我常在讀完一本很長的書後就會想找一本短的書來讀,上次是In the Dream House,這次則是The Black Flamingo。從出版以來一直看到很多人都愛很推薦這本書,但我一開始先因為英版封面讓我以為是兒童小說,又被分類誤導以為是詩集,都沒有讓我認真想找來讀,雖然GR上的評分很高。而我現在真的很高興我後來決定找這本來讀,也後悔自己怎麼沒早點讀。
在文字方面,這是我讀的第二本詩歌小說,(第一本是Long Way Down),完全地由詩所組成,我覺得給了這個故事一個更不一樣的感覺,我也很喜歡作者的文筆,簡單且真實,帶給我很多感觸,也讓我從一開始就很投入故事,在認識Michael的第一句話就喜歡上他。
最後說一下,我在最前面寫的是真的,我今天走在路上聽著這本有聲書,讓我有些後悔出門,因為一路上我真的都掛著微笑,或著跟著書中的故事反應,時常忍不住從心底感觸的Awww聲音,(我現在邊打字邊回想內容還是會一直笑著),這本書的結語是一首詩How To Come Out As Gay,我最後在聽到那邊時,整個就開始落淚,而且就在路上XD(幸好沒什麼人),那段我重複聽了好幾次(最前面摘句就是出自這裡)。總之我要說的是,這本書真的讓我很多情緒、讓我又笑又哭、但一直感到溫暖。
The Black Flamingo是一本會為你帶來溫暖的書,書中角色會給你一個大大的擁抱,告訴你如何做你自己,讓你微笑、讓你落淚。我不知道還能說什麼除了這本書真的很棒,我真的很愛它,然後希望你也會喜歡:)
How to Come Out As Gay (這就是讓我哭的結語,下面是摘錄)
Don't come out unless you want to.
Don't come out for anyone else's sake.
Don't come out because you think society expects you to.
Come out for yourself
Come out to yourself.
Shout, sing it.
Softly stuffer.
Correct those who say they knew before you did.
That's not how sexuality works,
it's yours to define." "Being effeminate doesn’t make you gay.
Being sensitive doesn’t make you gay.
Being gay makes you gay." "If you’re unhappy in the closet
but afraid of what’s outside,
leave the door ajar and call out.
If you’re happy in the closet
for the time being,
play dress up until
you find the right outfit."
"Men are sandcastles made out of pebbles
and the bucket is patriarchy: if you remove it
we fear we won't be able to hold ourselves
together, we pour cement to fill the gaps
to make ourselves concrete constructions."
“Some men have vaginas.”
"So who is The Black Flamingo?" [...]
"He is me, who I have been,
who I am, who I hope to become.
Someone fabulous, wild, and strong.
With or without a costume on."
If their skin or racialised features matter more to you than the person within, that's racism. I can't be your friend without calling this out. Your ignorance may be innocent but the racism is real.