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In a great Palace by the sea there once dwelt a very rich old lord, who had neither wife nor children living, only one little granddaughter, whose face he had never seen in all her life. He hated her bitterly, because at her birth his favourite daughter died; and when the old nurse brought him the baby he swore that it might live or die as it liked, but he would never look on its face as long as it lived.



Éng過,tī海邊á 1棟真lè-táu ê宮--ni̍h,有1 ê老貴族tòa tī hin,伊無bó͘,mā無iáu tī--leh ê gín-á,kan-na有1 ê細漢cha-bó͘孫,chêng in cha-bó͘孫出世,伊to̍h m̄-bat去看過in cha-bó͘孫ê面。伊真怨恨in孫á,因為in孫á出世ê時,伊siōng心愛ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ soah死--去。Hit時,老奶母kā嬰á抱去hō͘伊看,伊咒chōa講,不管he死a̍h好,活a̍h好,lóng無伊ê tī-tāi,m̄-koh nā-sī he koh活--leh,伊to̍h絕對bē去看he ê面。

Phòa Hiû-á

Éng-kòe, tī hái-piⁿ-á 1 tòng chin lè-táu ê kiong--ni̍h, ū 1 ê lāu kùi-cho̍k tòa tī hin, i bô bó͘, mā bô iáu tī--leh ê gín-á, kan-na ū 1 ê sè-hàn cha-bó͘-sun, chêng in cha-bó͘-sun chhut-sì, i to̍h m̄-bat khì khòaⁿ-kòe in cha-bó͘-sun ê bīn. I chin oàn-hūn in sun-á, in-ūi in sun-á chhut-sì ê sî, i siōng sim-ài ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ soah sí--khì. Hit-sî, lāu leng-bó kā eⁿ-á phō-khì hō͘ i khòaⁿ, i chiù-chōa kóng, put-koán he sí a̍h hó, oa̍h a̍h hó, lóng bô i ê tī-tāi, m̄-koh nā-sī he koh oa̍h--leh, i to̍h choa̍t-tùi bē khì khòaⁿ he ê bīn.

So he turned his back, and sat by his window looking out over the sea, and weeping great tears for his lost daughter, till his white hair and beard grew down over his shoulders and twined round his chair and crept into the chinks of the floor, and his tears, dropping on to the window-ledge, wore a channel through the stone, and ran away in a little river to the great sea. Meanwhile, his granddaughter grew up with no one to care for her, or clothe her; only the old nurse, when no one was by, would sometimes give her a dish of scraps from the kitchen, or a torn petticoat from the rag-bag; while the other servants of the palace would drive her from the house with blows and mocking words, calling her "Tattercoats," and pointing to her bare feet and shoulders, till she ran away, crying, to hide among the bushes.

了後,老貴族轉身,去坐tī窗á邊看海,為tio̍h伊死--去ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ,目屎流kah kui面,直直到伊白蔥蔥ê頭鬃kah嘴鬚長kah過肩胛,長kah纏tī椅á頂,長kah soan入去地板ê khang-khiah--ni̍h。伊ê目屎滴tī窗á唇,kā石頭鑿出1條水路,ná細條溪á án-ne流ùi海--ni̍h。同齊時,伊ê cha-bó͘孫á mā大漢--ah,無人惜,無人疼,無人kā伊tàu穿衫,kan-na有hit ê老奶母,tī無人khoàiⁿ ê時,有時á ē ùi灶腳té 1盤菜底凊飯ho͘食,a̍h是ùi àu布袋á--ni̍h hiau 1領破內裙ho͘穿。Ah nā其他ê使用人,是ē剾洗恥笑兼動脚動手kā伊趕--出-去,koh ē用手比伊he衫破kah掩bē bā ê肩胛頭kah伊ê赤腳,笑伊是「破裘á」,一直創到伊哭--出-來,走去樹林á--ni̍h bih,in chiah beh準soah。

Liáu-āu, lāu kùi-cho̍k tńg-sin, khì chē tī thang-á piⁿ khòaⁿ hái, ūi-tio̍h i sí--khì ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ, ba̍k-sái lâu kah kui bīn, ti̍t-ti̍t kàu i pe̍h-chhang-chhang ê thâu-chang kah chhùi-chhiu tn̂g kah kòe keng-kah, tn̂g kah tîⁿ tī í-á téng, tn̂g kah soan ji̍p-khì tē-pán ê khang-khiah--ni̍h. I ê ba̍k-sái tih tī thang-á-tûn, kā chio̍h-thâu chha̍k chhut 1 tiâu chúi-lō͘, ná sè tiâu khe-á án-ne lâu ùi hái--ni̍h. Tâng-chê-sî, i ê cha-bó͘-sun-á mā tōa-hàn--ah, bô lâng sioh, bô lâng thiàⁿ, bô lâng kā i tàu chhēng saⁿ, kan-na ū hit ê lāu-leng-bó, tī bô lâng khoàiⁿ ê sî, ū-sî-á ē ùi chàu-kha té 1 pôaⁿ chhài-té chhìn-pn̄g ho͘ chia̍h, a̍h-sī ùi àu pò͘-tē-á--ni̍h hiau 1 niá phòa lāi-kûn ho͘ chhēng. Ah nā kî-tha ê sú-iōng-lâng, sī ē khau-sé thí-chhiò kiam tāng-kha-tāng-chhiú kā i kóaⁿ--chhut-khì, koh ē iōng chhiú pí i he saⁿ phòa kah am bē bā ê keng-kah-thâu kah i ê chhiah-kha, chhiò i sī “Phòa Hiû-á”, it-ti̍t chhòng kàu i khàu--chhut-lâi, cháu-khì chhiū-nâ-á--ni̍h bih, in chiah beh chún soah.

