2021-08-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 12 分鐘


文章來源: 外帶英文官網
父親節要到了,英文有許多形容爸爸的片語與慣用語,你知道多少呢?什麼是grandfather clause?a chip off the old block?twinkle in one's father's eye?另外 father figure、sugar daddy、deadbeat dad又是怎麼樣的父親形象呢?讓我們一起探索9種【父親英文片語】,看看有哪些有趣的慣用語與用法。二話不說,馬上往下看,你也可以成為活用跟「父親」相關英文片語的高手!
Image by blanca_rovira from Pixabay
Image by blanca_rovira from Pixabay

父親英文片語 1:father figure 父親般的人物

figure 是人物、外型、風姿的意思。 A father figure 是一個令人尊重的長輩或領袖,因為他像父親一樣提供建議和幫助。
  • 劍橋字典解釋:an older man who you treat like a father, especially by asking for his advice, help, or support
  • 例句:Mr. James is the father figure as far as the child is concerned. 在這孩子的心目中, 詹姆斯先生與父親無異。

父親英文片語 2:a chip off the old block/like father like son 有其父必有其子

chip 是碎屑,block 是木塊,a chip off the old block 木頭切下來的木屑,有一樣的紋路或特徵,好比漢語常說的「簡直是一個模子裡刻出來的」,比喻相貌品行酷似父親或母親的人,但通常指兒子酷似父親,等同 like father like son 有其父必有其子或是 like mother, like daughter 有其母必有其女。
  • 劍橋字典解釋:someone who is very similar in character to their father or mother
  • 例句:Your son is a chip off the old block. I think he’s going to be a good person just like his father. 你兒子跟你老公就是一個模子印出來的。我覺得他會成為跟他老爸一樣棒的人。 Jim is really kind and always gives his seat up for a lady. Like father like son. 吉姆真的很善良,總是讓位給一位女士。有其父必有其子。

父親英文片語 3:twinkle in (one's) father's eye未出生時

twinkle 是閃爍、瞬間的意思。這句片語源於一首歌詞寫 when you were a smile on your mother's lips and a twinkle in your daddy's eye 描述父親對母親恩愛之前的那種愉悅表情,也就是事情發生在母親懷孕之前,發生在你尚未出生之前。
  • 劍橋字典解釋:at a time before someone was born
  • 例句:I never knew my grandparents—they died when I was a twinkle in my father's eye. 我從來不認識我的祖父母。他們在我尚未出生時就去世了。

父親英文片語 4:not your father's 不是你父輩的

非常現代的,不再是老一輩所期望或習慣的。如果有人告訴你這台車 is not your father's car,這台車可能具有革命性的新技術是上一代從未見過的,例如車可以漂浮在天空或水面上。
  • 劍橋字典解釋:very modern or updated; no longer what an older generation would expect or be used to
  • 例句:With wireless Internet and touch-screen monitors integrated into the desks in each classroom, this is certainly not your father's high school anymore. 現在每間教室的桌子都配備了無線網路和觸控螢幕,這肯定不是你父輩的高中了。
Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

父親英文片語 5:founding father 開創者

founding father 指重要機構或思想的創建者;該片語大寫時,可以代稱美國奠基者,尤其是美國制憲會議的成員。
  • 劍橋字典解釋:someone who establishes an important organization or idea; one of a group of men who started the United States as a country and wrote its constitution
  • 例句:Alan Newell was the founding father of artificial intelligence. 艾倫•紐厄爾是人工智慧理論的創始人。

父親英文片語 6:the granddaddy of 始祖

當我們說某物或某人是 the granddaddy of 時,意思是他們是開先例、最重要或最偉大的模範。
  • 劍橋字典解釋:the biggest, most important, or most powerful event or person of their type
  • 例句:That was the granddaddy of all typhoons, according to the weather forecaster. 根據天氣預報員的說法,那是所有颱風的始祖。

父親英文片語 7:grandfather clause 不溯既往條款

grandfather clause「祖父條款」是法律用語,指不溯既往條款,該法只適用於其生效以後的行爲,對其生效以前的行爲不得適用。該片語源於美國歧視黑人的歷史,當時美國南部一些州的憲法中添加了一項條款,豁免白人不受限制的投票權,同時剝奪黑人的選舉權。如果某人從祖父條款中受益,你可以說 They have been grandfathered in.
  • 劍橋字典解:a part of a new law or rule that allows someone to continue to do or to have something that a new law or rule makes illegal
  • 例句:Guns purchased before the ban were protected by a grandfather clause. 在禁令之前購買的槍支受到不溯既往條款的保護。

父親英文片語 8:sugar daddy 乾爹

英文俚語乾爹或凱子爹,通常指年紀大的男子送禮物或金錢以博取年輕女子歡心的,如用包養來換取關係,被包養的女性稱為 sugar baby,如果不只一位乾爹,次要乾爹稱 side daddy;如果換成是女方包養稱 sugar mama。
  • 劍橋字典解釋:a wealthy, usually older man who gives money or gifts to a younger person in return for sexual favors or companionship
  • 例句:All she wants is found herself a sugar daddy. 她想要的就是找個乾爹而已。

父親英文片語 9:deadbeat dad 失職父親

deadbeat 指賴債不還的,deadbeat dad 指不盡責的父親,對已分居或離婚的妻子和孩子拒不給付撫養費的父親,是美國社會極為鄙視的一種人。
  • Merriam 字典解釋:a father who owes money to his former wife to help raise their children but does not pay it
  • 例句:He was described as a 'deadbeat dad' for failing to provide financial support for his son. 由於未能為兒子提供經濟支援,他被形容是「失職父親」。
Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash


現在我們來總結一下,今天學到 9 種跟「父親」相關的英文片語:
  1. father figure 父親般的人物
  2. a chip off the old block/like father like son 有其父必有其子
  3. twinkle in (one's) father's eye 未出生時
  4. not your father's 不是你父輩的
  5. founding father 開創者
  6. the granddaddy of 始祖
  7. grandfather clause 不溯既往條款
  8. sugar daddy 乾爹
  9. deadbeat dad 失職父親
以上是9種【父親英文片語】原來跟父親有關的慣用語還真不少,相信大家今後都能活用這些跟父親有關的片語,在這裡也預祝天下的爸爸們「父親節快樂 Happy Father's Day」!
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