的驟逝,落下了。 如同其他故事中的賭徒丈夫,不斷加注自己手上的籌碼,妄圖以高槓桿方式確保幸福計畫能如預期般的進行,卻毫無察覺自己的岌岌可危。
This time I'll be talking about some stuff I had on my mind for a while soul switching I mean when I was about to sleep,I suddenly had a thought. Wha
I don't know how to type chinese so I'll be doing this in english for now.I am trying to get my bearing in my new shcool.And I have a lot on my mind s
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllll
这支情歌的MV,意识不良,搞师生恋,个老师系咁想撩个盲妹女学生。爽啊。个老师还是当年有名的音乐监制Lionel Ritchie。 Lionel Richie  Hello Official Music Video