So she grew up, with little to eat or to wear, spending her days out of doors, her only companion a crippled gooseherd, who fed his flock of geese on the common. And this gooseherd was a queer, merry little chap, and when she was hungry, or cold, or tired, he would play to her so gaily on his little pipe, that she forgot all her troubles, and would fall to dancing with his flock of noisy geese for partners.

Cha-bó͘ gín-á to̍h án-ne大漢--ah,伊穿真bái mā食真少,ta̍k日to tī厝外過日,伊kan-na有1 ê人thang做伴,to̍h是1 ê tī公地teh飼鵝á ê pái脚少年á。Chit ê飼鵝á--ê,是1 ê古怪koh快樂ê少年人,cha-bó͘ gín-á便nā感覺iau,感覺寒,a̍h是感覺siān-tauh-tauh ê時,hit ê少年--ê to̍h ē pûn品á hō͘伊聽,伊teh pûn ê時有夠歡喜,hō͘ chit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á kā伊所有ê煩惱lóng bē記chit了了,koh kā hit tīn ài koa̍iⁿh-koa̍iⁿh叫ê鵝á當做舞伴,hâm in做夥跳舞。

Cha-bó͘ gín-á to̍h án-ne tōa-hàn--ah, i chhēng chin bái mā chia̍h chin chió, ta̍k-ji̍t to tī chhù-gōa kòe-ji̍t, i kan-na ū 1 ê lâng thang chò-phōaⁿ, to̍h sī 1 ê tī kong-tē teh chhī giâ-á ê pái-kha siàu-liân-á. Chit ê chhī giâ-á--ê, sī 1 ê kó͘-koài koh khoài-lo̍k ê siàu-liân-lâng,  cha-bó͘ gín-á piān-nā kám-kak iau, kám-kak kôaⁿ, a̍h sī kám-kak siān-tauh-tauh ê sî, hit ê siàu-liân--ê to̍h ē pûn phín-á hō͘ i thiaⁿ, i teh pûn ê sî ū-kàu hoaⁿ-hí, hō͘ chit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á kā i só͘-ū ê hoân-ló lóng bē-kì-chit liáu-liáu, koh kā hit tīn ài koa̍iⁿh-koa̍iⁿh-kiò ê giâ-á tòng-chò bú-phōaⁿ, hâm in chò-hóe thiàu-bú.

Now one day people told each other that the King was travelling through the land, and was to give a great ball to all the lords and ladies of the country in the town near by, and that the Prince, his only son, was to choose a wife from amongst the maidens in the company. In due time one of the royal invitations to the ball was brought to the Palace by the sea, and the servants carried it up to the old lord, who still sat by his window, wrapped in his long white hair and weeping into the little river that was fed by his tears.

有1日,ta̍k人lóng teh hán講,chit-má王tng tī teh國內四界旅行,講beh招國內所有ê貴族kah女士,tī chit附近ê庄頭辦1場真盛大ê舞會,koh講王子,也to̍h是王唯一ê hāu-seⁿ,ē ùi來參加ê少女內底,kéng 1 ê做伊ê bó͘。無jōa久,王室舞會ê帖á送來到海邊á ê宮,使用人kā帖á the̍h去老貴族hia,chit chūn老貴族ûn-ná koh坐tī窗á邊,去hō͘ ka-tī長lò-sò ê白頭鬃包kah kui seng-khu,目屎chho̍p-chho̍p-tin,滴入去hit條伊ê目屎激ê溪á。

Ū 1 ji̍t, ta̍k lâng lóng teh hán kóng, chit-má ông tng tī teh kok-lāi sì-kè lú-hêng, kóng beh chio kok-lāi só͘-ū ê kùi-cho̍k kah lú-sū, tī chit hù-kīn ê chng-thâu pān 1 tiûⁿ chin sēng-tāi ê bú-hōe, koh kóng ông-chú, iā to̍h sī ông ûi-it ê hāu-seⁿ, ē ùi lâi chham-ka ê siàu-lú lāi-té, kéng 1 ê chò i ê bó͘. Bô jōa kú, ông-sek bú-hōe ê thiap-á sàng-lâi kàu hái-piⁿ-á ê kiong, sú-iōng-lâng kā thiap-á the̍h khì lāu kùi-cho̍k hia, chit chūn lāu kùi-cho̍k ûn-ná koh chē tī thang-á piⁿ, khì hō͘ ka-tī tn̂g-lò-sò ê pe̍h thâu-chang pau kah kui seng-khu, ba̍k-sái chho̍p-chho̍p-tin, tih ji̍p-khì hit tiâu i ê ba̍k-sái kek ê khe-á.

