Seventh English Diary

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11:54 a.m.
  I slightly arrived at Starbucks late today. I waked up more late day after day gradually. It seems like that I’ve a little tired about executing inspiring myself plan everyday. I don’t want to stop administering the project that I’ve continued one week long. This is the first stone that I go ahead my every small ideal. I read a good sentence yesterday that I wanted to share with you.
  “Only people experiencing the pain and failure, they just get the chance to success.”
  Hence, I instantly moved my lazy body out of bed about nine o’clock in this morning. I took my pet urinate outside and went to buy some meats and eggs for breakfast in the traditional market.
  I felt a little depressed as I usually went to the same meat store nonetheless it has closed this week. Let me meditate for a long time. It seems that everyone must leave by your side someday no matter how important you are. Absolutely, we need to decrease the influence in maintaining relationship process.
   I attempted to ride my bicycle last day with friends who were met at the bicycle store. I delayed in arrival at the beginning; nevertheless, I didn’t give up to return back home instead of keeping pursing their footsteps. I finally arrived to the chen-fu bridge and got a response from the holder called Tony in the activity. I was so glad that they wanted to give the chance and wait me to assemble (v.聚集) with them, so I quickly moved my body and continued to ride; finally, I met with them soon. After the meeting, we carried on riding to the li-san-shan-gown destination. We took four hours to finish the whole journey. It was a memorial trip to me and filled with inspiring ingredient.
   I’ve a little nervous my career plan. I still confuse what’s my familiar fielded and outstanding points. After searching jobs on 104 website, I begin to search those interesting jobs which are curious to me, however I always accepted our firm’s invitation without thinking.
12:26->12:35 start
1:44 p.m.

Cost time: 1 hr 30 mins


  1. Urinate v.小便
  2. Fundamental a.基礎的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的
    n.基本原則 (原理),綱要
    e.g. She had learned the fundamentals of cooking.
    e.g. The fundamental cause of his success is his hard work.
  3. 因為 Because= for = as = sine = on account of = because
  4. 但是 But= yet= nevertheless= nonetheless
  5. 委員會 committee= commission= council = a Broad (of)
  6. Oversea (=overseas) adv.在海外,在國外
    a.在海外的,在國外的 (= foreign= alien= exotic= external= colonial= ultramarine)
  7. 公司 company= corporation = firm= business = concern
  8. Concern v.涉及,關係
  9. Absorb v.吸收,吞併
    e.g. Small businesses are absorbed by big ones.
  10. mediate v.調解,調停解決
    e.g. The commerce committee has tried to mediate the argument between two firms.
  11. 開始 begin, start, commence, the initial stage, the beginning, (+from) the outset, the start
    e.g. You should explain this to him from the outset.
    e.g. He was biased against the plan from the beginning.
  12. commence v.開始,著手,得學位
    e.g. The bull-fight was to commence in twenty minutes.
    e.g. He commenced studying law in 1988.
  13. 遲到 to arrive late, to delay in arrival
  14. Nevertheless adv.仍然,不過,然而
    (Synonym) however, notwithstanding, although, but, regardless, anyway
  15. regardless a.不注意的,不關心的
    e.g. I’ll take the job regardless of the pay.
    e.g. It was raining, but he went regardless.
  16. extent n.程度,限度,範圍,長度,寬度,廣度
    e.g. To the certain extent, I am responsible for the delay.
  17. 會合 meet, assemble, gang up, join, converge on, rendezvous with
    e.g. The two rivers meet near the capital.
  18. Gang v.結夥
    e.g. The foreman ganged the men together
    gang up phrase. 聯合起來
    e.g. They ganged up on the teacher
    e.g. A gang of criminals (罪犯) raided the bank.
    e.g. Our gang went to the party after the football game.
  19. workman n.工匠,技工,工人
    Plumbers (管道工), carpenters (木工), and other workmen finished the new house quickly.
  20. 喜悅 happy, joyful, joyous, glad, joy, delight, gratification
    e.g. Her eyes kindled (v. 發亮) with joy.
    e.g. Her happy smile was only a disguise (掩飾) of the sadness.
  21. kindle v.點燃 [kindle a fire],激起 (熱情) [kindle our interest],發亮(+with)
  22. 繼續 continue, proceed, carry on, get on with sth, keep on, hold on
    e.g. They blithely carried on chatting, ignoring the customers who were waiting to be served.
  23. Blithe a.歡樂的,快活的,無憂無慮的,漫不經心的
    e.g. He showed a blithe indifference (毫不顧及) to her feelings.
  24. 愉快的,無憂的 merry, airy, light, breezy, fanciful, lighthearted, gay, graceful
    e.g. He is in a very merry mood today.
  25. Airy a.空氣的,通風的,虛幻的,出於空想的,輕而薄的,輕快的,優美的,歡樂的,做作的(an airy promise)
    e.g. I dislike his airy tone of voice.
    (Derivative.) airily 快活地,輕快地,輕率地
    e.g. She airily finishes the problem.
  26. breezy a.微風輕拂的,輕鬆活潑的,樂天的,愉快的 (a breezy personality)
    e.g. We went for an outing on a breezy day.
