2021-06-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘

Toefl practice essay

    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family.
      There is a widespread concern over the issue whether television has affected the communication among our friends and family. A majority of people think that it definitely has, while I hold the opposite point of view.
      To begin with, televisions are very common in every family. But that doesn’t mean that we fix our eyes on it all day long. Take my family for example. Everyday, there’s a period of time we do our favorite entertainment. Some watch TV, while others read books. Aside from this period of time, we do other activities to maintain our relationship, such as exercise together or travel together. For us, watching TV is just a way to relax, but it never affects us. We take charge in arranging the time we can spend together, but we aren’t taken charge by TV.
      Secondly, we can exchange our thoughts with our friends and family members while watching TV together. Everyone has their own values and opinions, and watching TV together could be one of the best opportunities to get to know each other in a relaxing atmosphere. Even some topics, such as politics, which won’t be discussed commonly due to its sensitivity, can be talked about naturally while watching political programs. That is, watching TV shows can enrich and supplement our knowledge through discussion.
      Lastly, when meeting friends who we aren’t familiar with, we can get acquainted with each other by starting a conversation about popular TV shows or soap dramas. It’s always easier to make friends when we share mutual interests. Other than that, we can have a better understanding of each others’ values by discussing current affairs on TV news.
      In conclusion, watching TV brings advantages to us, and we can get what we need by taking advantage of this convenient invention. Consequently, I strongly disagree with the viewpoint that TV destroys communication among our friends and family.
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