But when he heard the King's command, he dried his eyes and bade them bring shears to cut him loose, for his hair had bound him a fast prisoner, and he could not move. And then he sent them for rich clothes, and jewels, which he put on; and he ordered them to saddle the white horse, with gold and silk, that he might ride to meet the King; but he quite forgot he had a granddaughter to take to the ball.

M̄-koh tī伊聽tio̍h王ê命令ê時,伊kā目屎chhit ho͘乾,koh吩咐人the̍h剪á來kā伊tháu--出-來,因為伊ê長頭毛已經kā伊捆kah ân-tòng-tòng,害伊bē-tín-bē動。Sòa--lòe,伊叫人去the̍h伊奢華ê衫á褲kah珠寶來,打扮kah真正式,koh叫人去kā伊ê白馬掛馬鞍,koh to̍h ài用金á kah綢á ka妝娗,thang hō͘伊騎去見王,但是伊完全bē記chit伊koh有1 ê cha-bó͘孫á ài chhōa去參加舞會。 

M̄-koh tī i thiaⁿ tio̍h ông ê bēng-lēng ê sî, i kā ba̍k-sái chhit ho͘ ta,  koh hoan-hù lâng the̍h chián-á lâi kā i tháu--chhut-lâi, in-ūi i ê tn̂g thâu-mo͘ í-keng kā i khún kah ân-tòng-tòng, hāi i bē-tín-bē-tāng. Sòa--lòe, i kiò lâng khì the̍h i chhia-hoa ê saⁿ-á-khò͘ kah chu-pó lâi, táⁿ-pān kah chin chèng-sek, koh kiò lâng khì kā i ê pe̍h bé kòa bé-oaⁿ, koh to̍h ài iōng kim-á kah tiû-á ka chng-thāⁿ, thang hō͘ i khiâ khì kìⁿ ông, tān-sī i oân-choân bē-kì-chit i koh ū 1 ê cha-bó͘-sun-á ài chhōa khì chham-ka bú-hōe. 

Meanwhile Tattercoats sat by the kitchen-door weeping, because she could not go to see the grand doings. And when the old nurse heard her crying she went to the Lord of the Palace, and begged him to take his granddaughter with him to the King's ball.

But he only frowned and told her to be silent; while the servants laughed and said, "Tattercoats is happy in her rags, playing with the gooseherd! Let her be—it is all she is fit for."

Mā to̍h tī chit時,破裘á tng坐tī灶脚門口teh háu,因為伊bē-tàng去看hit ê 盛大ê場面。老奶母聽tio̍h伊ê哭聲ê時,伊to̍h去宮--ni̍h chhōe老貴族,懇求伊to̍h ài chhōa伊ê cha-bó͘孫á做tīn去王ê舞會。

M̄-koh老貴族kan-na目頭結結叫伊tiām-tiām。In hia ê使用人to̍h ka笑講:「破裘á穿破衫,kah伊ê鵝á sńg kah歡喜tang-tang siāng鬥tah!To̍h hō͘伊án-ne--lah,伊to̍h án-ne siāng tú好。 」

Mā to̍h tī chit sî, phòa hiû-á tng chē tī chàu-kha mn̂g-kháu teh háu, in-ūi i bē-tàng khì khòaⁿ hit ê sēng-tāi ê tiûⁿ-bīn. Lāu leng-bó thiaⁿ tio̍h i ê khàu-siaⁿ ê sî, i to̍h khì kiong--ni̍h chhōe lāu kùi-cho̍k, khún-kiû i to̍h ài chhōa i ê cha-bó͘-sun-á chò-tīn khì ông ê bú-hōe.

M̄-koh lāu kùi-cho̍k kan-na ba̍k-thâu kat-kat kiò i tiām-tiām. In hia ê sú-iōng-lâng to̍h ka chhiò kóng: “Phòa hiû-á chhēng phòa saⁿ, kah i ê giâ-á sńg kah hoaⁿ-hí tang-tang siāng tàu-tah! To̍h hō͘ i án-ne--lah, i to̍h án-ne siāng tú hó.”

A second, and then a third time, the old nurse begged him to let the girl go with him, but she was answered only by black looks and fierce words, till she was driven from the room by the jeering servants, with blows and mocking words.