  27. Fanciful a.富於幻想的 (fanciful writer),想像的,奇異的(fanciful architecture),古怪的
  28. Lighthearted a.輕鬆愉快的,無憂無慮的,隨便的,漫不經心的
    e.g. The children looked lighthearted now that the final exam was over.
  29. curious a.好奇的,渴望知道的,奇怪的 (curious noise),稀奇古怪的,難以理解的
    e.g. The boy was curious about ever
    (Derivatives) Curiously, Curiousness
    e.g. He looked curiously at the people.
    e.g. It kindles curiousness to me.
  30. 任意 arbitrarily, wantonly, at will, at random, by haphazard, at one’s own choice.
  31. arbitrary a.隨心所欲的,武斷的,反復無常的,任性多變的,獨裁的,專制的
    e.g. I hate my arbitrary character.
  32. Wanton a.惡意的,不負責任的,胡亂的,反復無常的,無節制的 (wanton luxury),過分的,嬉戲的,淫蕩的
    v.任性,嬉戲,放肆,反覆無常,揮霍錢財 (+away)
n.嬉鬧的人 (動物),奢侈享樂的人,淫蕩的人
(Derivative) wantonly adv. 放縱地,嬉鬧地,淫蕩地


1. And 不用逗號,but可有可無。
Mime的沙龍 的其他內容
11:17 a.m. In Starbucks Coffee Shop. E   But how should I balance my daily habit? I want to watch TV, play game, do recreational things…You need to so
 11:52 a.m.Thursday in April 4   It’s really hard to insist on personal thought all the time, in the other words, I still need to follow up this worl
  一轉身誰能把感慨拋在腦後,在事過境遷後 過去了又改變什麼,濃情愛戀突然陌生了.. 我不恨妳了,甚至原諒妳的殘忍理由... 聽 Tanya 唱歌,是種療癒讓人忘記時間,沈入回憶漩渦一圈一圈,直達鎖在內心深處的黑暗。 ”我好愛妳” 不管你怎麼做,聲嘶力竭、拋棄自尊、丟失自我、墜入絕望深淵、行屍走
08:34 Start Today, I waked up at 6:00 o’clock probabaly. It’s a little not expecting matter, because I hope that I can adjust to get up earlier like 5
About TOEFL iBT:   The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The entire test is about four hours long, and a
Counting time:25mins Current time: 02:36    This is the secondary second diary which was written today. I changed to library to implement with it. Aft
11:17 a.m. In Starbucks Coffee Shop. E   But how should I balance my daily habit? I want to watch TV, play game, do recreational things…You need to so
 11:52 a.m.Thursday in April 4   It’s really hard to insist on personal thought all the time, in the other words, I still need to follow up this worl
  一轉身誰能把感慨拋在腦後,在事過境遷後 過去了又改變什麼,濃情愛戀突然陌生了.. 我不恨妳了,甚至原諒妳的殘忍理由... 聽 Tanya 唱歌,是種療癒讓人忘記時間,沈入回憶漩渦一圈一圈,直達鎖在內心深處的黑暗。 ”我好愛妳” 不管你怎麼做,聲嘶力竭、拋棄自尊、丟失自我、墜入絕望深淵、行屍走
08:34 Start Today, I waked up at 6:00 o’clock probabaly. It’s a little not expecting matter, because I hope that I can adjust to get up earlier like 5
About TOEFL iBT:   The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The entire test is about four hours long, and a
Counting time:25mins Current time: 02:36    This is the secondary second diary which was written today. I changed to library to implement with it. Aft
Google News 追蹤
哈囉~很久沒跟各位自我介紹一下了~ 大家好~我是爺恩 我是一名圖文插畫家,有追蹤我一段時間的應該有發現爺恩這個品牌經營了好像.....快五年了(汗)時間過得真快!隨著時間過去,創作這件事好像變得更忙碌了,也很開心跟很多厲害的創作者以及廠商互相合作幫忙,還有最重要的是大家的支持與陪伴🥹。  
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
第十五章 想到他在南部風吹日曬地跑外勤,我在北部的生活也不敢歇停。 我每天都去咖啡廳學習,先搭公車再轉火車,出站後還要走一小段路。到了我就躲進吧檯用水練習拉花手感,常常一低頭就是四到六小時,肩頸痠痛就活動一下再繼續。店休時我在家裡浴室練,對著鏡子看看自己有沒有姿勢不良,如此整整持續了一個月。
一早還要到布行去採買,用完早餐接近九點就出門,才想到布行十點才開,但是如果開始我的工作模式中間還要間斷也不銜接。 於是想著先到布行再說,誰知到九點二十幾分、老闆娘提早開門準備要營業了,無縫接軌就完成採買。 很久沒有到布行了,從去年下半年就開始忙碌的學生生涯,一直覺得自己只有三個身份,學生
快到家之前,要先生放我在便利商店下車。 「幹嘛?」 我想買罐啤酒。 依舊是忙亂不堪的一天。早上的咖啡還沒喝完,就講了一個鐘頭的電話,和設計師討論棘手的案子。 講完電話已耗盡元氣,但還得打起精神,處理雜務,然後出門陪爸爸回診。 看完診,接著趕往北投,陪老師洽談一件合作案。告辭時,天已黑。
早上為了趕上工作進度8:00就按鬧鐘起床。這或許對一般上班族來說或許是很正常或偏晚的起床時間,但因為我通常是8:30以後起床,甚至在家上班的時候乾脆賴到9:00,8:00對我來說真的是挑戰。(奢侈發言)禮拜一的早晨有個厭世的開始,聽起來是再合理不過的事。 工作進度還算可以,早上和下午各開了一次會,
第二天的成績,也是第一次上班日跑外送單,早上拾。ten9點左右起床,然後,先沖泡一杯咖啡,在煎兩顆荷包蛋,在家吃完早餐看一下新聞,然後,準備好裝備就出發上線接單。 今天是上班日拾。ten就不挑選單子也不限定區域,開了上線就開始跑,跑到哪邊就在哪邊在接單。 就這樣一路接到五點好不容易破
今天原本是個完美的某一天。 有一點預定的事要做,但沒有限定時間,況且也決定了辦完事後,要順路去那家日本商場一個人慢慢地閒逛,之前不是跟朋友就是家人,總之,不是餘裕的狀態,這次就照自己的步調,想怎麼逛就怎麼逛吧! 偏偏早上一起床就不是個好的開始......
