更新於 2020/05/25閱讀時間約 10 分鐘



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作者在萬物可刷存在的大分享時代, 不買廣告, 不抱大腿, 接收自然來的流量. 全文盡可能用第 1 手資料說嘴, 閱後副作用包括但不限於: 翻白眼 / 森 77 / 玻璃心, 請小心服用. 需要轉載收藏列印翻譯成各國語言的請自便.

能從求職錯誤中學習不就好棒棒? 可惜我至今尚未找到縮短 (與錄取通知) 距離的關鍵性因果關係 😕. 只能分享我不顧職場專家反對, 海投工作犧牲個資後, 得到的寶貴資料 (也就是滿滿的拒! 絕! 信! 和學習控制心理陰影面積).
  • 海投工作成效 (給不讀背景故事不行的)
  • 拒絕信大觀園 (有網路 / 金融 / 新創公司)
  • 縮減陰影面積 (討拍取暖 ➡️ 常態生活)

2018 年 1 月至 2019 年 5 月申請 600+ 個職位, 不負責統計約 7 成無聲卡, 2 成拒絕信 (最速紀錄申請後 30 分鐘收到拒絕信), 1 成拿面試.
修過履歷 / 改求職信 / 咖啡聊天 / 找人內推, 時間允許就做好做滿; 不允許就 1 鍵申請. 反正有時沒申請也會收到面試邀請.
咖啡聊天有賺有賠. 雖然掌握資料者為王, 但有時也無能為力:「不贊助工作簽證」「履歷沒有 3 大管顧公司或銀行就刷掉」「只適合 (對公司) 有信仰的人」「這個位子老闆很重視, 要過 15 關 / 找 3 年還沒找到人」前期大多機會我還是硬上, 後期只想把時間拿來用手機輻射自己.

拒絕理由都是假的, 不夠喜歡才是真的. 沒面試拒絕 / 聊聊後拒絕 / 甚至約時間後又書面拒絕, 通通可以. 立馬來看看各公司噁心瀝血的傑作.
Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash
“Thank you for your application for the Business Analyst — Operations digital transformation position. We’re sorry to say that this position is no longer available.” (歐系銀行)
“I’m afraid we are not able to offer individual interview feedback as a company policy but as you’re aware, the calibre of [我沒念過的學校] MBA students is very high and we had to make some hard choices. I would like to thank you for your time and wish you all the best with your job search, and the completion of your MBA. Furthermore, as per our recruitment policy, if you are still interested in [該公司] your candidacy will be considered by the industry recruiters 6 months post graduation.” (美商網路公司)
2. 溫情喊話系列
“I really liked your experience and I was impressed by your achievements but we need to focus on immediate needs in Europe for the time being. I would like to keep in touch regarding our expansion in Asia, which could happen mid to late 2019.” (私募基金平台)
“I’ve discussed internally and also thought hard about this. We’ve decided this isn’t the best mutual fit at the moment. [中間原因省略] You’d be a much better product manager candidate, however as we mentioned earlier this isn’t the best time for us to fill that position either. I think you’re a great talent and I’m sure you’ll achieve great success in your career. Perhaps in a few months situations will change and we’ll get the opportunity to collaborate. Let’s stay in touch! Feel free to let me know if there’s anything I can help with.” (新創)
3. 懷疑人生系列
“Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we don’t see you being a fit for this particular role.” (金融科技獨角獸)
“Having reviewed your CV and background information, we don’t believe that your profile fits what we’re looking for those roles as we’re looking for folks with more of a proven track record in either digital product management or marketing.” (成長駭客公司)
“Unfortunately, while I’m sure you may have questions, we are not able to provide individual feedback on resumes or applications given our candidate volume. Should you want to reapply in the future for a similar position, we encourage you to wait 12–18 months to allow for additional experiences to be reflected on your resume.” (管顧公司)

看完有沒有 1 種生不逢時的港覺? 事實是我時常因沒獲得建設性意見羨慕嫉妒恨, 尤其是聽到有被選中的人面掛後得到重生石. 我只能胡亂瞎猜是我不夠討喜? 技不如人? 沒好幾年相關經驗? 或就單純身份不夠潮 — 爲什麼魔法部把我分到史萊哲林 (護照顏色) 而不是葛來分多 (魚尾獅) 或雷文克勞 (老鷹)? 讓沒有幸運水的我這麼辛苦.
好家在體內暗黑怨靈出來鬧之前, 看見了某學校職涯中心點亮的曙光:
There are many reasons that students don’t have jobs and one of them is companies miss great candidates. One year, one of the Big 6 companies did not even interview the president of the [某學校] tech club who had a master’s degree in computer engineering, had been a PM at a major tech company and had worked for one of the big three consulting firms. When I asked this company why they did not even interview her, they said, “Wow, she is an amazing candidate, somehow she slipped through the cracks.”
就這樣, 我學會接受不堪的事實, 理解「被拒絕 (可能) 是常態」, 甚至跟公司的人開玩笑說求職季比較像是拒絕季 (It’s more like a rejection season for me), 直到專屬於我的那個機會降臨.

延伸閱讀 “I always tell people, if we have a good quarter it’s because of the work we did three, four, and five years ago. It’s not because we did a good job this quarter.” (Jeff Bezos) 所以打 1 篇文章也是要花費倍數時間搜集資料 / 組合想法 / 賣力埋梗 / 仔細檢查的 (誤). 總之過程中的額外發現跟大家分享: 有目前最喜歡最清楚的招募流程, 還有大神把找工作自動化.

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