老奶母千拜托萬拜托,再三ko͘-chiâⁿ老貴族to̍h ài hō͘ chit ê chŏ͘-gín-á hâm伊做夥去,m̄-koh,ka回應--ê,to̍h kan-na有惡khia̍k-khia̍k ê眼神kah歹chhèng-chhèng ê lé罵。Siāng bóe,伊hō͘ hia ê使用人恥笑,koh沿路khau洗沿路phah,ka hò͘出去房間外。

Lāu leng-bó chhian pài-thok bān pài-thok, chài-saⁿ ko͘-chiâⁿ lāu kùi-cho̍k to̍h ài hō͘ chit ê chŏ͘-gín-á hâm i chò-hóe khì, m̄-koh, ka hôe-èng--ê, to̍h kan-na ū ok-khia̍k-khia̍k ê gán-sîn kah pháiⁿ-chhèng-chhèng ê lé-mē. Siāng bóe, i hō͘ hia ê sú-iōng-lâng thí-chhiò, koh iân-lō͘ khau-sé iân-lō͘ phah, ka hò͘ chhut-khì pâng-keng gōa.

Weeping over her ill-success, the old nurse went to look for Tattercoats; but the girl had been turned from the door by the cook, and had run away to tell her friend the gooseherd how unhappy she was because she could not go to the King's ball.

老奶母為tio̍h ka-tī去kâng ko͘-chiâⁿ bē成來流目屎,來to̍h beh去chhōe破裘á,m̄-koh cha-bó͘ gín-á已經去hō͘刀子師趕出門脚口,走去chhōe伊hit ê飼鵝á ê朋友,ka tâu講伊bē-tàng去參加王ê舞會是有jōa傷心--a。

Lāu leng-bó ūi-tio̍h ka-tī khì kâng ko͘-chiâⁿ bē sêng lâi lâu ba̍k-sái, lâi to̍h beh khì chhōe phòa hiû-á, m̄-koh cha-bó͘ gín-á í-keng khì hō͘ to-chí-sai kóaⁿchhut mn̂g-kha-kháu, cháu-khì chhōe i hit ê chhī giâ-á ê pêng-iú, ka tâu kóng i bē-tàng khì chham-ka ông ê bú-hōe sī ū jōa siong-sim--a.

Now when the gooseherd had listened to her story, he bade her cheer up, and proposed that they should go together into the town to see the King, and all the fine things; and when she looked sorrowfully down at her rags and bare feet he played a note or two upon his pipe, so gay and merry, that she forgot all about her tears and her troubles, and before she well knew, the gooseherd had taken her by the hand, and she and he, and the geese before them, were dancing down the road towards the town.

"Even cripples can dance when they choose," said the gooseherd.

飼鵝á--ê kā伊ê故事聽了以後,教伊to̍h振作,koh招伊做夥來去庄--ni̍h看王kah hit kóa súi-tang-tang ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ。Tī破裘á頭lê-lê teh看伊ka-tī ê破衫á褲,koh有無鞋thang穿ê脚pô͘看kah teh傷心ê時,伊用伊ê品á pûn 1-2-ê-á音,he音是hiah-nī輕鬆koh快樂,破裘á chŏaⁿ kā ka-tī ê煩惱kah目屎bē記chit了了,無張無持,飼鵝á--ê已經kā伊ê手牽--leh,kui-tīn--ê鵝á做頭前,in 2 ê tòe tī後壁,to̍h án-ne沿路跳舞ùi庄--ni̍h去--ah。

飼鵝á--ê講:「To̍h準講是pái脚--ê,nā是伊beh,伊mā ē-tàng跳舞。 」

Chhī giâ-á--ê kā i ê kò͘-sū thiaⁿ liáu í-āu, kà i to̍h chín-chok, koh chio i chò-hóe lâi-khì chng--ni̍h khòaⁿ ông kah hit kóa súi-tang-tang ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ. Tī phòa hiû-á thâu-lê-lê teh khòaⁿ i ka-tī ê phòa saⁿ-á khò͘,  koh ū bô ê thang chhēng ê kha-pô͘ khòaⁿ kah teh siong-sim ê sî, i iōng i ê phín-á pûn 1-2-ê-á im, he im sī hiah-nī khin-sang koh khoài-lo̍k, phòa hiû-á chŏaⁿ kā ka-tī ê hoân-ló kah ba̍k-sái bē-kì-chit liáu-liáu, bô-tiuⁿ-bô-tî, chhī giâ-á--ê í-keng kā i ê chhiú khan--leh, kui-tīn--ê giâ-á chò-thâu-chêng, in 2 ê tòe tī āu-piah, to̍h án-ne iân-lō͘ thiàu-bú ùi chng--ni̍h khì--ah.

Chhī giâ-á--ê kóng: “To̍h chún-kóng sī pái-kha--ê, nā sī i beh, i mā ē-tàng thiàu-bú.”

Before they had gone very far a handsome young man, splendidly dressed, riding up, stopped to ask the way to the castle where the King was staying, and when he found that they too were going thither, he got off his horse and walked beside them along the road.

"You seem merry folk," he said, "and will be good company."

"Good company, indeed," said the gooseherd, and played a new tune that was not a dance.