今天是星期六,星期六是我的休息日因為客戶不太會在週六出現打擾,我規定自己早上睡到飽,所以今天睡到了9點才起來。 剛開始練習早起真的很靠意志力在撐,在睡眠不足的情況下還是硬要早起會有一種起來很虛的感覺,我想是我們身體在修復充電時需要充足的睡眠,如果你不讓自己睡飽的話,身體很多的受損很難修復,所以我不
哈囉~很久沒跟各位自我介紹一下了~ 大家好~我是爺恩 我是一名圖文插畫家,有追蹤我一段時間的應該有發現爺恩這個品牌經營了好像.....快五年了(汗)時間過得真快!隨著時間過去,創作這件事好像變得更忙碌了,也很開心跟很多厲害的創作者以及廠商互相合作幫忙,還有最重要的是大家的支持與陪伴🥹。  
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
第十五章 想到他在南部風吹日曬地跑外勤,我在北部的生活也不敢歇停。 我每天都去咖啡廳學習,先搭公車再轉火車,出站後還要走一小段路。到了我就躲進吧檯用水練習拉花手感,常常一低頭就是四到六小時,肩頸痠痛就活動一下再繼續。店休時我在家裡浴室練,對著鏡子看看自己有沒有姿勢不良,如此整整持續了一個月。
一早還要到布行去採買,用完早餐接近九點就出門,才想到布行十點才開,但是如果開始我的工作模式中間還要間斷也不銜接。 於是想著先到布行再說,誰知到九點二十幾分、老闆娘提早開門準備要營業了,無縫接軌就完成採買。 很久沒有到布行了,從去年下半年就開始忙碌的學生生涯,一直覺得自己只有三個身份,學生
快到家之前,要先生放我在便利商店下車。 「幹嘛?」 我想買罐啤酒。 依舊是忙亂不堪的一天。早上的咖啡還沒喝完,就講了一個鐘頭的電話,和設計師討論棘手的案子。 講完電話已耗盡元氣,但還得打起精神,處理雜務,然後出門陪爸爸回診。 看完診,接著趕往北投,陪老師洽談一件合作案。告辭時,天已黑。
早上為了趕上工作進度8:00就按鬧鐘起床。這或許對一般上班族來說或許是很正常或偏晚的起床時間,但因為我通常是8:30以後起床,甚至在家上班的時候乾脆賴到9:00,8:00對我來說真的是挑戰。(奢侈發言)禮拜一的早晨有個厭世的開始,聽起來是再合理不過的事。 工作進度還算可以,早上和下午各開了一次會,
第二天的成績,也是第一次上班日跑外送單,早上拾。ten9點左右起床,然後,先沖泡一杯咖啡,在煎兩顆荷包蛋,在家吃完早餐看一下新聞,然後,準備好裝備就出發上線接單。 今天是上班日拾。ten就不挑選單子也不限定區域,開了上線就開始跑,跑到哪邊就在哪邊在接單。 就這樣一路接到五點好不容易破
今天原本是個完美的某一天。 有一點預定的事要做,但沒有限定時間,況且也決定了辦完事後,要順路去那家日本商場一個人慢慢地閒逛,之前不是跟朋友就是家人,總之,不是餘裕的狀態,這次就照自己的步調,想怎麼逛就怎麼逛吧! 偏偏早上一起床就不是個好的開始......
今天是星期六,星期六是我的休息日因為客戶不太會在週六出現打擾,我規定自己早上睡到飽,所以今天睡到了9點才起來。 剛開始練習早起真的很靠意志力在撐,在睡眠不足的情況下還是硬要早起會有一種起來很虛的感覺,我想是我們身體在修復充電時需要充足的睡眠,如果你不讓自己睡飽的話,身體很多的受損很難修復,所以我不