更新於 2022/01/28閱讀時間約 18 分鐘

08. 比 010000 水地-坎坤 (Quarter 1-6)

吉原筮,元永貞,無咎。不寧方來,後夫凶。 -- 地上有水,水會比較地勢的高低而移動,會連結聚集成一處水源,也會分成數支水脈流動。這問題就像意識會連結成大而原始的意識、也會永續的偵察探索分析各種細節,這有什麼好意外的呢!高處的水如果不安寧、不安定而向低處移動,後勢會很凶猛,就像水壩放水時落下水來一樣。 初六:有孚比之,無咎。有孚盈缶,終來有它吉?/ 變卦水雷屯 -- 有訊息浮現時,就會接近去觀察、比較資訊的變化,這是人之常情,有什麼好奇怪的呢!難道要等訊息屯積浮現到如同水滿出罐的程度,纔要去正視那最終的結果嗎? 六二:比之自內,貞吉。/ 變卦坎為水 -- 水向自己在內的方向接近流動,地勢通常是外高內低,這是一般偵測觀察的結果。水會趨向下游移動,這是水的特性,意識流動的運行也是如此。 六三:比之匪人。/ 變卦水山蹇 -- 經過比較而發現,那種領域或境界不是一般人可以做到的,此時意識的流動運行就會停止,如同水流被地勢高的山脈阻擋一樣。水通常不會往高處流,只會往低處流,意識流動的停頓也是如此。 六四:外比之,貞吉。/ 變卦澤地萃 -- 水向外接近流動,通常是地勢內高外低,這是一般偵測觀察的結果。水會趨向低處、深處流動聚集,這是水的特性,意識流動的聚集也是如此。 九五:顯比。王用三驅,失前禽,邑人不誡吉。/ 變卦坤為地 -- 當水流乾枯之時,地形就會顯露出來,此時可以明顯的比較出地勢的高低。「腦神經網路」的運作,通常藉著「三識合一」的方式驅動,也就是顯意識、自我意識及潛意識的三識聯繫諧合運作,當感官機制趨近封閉、失去向前補捉資訊的能力時,中介的轉譯者就會沒有誡心的把過去收集到的資訊加以連結、合成,呈現出各種訊息。 上六:比之無首,凶。/ 變卦風地觀 -- 其實水流的方向不一定都和地勢有關,也有可能是風吹的關係。對於資訊變動的比較,如果沒有合理和客觀的觀察,這將會陷入凶險或不斷盤算而難以進展的處境。(P.S. 此處「無首」解為「無道」、「不合理」。) "Why does the air go on blowing? Why does the water go on flowing?......Because the balance of the great nature is just proceeding......Micro-biotas knew it, they were the best long distance travelers on earth, even in the universe......They just followed the trend in the great nature, kept moving and settling, and without stopping......" "Trend is basic on two parts, high or low, heavy or light, strong or weak, mass or less, hot or cold,......if you try to compare those two parts, it's not difficult to recognize......As you making comparison, there is always a pair of somethings.....or a 'bi' which sounded like a Hanese word '比'. " "Actually, this Hanese word '比' was graphed as two persons nearing beside with each other in its ancient pictogram word, and seemed like one person massaged the other person's back." "Really?......Maybe it was not massage,......it was some kind of encouraging." "You mean,......One person encouraged or pushed the other person to do something?......" "Yes!......If you had ever ridden a normal modern bicycle, you should know its rear wheel always pushes the front wheel through the linking chain,......Just like an old word in Hanese: 長江後浪推前浪 - The rear waves always push the front waves in Long River." "How can you push the big turtle to move as your wills when you ride it?......Do you massage its back and transmit your messages by your fingers? " "You are very smart, but a little bit stupid......Turtles have lived in the sea and earth for a very long time, they almost knew all of the languages in the sea, even some kinds of languages used by human beings......" "It's not surprising to me!.......According to some discoveries in archaeology, ancient Yin-Shang people had been written their pictogram words to turtles......I think they had ever tried to talk with sea via turtles......But why?...... For communicating with another side of the sea far away from their shore?......Or with other living beings far away from their times?......" "In Taiwanese, one kind of turtles which live in the water is called 'bi' or marked by a traditional Hanese word '鼈'......Except that, one kind of fishes which live in the deep sea and have two nearing eyes on the head is called '比目魚', I mean 'flatfish' or 'beside eyes fish'......"
"As a fish living in the deepest sea, it might not need eyes on its belly......" ''Eyes seems always be set at the best place for watching the concerned target or worried circumstance......Do you know why the normal human beings have two eyes on face and without a tail on hips?"
"They didn't need eyes or sensible organ behind their own back,.....because as they rest on the ground during their exploring journey, they sat together back beside back and used each other's eyes to watch their back view." "That's why the ancient Hanese pictogram word about 'back' -'背' involved a symbol which graphed as two persons got close back beside back.....that symbol seems like '北' and sounds like 'bay'......I think it had a meaning about constructing a watching bay in a distance for the purpose of suitable security." "During the daytime, they kept moving like the sign of 比; and during the night time, they rested like the sign of 北......They kept encouraging each other for going on exploring the great world at day, and went back to rest and guard their dwelling land from a distance at night." "What did that watching bay look like? I think it might be a circle,......just like those circles which were moving and surrounding out of the Saturn planet......" "So, why don't you try to talk and dance friendly with those mammals which surrounding the sea shore?......And ask your friends to stop catching them for meals, all of them had ever been humankind's guards and friends,......old birds knew."
"Birds?......They knew the knowledge about 比? Is that why they could fly together in good order, and is that why the word 'bird' also involved 'bi'?......"
"Knowledge is some kind of bridge,......bridge of minds,......bridge of new age and old age,......bridge of now and then,......bridge of mountain and sea,......and is a changeable aquatic bridge on the beach......"
"Yes!......Maybe there is not another place more suitable to describe this qua '比' than the beach.....It's a '比區'......I mean a border zone of 'bi'. Water bubbles and earth soil or sands compose together at here, what are they composing about?......What are they sounding about?......What are they comparing about?......And what are they making judgments about?......"
觀察、比較要能得到客觀的結論,就要累積或積蓄足夠的資訊或案例。那麼,什麼是累積呢?又該如何積蓄呢? "Did the nature already get conclusion after they composing together?......And what the rules of comparisons were their judgements following?......" "All I knew is,......the great nature has a power with four seasons to change the weather or climates. Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, they are close roommates in the greenhouse of the earth's weather. Their different characters were compared during the long years through the objective observation and then marked as '春, 夏, 秋, 冬' in Hanese words."
Sometimes I sat with E. back beside back on the beach and watched the night sky to count how many stars could be seen by our naked eyes..........有時候我們也在陽光下的沙灘上比賽誰跑得快, I mean,......sometimes we also ran and raced on the beach under the sunshine. And then,.......I found 'beside' might have an old and original meaning about a Hanese compound words '比賽' which meant 'competition' and sounded like 'beesai', and it might be related to 'best'......That's why '比' was also regarded as 'the best friend'. Actually I couldn't be able to see many stars in night sky without my glasses, sometimes I only could see that big and changeable moonlight, but as she telling me the great numbers that she had counted, I tried my best to search and watch,......then I told her,......I really saw a pair of twin stars, they were moving beside each other and dancing around the moonlight...... P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
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