更新於 2022/05/28閱讀時間約 28 分鐘


每天多開心一些就是對自己最好的回報。 A little bit more happy every day is the best return. -第2000期 20190516
做你自己,這世界崇拜原創性。 Be yourself. The world worships the original. -第2006期 20171020
路的盡頭,仍然是路,只要你願意走。 End of the road is still the way, if you want to go. -第2011期 20171025
所謂的幸運就是當機會來敲門的時候,你應答了。 Luck is when opportunity knocks and you answer。 -第2029期 20190513
人一輩子,要麼有錢有安全感,要麼有愛有幸福感。 You either have money with security, or have love with happiness in your life. -第2030期 20190513
如果我們做該做的事,所有的勝算都會高一點。 If we do what is necessary, all the odds are in our favor. -第2035期 20190512
心態積極,好事自然發生。 When you think positive, good things happen. -第2042期 20190511
生命只有一次,我們要以正確的方式,和正確的人一起度過。 Life only comes around once. So make sure you're spending it the right way, with the right ones. -第2043期 20190511
任何一件事情,只要心甘情願,總是能夠變得簡單。 Any one thing, as long as be most willing to, always simple. -第2050期 20190510
最重要的是享受生活 - 要快樂。 The most important thing is to enjoy life - to be happy. -第2055期 20190509
世界已經變了,我們必須同時改變。 The world has changed, and we must change with it. -第2064期 20190508
你的世界呈現出怎樣的面貌,全由你自己決定。 It's up to you what your world looks like. -第2075期 20190504
行為發展成習慣,習慣發展為性格,性格伴隨人的一生。 Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit, and you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny. -第2087期 20190503
懂得換位思考,人生才會更美好。 Life turns out to be better only if you think from others' perspective. -第2095期 20190502
內心越強大,笑的越漂亮。 The stronger your heart is, the brighter your smile will be. -第2100期 20190501
需要你的人,才是你需要的人。 The only people you need in your life are the ones who need you in theirs. -第2106期 20190430
讓生活變得輕鬆的三樣東西:父母的擁抱、戀人的親吻,以及朋友的支持。 Things that make life easier: a parent's hug, a lover's kiss, and a friend's support. -第2108期 20190430
獲取幸福最重要的是:有所為,有所愛,有所期待。 The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. -第2135期 20190427
單身意味著你足夠堅強,有足夠的耐心去等待值得擁有你的那個人。 Being single means that you are strong enough and patient to wait for the one who deserves you. -第2136期 20190427
享受生活才是最重要的,要快樂,這樣就夠了。 The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it's all that matters. -第2137期 20190427
勇敢的人隨遇而安,所到之處都是故鄉。 Every soil,where he is well,is to a valiant man his natural country. -第2159期 20190423
勇敢的人隨遇而安,所到之處都是故鄉。 Every soil,where he is well,is to a valiant man his natural country. -第2169期 20190422
音樂要用心靈去聽,用頭腦去感覺。 In music one must think with the heart and feel with the brains. -第2180期 20190420
我們生來就是為了堅持,這樣我們才能明白自己是誰。 We are made to persist. That's how we find out who we are. -第2191期 20190418
要想獲得成功, 態度和能力同樣重要。 For success, attitude is equally as important as ability. -第2195期 20190418
知識是一座城堡,每個人都應爲它增磚添瓦。 Knowledge is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone. -第2216期 20190416
生活本身就是最美妙的童話故事。 Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale. -第2224期 20190415
相信夢想,相信你的心,相信自己的故事。 Trust dreams, trust your heart and trust your story. -第2230期 20190414
愛上一座城,大抵是因爲,這裏住著一個你愛的人。 Falling in love with a town,it is probably because someone you love resides in it. -第2233期 20190414
我相信每天都有好事發生。 I believe good things happen every day. -第2238期 20190413
那些獨自飛翔的人,會擁有最堅韌的羽翼。 Those who fly alone have the strongest wings. -第2239期 20190413
是時候去搞清楚自己的角色,去找到自己在這個世界的位置了。 It's time to figure out who I'm supposed to be, to find my place in the world. -第2254期 20190410
內心越強大,笑的越漂亮。 The stronger your heart is, the brighter your smile will be. -第2265期 20190408
平凡的腳步也可以走完偉大的行程。 Ordinary steps can also take a great trip. -第2273期 20190407
堅信的,總會成功。 If you have faith, you can do anything. -第2274期 20190407