Chiah行無jōa遠,有1 ê穿插奢華ê緣投少年人騎馬過--來,伊停落來kā in問講,beh去王leh tòa ê城堡ài án-chóaⁿ去,話--leh話--leh chiah知影破裘á kah飼鵝á--ê,in 2 ê mā是beh ùi hia--去,伊chŏaⁿ lo̍h馬,kah in沿路做夥步輦--過。


「好鬥陣--lah,確實是án-ni。」飼鵝á--ê án-ne ka ìn,來to̍h pûn 1條新ê曲,chit曲to̍h m̄是舞曲--ah。

Chiah kiâⁿ bô jōa hn̄g, ū 1 ê chhēng-chhah chhia-hoa ê iân-tâu siàu-liân-lâng khiâ bé kòe--lâi, i thêng lo̍h-lâi kā in mn̄g kóng, beh khì ông leh tòa ê siâⁿ-pó ài án-chóaⁿ khì, ōe--leh ōe--leh chiah chai-iáⁿ phòa hiû-á kah chhī giâ-á--ê, in 2 ê mā sī beh ùi hia--khì, i chŏaⁿ lo̍h bé, kah in iân-lō͘ chò-hóe pō͘-lián--kòe.

Siáu-liân-lâng kóng: “Lín khòaⁿ--khí-lâi chin khùiⁿ-oa̍h, it-tēng sī chin-hó tàu-tīn.”

“Hó tàu-tīn--lah, khak-si̍t sī án-ni.” Chhī giâ-á--ê án-ne ka ìn, lâi to̍h pûn 1 tiâu sin ê khek, chit khek to̍h m̄ sī bú-khek--ah.

It was a curious tune, and it made the strange young man stare and stare and stare at Tattercoats till he couldn't see her rags—till he couldn't, to tell the truth, see anything but her beautiful face.

Then he said, "You are the most beautiful maiden in the world. Will you marry me?"

Then the gooseherd smiled to himself, and played sweeter than ever.

Chit條曲真特殊,hō͘ chit ê少年家bē lún--chit,直直chîn,直直chîn,目睭根本to無法度離開破裘á,到尾--á,伊已經看bē tio̍h伊ê破衫á裙,實在講--ê,伊kan-na看ē tio̍h破裘á伊妖嬌美麗ê面模á,其他--ê siáⁿ to̍h看bē tio̍h--ah。

Sòa--lòe少年人to̍h講:「你是chit ê世間siāng súi ê少女,你kám願意嫁--我?」

飼鵝á--ê ka-tī文文á笑--1-ē,曲mā pûn kah比進前koh khah甘甜,koh khah迷人。

Chit tiâu khek chin te̍k-sû, hō͘ chit ê siàu-liâna-ke bē lún--chit, ti̍t-ti̍t chîn, ti̍t-ti̍t chîn, ba̍k-chiu kin-pún to bô hoat-tō͘ lî-khui phòa hiû-á,  kàu-bóe--á, i í-keng khòaⁿ bē tio̍h i ê phòa saⁿ-á-kûn, si̍t-chāi kóng--ê, i kan-na khòaⁿ ē tio̍h phòa hiû-á i iau-kiau bí-lē ê bīn-mô͘-á, kî-tha--ê siáⁿ to̍h khòaⁿ bē tio̍h--ah.

Sòa--lòe siàu-liân-lâng to̍h kóng: “Lí sī chit ê sè-kan siāng súi ê siàu-lú, lí kám goān-ì kè--góa?”

Chhī giâ-á--ê ka-tī bûn-bûn-á chhiò--1-ē, khek mā pûn kah pí chìn-chêng koh khah kam-tiⁿ, koh khah bê-lâng.

But Tattercoats laughed. "Not I," said she; "you would be finely put to shame, and so would I be, if you took a goose-girl for your wife! Go and ask one of the great ladies you will see to-night at the King's ball, and do not flout poor Tattercoats."

M̄-koh破裘á笑--出-來,ìn講:「M̄-thang--lah,你nā是chhōa 1 ê顧鵝á ê cha-bó͘ gín-á做牽手,是ē卸世卸眾neh,我nā嫁--你,kāng款mā ē去hông笑。To̍h去問今á-ĕng,王ê舞會--ni̍h hit kóa高尚ê女士--lah,m̄-thang來ge我chit ê可憐--ê破衫破裙破裘á。」

M̄-koh phòa hiû-á chhiò--chhut-lâi, ìn kóng: “M̄-thang--lah, lí nā sī chhōa 1 ê kò͘ giâ-á ê cha-bó͘ gín-á chò khan-chhiú, sī ē sià-sì-sià-chèng neh, góa nā kè--lí, kāng-khoán mā ē khì hông chhiò. To̍h khì mn̄g kin-á-ĕng, ông ê bú-hōe--ni̍h hit kóa ko-sióng ê lú-sū--lah, m̄-thang lâi ge góa chit ê khó-liân--ê phòa-saⁿ phòa-kûn phòa hiû-á.”

