書名叫做In the Dream House,Dream House代表了一間真正的房子也代表了那個施暴的女子/關係。這本書是由很多的小章節組成,章節大多都只有短短一段,甚至只有一句話,而每章的章節名都是叫“Dream House as [某個東西]”,像是恐怖片、影視作品、自白、警告等等,在不同章節的寫作手法也不盡相同,讓我在讀的時候覺得很新奇,也比較不會倦怠。
在影視作品方面,作者很多次提到一部經典電影Gaslight,(我只知道這個詞但不知道是電影出來的),講述一對男女的虐待關係,也帶到一個點是:肢體暴力是大眾(及司法系統)唯一正視的家庭暴力虐待種類,但言語、精神虐待、情緒勒索也都對受害者造成極大的創傷,卻很常被大家忽視,下面連結有更多介紹。後面也有一章故事清楚地描寫了作者自己遭遇gaslight的故事(Dream House as Lost in Translation)。
在Dream House as Queer Villainy中,她也講到關於螢幕上的queer代表,以往影視作品中非異性戀常常跟壞人、邪惡綁在一起,觀眾容易受到這樣的呈現影響印象,雖然作者理性上了解這個現象對LGBTQ+族群帶來的問題、傷害,但她仍忍不住愛上這些角色。她說「他們活在一個憎恨他們的世界,他們會適應,學會隱藏真正的自己,他們存活下來了。」這也同時提到一個有趣的觀點,也是我很認同的,作者認為我們(Queer族群)理應也該讓我們不好的行為被呈現,就如同我們的英雄事蹟,因為當世界拒絕看到一個人的缺點,就同時拒絕了他們的人性。這也讓我想到以前看的Apple TV+的紀錄片Visible:Out on Television,也是講小螢幕上的queer角色及作品,裡面就有講從過去到現在的進步,也提到相關的事情,這一段讓我思考很多。
"After all, they live in a world that hates them, they've adapted; they've learned to concealed themselves; they survived."
"We deserve to have our wrongdoing represented as much as our heroism. Because when we refuse wrongdoing for a group of people, we refuse their humanity. "(Dream House as Queer Villainy)
而真實案例部分,在Dream House as Ambiguity中提到在90年代有一群因殺害施虐伴侶而入獄的囚犯故事受到矚目,但其中唯一一位黑人女同性戀Debra Reid ,卻因為不符合大眾對於家暴、虐待關係的受害者形象--白人異性戀柔弱嬌小女性,虐待者也不符合一般指認為具男子氣概壯碩的樣子。讓她在法庭上(或甚至後來報導)都因此受到不平等的對待。
家庭暴力及虐待關係在同性感情中又是透過另一種角度去看待,而在Dream House as Double Cross中,作者鮮明的描繪了這種感覺,Queer人們就像是被全世界推下船的難民,但兩個人在汪洋苦海找到彼此與一片木板,但在享受短暫的快樂後,另一方卻試圖讓她溺斃。在痛苦與悲傷外,更多是背叛,施虐者背叛了我們理應共同擁有的使命感。就如同章節名所說,Double Cross(出賣),我以為是我共同承受苦難的夥伴,其實你是等著對我加害的施虐者。這個譬喻我非常喜歡,我覺得清楚地呈現作者的感受。
"This ,maybe, was the worst part. the whole world was out to kill you both. [...] You were dropped from the boat of the world, climbing onto a piece of driftwood together, and after a perfunctory period of time, she tried to drown you. And so you're not just mad, or heartbroken: you grieve from betrayal."(Dream House as Double Cross)
"Years later, if I could say anything to her, I'd say 'For fuck's sake, stop making us look bad.' "(Dream House as Sniffs form the Ink of Women)
"The irony of course is that queer folks need that good PR, to fight for rights we don't have, to retrain the ones we do. But haven't we been trying to say this whole time that we're just like you?" (Dream House as Public Relations)
"Maybe when queerness is so normal and accepted, finding it would feel less like entering paradise and more like claiming your own body: imperfect, but yours."(Dream House as Fantasy)
當然就作者本身的經驗,也在書中描繪的十分清楚&令人毛骨悚然。在Dream House as Legacy,這一章是在這段感情中前期的事情,施暴者去外地然後打電話給作者時,突然歇斯底里的指控作者一些莫須有的事,認為她不愛她了,然後說要跟她分手;但作者掛掉電話後,她開始不斷打回來。最後她開始大哭大鬧,嚷著自己沒有說要分手。這段回憶清楚的描繪了施暴者的個性,易怒、忽冷忽熱、憑空捏造事實,仔細想像那個畫面讓我忍不住也覺得可怕,但讓我害怕的是作者最後說「到後來,我早就記不清她這樣跟我分手過幾次了。」
還有Dream House as Choose Your Own Adventure® 也是非常非常棒的一章,(言下之意是它非常地痛心)。Choose Your Own Adventure是一系列小說,讓讀者在某些劇情點可以選擇走某一條路,會有各種不同的故事&結局,就像是Netflix之前的Black Mirror: Bandersnatch那樣。而這一章模仿類似這樣的感覺,描寫了這段虐待關係中也許是典型的一天,在幾個點會停下敘述,講出現在作者可以做哪些動作,而她決定如何。這一篇不只是文字寫作手法特別,跳脫不同框架,非常有趣,故事本身也很讓人有感觸,在第一次聽完我就得暫停,然後停格10秒想著故事,然後對著我手機講"What.The.Fuck",然後再重聽一次這章。(認真)
這位作家上一本作品是Her Body and Other Parties 她的身體與其它派對,是短篇故事集,評價也很好,(我覺得書名取的很有意思),還出了中文版(書本設計很有特色),希望我接下來會有機會去讀。
"If you need this book, it is for you." (Opening Credits)
“If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it.”(by Zora Neale Hurston)
"[...] I didn't know her, not really, until I did. She was a stranger because something essential was shielded, released in tiny bursts until it became a flood - a flood of what I realized I did not know. Afterwards, I'd mourn her as if she died, because something had, someone we created together." (Dream House as American Gothic)
"You talked to her. You are clear. You think you are clear. You say what you are thinking and you say it after a lot of thinking, and yet, when she repeats what you've said back to you nothing makes sense.[...] You can't remember saying that or even thinking it, and yet she is letting you know that it was said and you definitely meant it that way." (Dream House as Lost in Translation)
"A reminder, perhaps, that abusers do not need to be, and rarely are, cackling maniacs. They just need to want something and not care how they get it." (Dream House as 9 Thornton Square)
"Most type of domestic abuse are completely legal." (Dream House as Epiphany)
"In other words, one woman writing is mad, and a woman-who-loves-woman writing is mad squared. [...] Mailer's use of adverb dykily suggests that, for him, disinterest in his dick must be a species of psychosis." (Dream House as Sniffs form the Ink of Women)