更新於 2020/02/10閱讀時間約 10 分鐘


Hi 大家好,我是創業路摸思的丁丁,今天會由Rebecca來幫我們講今天的英文文章的部分,上次我們聊了創業的聖殿矽谷和找到創業的點子,今天我們再深入一點聊聊點子,如何把自己有興趣的事情衍生為一個偉大的事業呢?
Y Combinator的創辦人Paul Graham去年寫了一篇非常有意思的文章(關於天才的公車票迷理論),從文章的字面上,看似是要探討天才怎麼造成的,但實際上,這邊的「天才」,他指的其實是執著在某些主題,且最終卻能夠對世界造成巨大影響力的人。如果對照Y Combinator,這個全世界第一的新創加速器在做的事情,還有Paul Graham一直以來文章中討論的內容,你完全可以把這篇文章裡的「天才」,理解為那些有著改變世界的決心,對某一主題有獨到見解的新創團隊創辦人們。
我們來看看這篇文章中他說了些什麼? If I had to put the recipe for genius into one sentence, that might be it: to have a disinterested obsession with something that matters. 大部分的人說要成就一件事情,需要兩件條件:能力和決心,但其實還有另一個,那就是要對特定有影嚮力的主題投注純粹不計利益的熱情。這種熱愛是純粹的,不為了任何其他人,他們這麼做,就僅是因為自己的熱愛。
The paths that lead to new ideas tend to look unpromising. If they looked promising, other people would already have explored them. How do the people who do great work discover these paths that others overlook? The popular story is that they simply have a better vision: because they're so talented, they see paths that others miss. But if you look at the way great discoveries are made, that's not what happens. Darwin pays closer attention to individual species than other people not because he saw that this would lead to great discoveries and they didn’t. He was just really, really interested in such things.
真正的熱情會讓你不得不走上屬於你的道路,如果你僅僅是很有企圖心,你依然有極大的可能會錯過那些隱藏的康莊大道。Paul Graham, 把他這套理論稱之為天才的公車票迷理論,因為他認為這整件事就像那些非著著迷於搜集公車票的人:不為其他,只為滿足個人熱情,同時他說這個發現還有個有趣的地方。
The most exciting implication of the bus ticket theory is that it suggests ways to encourage great work. If the recipe for genius is simply natural ability plus hard work, all we can do is hope we have a lot of ability and work as hard as we can. But if interest is a critical ingredient/inˈgrēdēənt/ in genius, we may be able, by cultivating/ˈkəltəˌvāt/ interest, to cultivate/ˈkəltəˌvāt/ genius.
然而對於一些本來就非常積極的人們,他也提出這個理論可以參考的地方:For the very am’bi‘tious, the bus ticket theory suggests that the way to do great work is to relax a little. Instead of gritting your teeth and di’li‘gen’tly(t不發音) pursuing what all your peers agree is the most promising line of research, maybe you should try doing something just for fun. And if you're stuck, that may be the vector along which to break out.
It might be at least as useful to ask yourself: if you could take a year off to work on something that probably wouldn't be important but would be really interesting, what would it be?
The bus ticket theory also suggests a way to avoid slowing down as you get older. Perhaps the reason people have fewer new ideas as they get older is not simply that they're losing their edge. It may also be because once you become established, you can no longer mess about with irresponsible side projects the way you could when you were young and no one cared what you did. 公車票理論也提供人們一個避免隨著年歲增長而慢了腳步的方法。或許人們隨著年紀越來越大,點子也變越來越少的原因不是單純的因為江郎才盡。另一個可能是因為當你漸漸有成就、負擔了更多責任,你不能再如年輕、沒人在乎你做了什麼時,不負責任地為了你的個人計畫胡搞瞎搞。
The solution to that is obvious: remain irresponsible. It will be hard, though, because the apparently random projects you take up to stave off decline will read to outsiders as evidence of it. And you yourself won't know for sure that they're wrong. But it will at least be more fun to work on what you want. 這裡的解法很明顯:繼續不負責任吧。但這會很艱難,因為那些你為了延緩衰退而明顯隨意選擇進行的專案會被外人視為你想要重拾年輕的證據。而且你自己不會明確知道哪些事情會有所成就
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