幸福,就是找一個溫暖的人過一輩子。 Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life together. -第2293期 20190405
我們是什麼樣的人,取決於我們選擇做什麼樣的人。 What kind of person we are depends on who we choose to be. -第2304期 20190404
我只是一株向日葵,期待著屬於自己的那縷陽光。 I am just a sunflower, waiting for my only sunshine. -第2311期 20190404
書籍是靈魂的鏡子。 Books are the mirrors of the soul. -第2324期 20190402
如果你需要什麼,我就在附近。 If there is anything you need, I won't be far away. -第2332期 20190401
正因爲你爲你的玫瑰花費了時間,這才使你的玫瑰變得如此重要。 It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important. -第2346期 20190331
我們都要做很多選擇,最終這些選擇創造了我們。 We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us. -第2349期 20190330
如果你睜開眼睛,你會看到值得看的東西。 If your eyes are opened, you will see the things worth seeing. -第2350期 20190330
做一些更好,更有意義的事情,同時,讓我們變成一個更好的人。 Do something better and more meaningful, and at the same time, make us a better person. -第2367期 20190328
世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 Everyone you see exists together in a delicate balance. -第2379期 20190327
好好去做吧,站在世界之巔! Made it, Ma! Top of the world! -第2385期 20190325
當你發現你想和某個人共度餘生時,你會想要餘生快點開始。 When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. -第2403期 20190323
對於大多數人來説,他們認定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。 Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. -第2409期 20190322
年輕人的可敬之處在於勇氣和遠大前程。 The respectability of youth lies in their courage and great expectation. -第2416期 20190321
愛自己是終生浪漫的開始。 To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. -第2418期 20190320
成功就是重複做一件正確的事,直到你成爲所在行業的專家。 Success is doing the same right thing over and over again until you become a expert in your field. -第2426期 20190320
每個人都是一顆星星,並且都擁有閃耀的權力。 Everyone's a star and deserves the right to twinkle. -第2443期 20190318
做許多事情的捷徑就是一次只做一件事。 The shortest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time. -第2452期 20190317
世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 Everyone you see exists together in a delicate balance. -第2458期 20190317
懂你的人,才配得上你的餘生。 The people who know you are worthy of the rest of your life -第2461期 20190316
偉人之所以偉大,是因爲他立志要成爲偉大的人。 The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man. -第2472期 20190315
很多事情只要努力就可以帶給人快樂。 There are many endeavors to bring pleasure to people. -第2514期 20190312
知識總是從愛好開始,猶如光總是從火開始一樣。 Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light. -第2519期 20190311
當我回想這一生,這是我喜歡回憶起的時刻。 When I think of my life, this is the time I like to think of. -第2523期 20190311
讀書多了,容顏自然改變。 You can change your face by reading more books. -第2534期 20190310
你還有大把的時間去成為自己想要的樣子。 You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want. -第2535期 20190310
一個笑容,可以開始一段友情。 One smile can start a friendship. -第2544期 20190308
當有一首歌符合現狀,我就會讓它單曲循環。 When I find a song that relates to my current situation I listen to it over and over. -第2561期 20190307
簡單做自己,總有一扇門爲夢想打開。 Simple to do yourself, there is always a door open for dream. -第2573期 20190306
當你被某個人吸引時,那只是意味著你倆在潛意識裡互相吸引。 When you meet someone and you're attracted to them, it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious, subconsciously. -第2599期 20190304
你有一種笑容,可以照亮整個城市。 You’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town. -第2603期 20190303
人類一個簡單的念頭可以創造城市。一個念頭可以改變世界,重寫規則。 A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. -第2612期 20190302
如果你想活著,你需要培養一種堅強的精神態度。 If you wish to survive, you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude. -第2619期 20190302
我們必需做我們能力所及最好的,這是我們人類神聖的職責。 We have to do the best we can. This is our sacred human responsibility. -第2631期 20190301
知識總是從愛好開始,猶如光總是從火開始一樣。 Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light. -第2636期 20190228
