黑天鵝奶酪塔 ( Black Swan Tofu Sesame Tarts )
食材 (Ingredients):
*溫馨提醒-請先將烤箱預熱 350度 (Preheat oven to 350)
塔皮 (Crust) :
- 全麥麵粉 ( Whole wheat flou ) 2/4 cup
- 白麵粉 ( All purpose wheat flour ) 1/4 cup
- 椰子油 ( Coconut oil ) 1/4cup
- 蜂蜜 ( Honey ) 1/4 cup
- 鹽 ( Salt ) 1/4 tsp
- 將所有的食材倒入一個大碗,並攪拌均勻。( In a large bowl, combine ingredients for the crust and mix well )
- 拿出6個塔皮模型,將步驟1鋪平於模型中。*記得要將塔皮壓實喔!( Get 6 tart tins and press dough into tins, making sure to press it out evenly and into the corners)
- 烤15-20 分鐘。( Bake for15- 20 minutes )
- 將烤好後的塔皮放置一旁冷卻。( Let cool )
奶酪層 (Filling):
*溫馨提醒-請先將125克的生腰果泡至飲用水6-8小時 ( Soak raw cashews in drinking water for 6-8 hours )
- 生腰果 ( Raw cashews ) 125 g
- 嫩豆腐 或是 一般豆腐( Silken or regular tofu ) 200 g
- 黑芝麻粉 ( Black sesame powder ) 40 g
- 蜂蜜 ( Honey ) 1Tbsp
- 椰子油-融化 ( Coconut oil, melted )1/2 Tbsp
- 鹽 ( pinch of salt ) 少許
- 將上述所有的食材放入食物處理機或果汁機內攪拌至滑順 ( Put all the ingredients into a food processor or a blender and whipped until smooth )
- 將攪拌完成後的奶酪餡鋪平在塔皮上 ( Add filling on top of the cooled crust )
- 將完成的黑芝麻奶酪塔放入冷凍4小時 ( Put the finished Black Swan Tofu sesame tarts into the frozen for 4 hours )
- 加上你喜歡的水果與配料,好好享受這份美味吧!( Add some fruits or whatever the toppings that you like and enjoy these delicious tarts ! ! )
邀請你生命中那位重要的女性,和你一起體驗一場《味覺》 的天鵝湖吧!
這道 ”黑天鵝甜點“是以母親為靈感,送給在遠方的 Sylvia。
- Buffy Ellen
- Barrel Leaf
- Dani Spies