But the more she refused him the sweeter the pipe played, and the deeper the young man fell in love; till at last he begged her to come that night at twelve to the King's ball, just as she was, with the gooseherd and his geese, in her torn petticoat and bare feet, and see if he wouldn't dance with her before the King and the lords and ladies, and present her to them all, as his dear and honoured bride.

Now at first Tattercoats said she would not; but the gooseherd said, "Take fortune when it comes, little one."

M̄-koh破裘á jú kā少年人拒絕,飼鵝á--ê ê品á to̍h pûn kah jú甜jú迷人,chit ê少年人對破裘á ê愛mā jú來jú深,到路尾,伊kā破裘á懇求講,拜托伊下暗12點to̍h ài去參加王ê舞會,to̍h hâm飼鵝á--ê kah伊hit tīn鵝á做夥來,穿插像伊chit-má án-ne to̍h ē-sái,穿伊chit身破破爛爛ê裙,thǹg赤腳,看少年家kám有影ē tng王,koh有所有ê貴族kah女士ê面頭前,邀請破裘á做夥跳舞,koh ē kā破裘á紹介hō͘ ta̍k-ê bat,講破裘á to̍h是伊親愛koh尊貴ê新娘。

頭起先,破裘á講伊m̄去,m̄-koh飼鵝á--ê講:「戇gín-á,好運nā到,to̍h ài ka la̍k--leh-lah。」

M̄-koh phòa hiû-á jú kā siàu-liân-lâng kū-choa̍t, chhī giâ-á--ê ê phín-á to̍h pûn kah jú tiⁿ jú bê-lâng, chit ê siàu-liân-lâng tùi phòa hiû-á ê ài mā jú lâi jú chhim, kàu lō͘-bóe, i kā phòa hiû-á khún-kiû kóng, pài-thok i ē-àm 12 tiám to̍h ài khì chham-ka ông ê bú-hōe, to̍h hâm chhī giâ-á--ê kah i hit tīn giâ-á chò-hóe lâi, chhēng-chhah chhiūⁿ i chit-má án-ne to̍h ē-sái, chhēng i chit sin phòa-phòa-nōa-nōa ê kûn, thǹg chhiah-kha, khòaⁿ siàu-liân-ke kám ū-iáⁿ ē tng ông, koh ū só͘-ū ê kùi-cho̍k kah lú-sū ê bīn-thâu-chêng, iau-chhiáⁿ phòa hiû-á chò-hóe thiàu-bú, koh ē kā phòa hiû-á siāu-kài hō͘ ta̍k-ê bat, kóng phòa hiû-á to̍h sī i chhin-ài koh chun-kùi ê sin-niû.

Thâu-khí-seng, phòa hiû-á kóng i m̄ khì, m̄-koh chhī giâ-á--ê kóng: “Gōng-gín-á, hó-ūn nā kàu, to̍h ài ka la̍k--leh-lah.”

So when night came, and the hall in the castle was full of light and music, and the lords and ladies were dancing before the King, just as the clock struck twelve, Tattercoats and the gooseherd, followed by his flock of noisy geese, hissing and swaying their heads, entered at the great doors, and walked straight up the ball-room, while on either side the ladies whispered, the lords laughed, and the King seated at the far end stared in amazement.

到e暗ê時,城堡ê大廳光iàⁿ-iàⁿ,kui間lóng是音樂聲,貴族kah女士tī王ê面頭前跳舞。To̍h tī時鐘kòng 12點ê時,破裘á kah飼鵝á--ê ùi大門--入-來,直直來到舞會大廳,in hit tīn koa̍iⁿh-koa̍iⁿh叫吵kah beh死ê鵝á,hàiⁿ頭hàiⁿ腦tòe tī in kha-chhng後。這時,大廳雙pêng ê女士chŏaⁿ開始chhi-bú-chhī-chhū,貴族看kah哈哈笑,遠遠坐--leh ê王是看kah人lóng gāng--去,目睭thí kah有夠大lúi。

Kàu e-àm ê sî, siâⁿ-pó ê tōa-thiaⁿ kng-iàⁿ-iàⁿ, kui keng lóng sī im-ga̍k siaⁿ, kùi-cho̍k kah lú-sū tī ông ê bīn-thâu-chêng thiàu-bú. To̍h tī sî-cheng kòng 12 tiám ê sî, phòa hiû-á kah chhī giâ-á--ê ùi tōa-mn̂g--ji̍p-lâi, ti̍t-ti̍t lâi-kàu bú-hōe tōa-thiaⁿ, in hit tīn koa̍iⁿh-koa̍iⁿh-kiò chhá kah beh sí ê giâ-á, hàiⁿ-thâu hàiⁿ-náu tòe tī in kha-chhng-āu. Chit-sî, tōa-thiaⁿ siang-pêng ê lú-sū chŏaⁿ khai-sí chhi-bú-chhī-chhū, kùi-cho̍k khòaⁿ kah ha-ha-chhiò, hn̄g-hn̄g chē--leh ê ông sī khòaⁿ kah lâng lóng gāng--khì, ba̍k-chiu thí kah ū-kàu tōa-lúi.

