2017-11-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

38. BETH的女性主義思想

Beth是我在Varanasi的室友,一次我在房間內播著音樂打著文章,Beth剛洗完澡從廁所出來,聽到從我的喇叭播出的The Script的音樂,便開啟了我們的對話。Beth大學念服裝設計系,但她不知道這是不是她想念的,所以她休學一年到歐洲旅行,至於跑來印度的原因,單純是朋友邀約,崇尚女性主義的她也不斷地跟我說這裡女性主義的低落,說她有天想改變這一切。她在歐洲旅行時多半往山裡跑,她很喜歡登山,聽到我我跟她說台灣的3000公尺以上的高山密度是世界第一後,台灣變成了她下次來亞洲旅行的第一順位。






India is one of the most extraordinary and mind numbingly frustrating places to go. The culture is beautiful and confusing but the amount of kindness I’ve received from many locals has been more than anywhere else I’ve traveled.

I constantly want to shower and scream at the numerous  sexiest practices in the country the fact I’ve met so many women whom are married at 15-20 by arrangement has made me realist. As such a privilege to love who you want and make decision for yourself Man or Woman in the western world.

Most of all Indian has made me appreciate how important it is to be open mindset and accepting of everyone. Community is so important. Plus in condition with little powerful and better than Inida→ ignorance is the biggest privilege! but pretending something not there doesn’t help.



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