2019-04-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

How Does it Feel to Be a Founder?

    I have few experiences being a founder or initiate some small idea and business. I do understand being a founder isn’t something glorious as it seems. However, these experiences help me to think that there are 2 types of people in the world:
    1) People who are always working for others, getting orders from the boss. 2) People who want to initiate the business and build the brand
    The difference between being an employee and a founder is the employee always have a basic salary to get no matter the company is earning money or not. Being a founder meaning that your income is from your client, that is the reason sometimes you need to choose cruelly which project or client make the most of your income, and then you focus on it.
    The process to start a company are 1) Spot the opportunity 2) Keep trying and build the business model that sustains the income 3) Once the business model is stable, you can start to share your responsibility to others 4) Being reported by the assistant, supervising the operation, getting profit as a shareholder
    If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or .
    Originally published at sofi.lafenice.co.
    協助新創/中小企業/跨國公司,在新加坡市場開發/投資人關係,亞洲/歐洲/北美業務經驗 fb.com/LaFeniceSG
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