1. Adverse effect of therapeutic vasoconstrictors in experimental acute pancreatitis.
2. A randomised, double blind, multicentre trial of octreotide in moderate to severe acute pancreatitis.
3. Effects of a somatostatin analogue (SMS 201-995) on hepatic and splenic reticulo-endothelial function in the rat.
4. Effect of somatostatin analogue and cholecystokinin receptor antagonist on bile-induced acute canine pancreatitis.
5. Management of acute pancreatitis in dogs: a critical appraisal with focus on feeding and analgesia.
6. Octreotide Treatment in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis.
7. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 8th Edition.
8. Treatment of pain in chronic pancreatitis by inhibition of pancreatic secretion with octreotide.