2021-04-01|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

fOOd_W032921_Respectful& 敬愛的

    ( Lula希望大道& Hearts Beat Loud怦然心動的節拍& Tuesdays with Morrie最後14堂星期二的課)Persist in what we love.Insist on what make us stronger. Stick on the positive point of view. Continue the travelling optimistically.  Protect the weak/aged, as possible as we could.  In, the place correctly chosen. And in, when the timing is right.  In further, when the right persons join.  Spend the time wisely, for showing how much we appreciate being good. Courage, collected.  Ensure it’s sufficient, for protecting the ones who love you from the bottom of their hearts and spend almost the golden years accompanying you.  Ensure it’s great, for you to bravely speak and act to them, to show how much you appreciate and cherish them.  Powerfully Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 堅毅母親: 向您致敬! 善良敦厚, 勤勞認真, 超強身教;母子連心, 所言甚是; 明快果決, 當機立斷, 賢能慧心.可愛父親: 向您致謝! 熱愛擅長, 唱歌音樂, 一直保持; 最美裝潢, 歌聲樂曲; 好棒感覺, 言語肢體, 默契溝通.  課程教練: 向您問候! 苦學習得, 充足學識; 融會貫通,精湛知識, 盡力傳授; 家庭學校, 接力育成, 現在我們. 社會大學, 人生際遇, 真實明確, 清楚呈現, 寓意深遠; 真心實意, 真心誠意, 美心善意; 十分珍貴, 一定把握.  Pps. Outdoors AND Indoors: 透透氣囉, 外出走走. 計畫逛逛, 圖書館們; 映入眼簾, 心之所向, 類伴手禮, 回家享用; 通閱便利. 週邊鮮境, 順路走走, 如此旅遊, 也是一種. Ppps. fOOd:食糧種類, 千樣萬種; 吃些什麼, 細心謹慎, 自己掌握; 變成如何? 就, 順其自然! ~ @@HAVE A NICE DAY!!  Sincerely Yours, ~ Love365**
    ( Lula希望大道& Hearts Beat Loud怦然心動的節拍& Tuesdays with Morrie最後14堂星期二的課) Persist in what we love. Insist on what make us stronger. Stick on the positive point of view. Continue the travelling optimistically. Protect the weak/aged, as possible as we could. In, the place correctly chosen. And in, when the timing is right. In further, when the right persons join. Spend the time wisely, for showing how much we appreciate being good. Courage, collected. Ensure it’s sufficient, for protecting the ones who love you from the bottom of their hearts and spend almost the golden years accompanying you. Ensure it’s great, for you to bravely speak and act to them, to show how much you appreciate and cherish them. Powerfully Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 堅毅母親: 向您致敬! 善良敦厚, 勤勞認真, 超強身教; 母子連心, 所言甚是; 明快果決, 當機立斷, 賢能慧心. 可愛父親: 向您致謝! 熱愛擅長, 唱歌音樂, 一直保持; 最美裝潢, 歌聲樂曲; 好棒感覺, 言語肢體, 默契溝通. 課程教練: 向您問候! 苦學習得, 充足學識; 融會貫通, 精湛知識, 盡力傳授; 家庭學校, 接力育成, 現在我們. 社會大學, 人生際遇, 真實明確, 清楚呈現, 寓意深遠; 真心實意, 真心誠意, 美心善意; 十分珍貴, 一定把握. Pps. Outdoors AND Indoors: 透透氣囉, 外出走走. 計畫逛逛, 圖書館們; 映入眼簾, 心之所向, 類伴手禮, 回家享用; 通閱便利. 週邊鮮境, 順路走走, 如此旅遊, 也是一種. Ppps. fOOd: 食糧種類, 千樣萬種; 吃些什麼, 細心謹慎, 自己掌握; 變成如何? 就, 順其自然! ~ @@HAVE A NICE DAY!! Sincerely Yours, ~ Love365**
    Share what I got, from the NATURE. ~ 隨遇而拍, 順心飛翔, 提筆如意. Ps. Movies I Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtmDGNyd1s9YWm_PPF7jrYXZZQI6mhFwh
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