But as they came in front of the throne Tattercoats' lover rose from beside the King, and came to meet her. Taking her by the hand, he kissed her thrice before them all, and turned to the King.

"Father!" he said—for it was the Prince himself—"I have made my choice, and here is my bride, the loveliest girl in all the land, and the sweetest as well!"

M̄-koh to̍h tī in行到王座ê時,破裘á ê愛人á chŏaⁿ ùi王ê邊--á khiā--起-來,去迎接破裘á。少年家kā破裘á ê手牽--leh,tī眾人ê面前kā破裘á chim 3下,sòa--lòe轉身面對王。

「父王!」Tang-sî-á伊to̍h是王子本人!伊sòa落去講:「我已經揀好--ah,伊to̍h是我ê新娘,tī chit ê國內底siāng súi koh siāng溫柔ê cha-bó͘ gín-á!」

M̄-koh to̍h tī in kiâⁿ kàu ông-chō ê sî, phòa hiû-á ê ài-jîn-á chŏaⁿ ùi ông ê piⁿ--á khiā--khí-lâi, khì gêng-chiap phòa hiû-á. Siàu-liân-ke kā phòa hiû-á ê chhiú khan--leh, tī chiòng-lâng ê bīn-chêng kā phòa hiû-á chim 3 ē, sòa--lòe tńg-sin bīn-tùi ông.

“Hū-ông!” Tang-sî-á i to̍h sī ông-chú pún-lâng! I sòa-lo̍h-khì kóng: “Góa í-keng kéng hó--ah, i to̍h sī góa ê sin-niû, tī chit ê kok lāi-té siāng súi koh siāng un-jiû ê cha-bó͘ gín-á!”

Before he had finished speaking, the gooseherd had put his pipe to his lips and played a few notes that sounded like a bird singing far off in the woods; and as he played Tattercoats' rags were changed to shining robes sewn with glittering jewels, a golden crown lay upon her golden hair, and the flock of geese behind her became a crowd of dainty pages, bearing her long train.

王子話to iáu-bē講soah,飼鵝á--ê to̍h kā品á the̍h起來tī嘴邊pûn kúi-ê-á音,he聲,bē輸是遠遠ê樹林á--ni̍h鳥á teh輕聲細說。Mā to̍h tī伊leh pûn品á ê時,破裘á ê àu衫破裙變做金sih-sih ê長袍,頂面koh有光閃閃ê珠寶做chng-thāⁿ,頭殼頂是金色ê王冠,kah伊ê金頭鬃有夠四配,伊後壁hit tīn鵝á,變做1隊雅氣ê跟人,kā伊長長ê裙尾khioh kah súi-súi。

Ông-chú ōe to iáu-bē kóng soah, chhī giâ-á--ê to̍h kā phín-á the̍h khí-lâi tī chhùi-piⁿ pûn kúi-ê-á im, he siaⁿ, bē-su sī hn̄g-hn̄g ê chhiū-nâ-á--ni̍h chiáu-á teh khin-siaⁿ sè-soeh. Mā to̍h tī i leh pûn phín-á ê sî, phòa hiû-á ê àu-saⁿ phòa-kûn piàn-chò kim-sih-sih ê tn̂g-phàu, téng-bīn koh ū kng-siám-siám ê chu-pó chò chng-thāⁿ, thâu-khak téng sī kim-sek ê ông-koan, kah i ê kim thâu-chang ū-kàu sù-phòe, i āu-piah hit tīn giâ-á, piàn-chò 1 tūi ngá-khì ê kin-lâng, kā i tn̂g-tn̂g ê kûn-bóe khioh kah súi-súi.

And as the King rose to greet her as his daughter the trumpets sounded loudly in honour of the new Princess, and the people outside in the street said to each other:

"Ah! now the Prince has chosen for his wife the loveliest girl in all the land!"

王khiā--起-來,beh迎接伊來做ka-tī ê新婦ê時,牛角吹ê聲響上天,為tio̍h beh kā chit ê新ê王妃致敬。城堡外,街--ni̍h kui ê lóng喊--起-來:

「王子chhōa ê王妃是全國siāng súi ê姑娘neh!」

Ông khiā--khí-lâi, beh gêng-chiap i lâi-chò ka-tī ê sin-pū ê sî, gû-kak-chhoe ê siaⁿ hiáng chiūⁿ thiⁿ, ūi-tio̍h beh kā chit ê sin ê ông-hui tì-kèng. Siâⁿ-pó gōa, ke--ni̍h kui ê lóng hán--khí-lâi: “Ông-chú chhōa ê ông-hui sī choân-kok siāng súi ê ko͘-niû neh!”

But the gooseherd was never seen again, and no one knew what became of him; while the old lord went home once more to his Palace by the sea, for he could not stay at Court, when he had sworn never to look on his granddaughter's face.

Koh再來,to̍h無人koh看過chit ê飼鵝á--ê,mā無人知影伊sòa--lòe án-chóaⁿ--ah。老貴族轉去伊海墘á ê宮--ni̍h-ah,伊無法度留tī王宮,因為伊bat咒chōa講伊永遠無ài看tio̍h in chŏ͘孫á ê面。

Koh chài-lâi, to̍h bô-lâng koh khòaⁿ-kòe chit ê chhī-giâ-á--ê, mā bô-lâng chai-iáⁿ i sòa--lòe án-chóaⁿ--ah. Lāu kùi-cho̍k tńg-khì i hái-kîⁿ-á ê kiong--ni̍h-ah, i bô hoat-tō͘ lâu tī ông-kiong, in-ūi i bat chiù-chōa kóng i éng-oán bô ài khòaⁿ tio̍h in chŏ͘-sun-á ê bīn.

So there he still sits by his window,—if you could only see him, as you may some day—weeping more bitterly than ever. And his white hair has bound him to the stones, and the river of his tears runs away to the great sea.

伊猶原坐tī窗á邊,哭kah比進前koh khah傷心,凡勢tī 1 ê bó͘-mih時,你有thang看tio̍h伊,伊ê白頭毛kā伊捆縛tī石頭頂,伊ê目屎激做1條溪á,ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á ùi闊bóng-bóng ê海--ni̍h流--去。

I iû-goân chē tī thang-á piⁿ, khàu kah pí chìn-chêng koh khah siong-sim, hoān-sè tī 1 ê bó͘-mih sî, lí ū thang khòaⁿ tio̍h i, i ê pe̍h thâu-mo͘ kā i khún-pa̍k tī chio̍h-thâu téng, i ê ba̍k-sái kek chò 1 tiâu khe-á, ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á ùi khoah-bóng-bóng ê hái--ni̍h lâu--khì.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDJ31h91hGs  奧地利黑潮新古典,中世紀風。推薦給寫西方宮廷、奇幻的各位。   腦子簡單的我寫不出權謀和古老帝王的形象,就想找點音樂救援,翻來翻去,突然想到愛殺老婆的亨利八世......當時,應該是這種氛圍吧?   後
所羅門王這位在西方歷史中赫赫有名的有錢人,花七年的時間蓋聖殿(對古代這類巨大建物來說,七年算非常快的),然後他蓋了一棟比聖殿還要豪華的宮殿給自己…… 是的,從這裡開始,我們可以看出他遠比大衛王不如的地方。但話說回來,他很顯然是個被寵壞的小子,從小被命定,很難不歪掉。 而因為王宮與聖殿相連,所
高齡96歲的英國女王伊麗莎白二世辭世,上百位國家元首齊聚送行,盛大國喪吸引全球億萬人眼光,繼位者查爾斯三世國王,能否讓君主制度延續傳承下去?「日不落國」能否繼續揚威?格外引發關注。 說到家族傳承,中外文獻都在廣泛研究討論「如何富過三代」,大多數民眾會想:「傳承?離我好遠,那是有錢人的異想世界」。
維多利亞女王暮年,只穿一身黑衣,以表喪夫之痛。暮年時,身邊總是立著一個十分顯眼的印度男僕,名爲阿卜杜·卡里姆(Abdul Karim)。這個男僕卻成了大衆臆想之中的「女王情人」。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDJ31h91hGs  奧地利黑潮新古典,中世紀風。推薦給寫西方宮廷、奇幻的各位。   腦子簡單的我寫不出權謀和古老帝王的形象,就想找點音樂救援,翻來翻去,突然想到愛殺老婆的亨利八世......當時,應該是這種氛圍吧?   後
所羅門王這位在西方歷史中赫赫有名的有錢人,花七年的時間蓋聖殿(對古代這類巨大建物來說,七年算非常快的),然後他蓋了一棟比聖殿還要豪華的宮殿給自己…… 是的,從這裡開始,我們可以看出他遠比大衛王不如的地方。但話說回來,他很顯然是個被寵壞的小子,從小被命定,很難不歪掉。 而因為王宮與聖殿相連,所
高齡96歲的英國女王伊麗莎白二世辭世,上百位國家元首齊聚送行,盛大國喪吸引全球億萬人眼光,繼位者查爾斯三世國王,能否讓君主制度延續傳承下去?「日不落國」能否繼續揚威?格外引發關注。 說到家族傳承,中外文獻都在廣泛研究討論「如何富過三代」,大多數民眾會想:「傳承?離我好遠,那是有錢人的異想世界」。
維多利亞女王暮年,只穿一身黑衣,以表喪夫之痛。暮年時,身邊總是立著一個十分顯眼的印度男僕,名爲阿卜杜·卡里姆(Abdul Karim)。這個男僕卻成了大衆臆想之中的「女王情人」。