如果你想活著,你需要培養一種堅強的精神態度。 If you wish to survive, you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude. -第2642期 20190227
結交真正的朋友,是我們成功人生的最好象徵。 The making of friends who are real friends is the best token we have of a man's success in life. -第2659期 20190813
走到你能看到的最遠之處,當你到那,你將能夠看到更遠。 Go as far as you can see; when you get there you'll be able to see farther. -第2663期 20190225
要想成為公主,你得相信自己就是一個公主。 To be a princess, you have to believe that you are a princess. -第2675期 20190224
每一天的開始都帶來各種新的可能。 Every new day begins with possibilities. -第2681期 20190223
用最真實的自己,才能遇見最合適的那個人。 With the most true of yourself,can you meet the most suitable one. -第2687期 20190222
努力學習其實是一件很酷的事! Hard-working is actually a cool thing. -第2688期 20190222
我一生規規矩矩,唯有你是我的特例。 All my life, you are my exception. -第2689期 20190222
行為發展成習慣,習慣發展成為性格,性格伴隨人的一生。 Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit, and you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny. -第2695期 20190221
真誠的笑臉是人世間最美的表情。 A sincere smile is the most beautiful expression. -第2698期 20190221
只有對自己有信心的人才會對他人守信。 Only a person who has faith in himself is able to be faithful to others. -第2699期 20190221
一直以來,成就大事的人都是大夢想家。 All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers. -第2700期 20190221
做好準備是成功的一半。 To be prepared is half the victory. -第2710期 20191003
把握時間就是節約時間。 To choose time is to save time. -第2718期 20190220
每個人都是自己命運的建築師。 Every man is the architect of his own fortune. -第2721期 20190219
重要的原則能夠也必須是靈活的。 Important principles may and must be flexible. -第2723期 20190218
你的成就是由你的眼界來衡量的。 Your greatness is measured by your horizons. -第2726期 20190218
最黑的夜成就了最亮的星。 The darkest nights produce brightest stars. -第2729期 20191022
如果你相信看長遠,屬於你的那一天終究會來臨。 If you believe in the long term, your day eventually arrives. -第2746期 20190215
自由源於勇敢。 Freedom lies in being bold. -第2753期 20190215
當你相信自己的理由是正當的,就要有勇氣守住立場。 When you are convinced that your cause is right, have the courage to take a stand. -第2757期 20190214
我會用最初的心,陪你走最遠的路。 I will use my original heart to accompany you to complish the longest journey. -第2775期 20190213
世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 Everyone you see exists together in a delicate balance. -第2783期 20190212
工作中的愉悅,讓作品得以完美。 Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. -第2784期 20190212
當你走得足夠遠,便會遇見自己。 Travel far enough, you meet yourself. -第2810期 20190210
千百年來,只要肯賣力氣,用勞動來換飯吃,任何職業都是值得尊敬的。 Any profession was worthy of respect to men who for centuries earned bread by the sweat of their brows. -第2825期 20190210
再努力一年,見我想見的人,做我想做的事。 One more year, see the people I want to see, do what I want to do. -第2828期 20190210
為了新的一年,為了我們還有機會把事情做好,乾杯! Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right. -第2835期 20190209
命運是與生俱來的,你得足夠勇敢才能看到它。 Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it. -第2842期 20190209
重要的是你想往哪裏走,專注於正確的方向! What matters is where you want to go. Focus in the right direction! -第2855期 20190208
你回首看得越遠,你向前也會看得越遠。 The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see. -第2857期 20190208
投我以木桃,報之以瓊瑤。 You throw a peach to me,I give you a white jade for friendship. -第2870期 20190207
我很相信運氣,事實上我發現我越努力,我的運氣越好。 I am a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the more I have of it. -第2871期 20190207
走到你能看到的最遠之處,當你到那,你將能夠看到更遠。 Go as far as you can see; when you get there you'll be able to see farther. -第2878期 20190207
愛你過的生活,過你愛的生活。 Love the Life you live. Live the life you love. -第2891期 20190206
一個人生活的幸福感在很大程度上取決於其思維的質量。 The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. -第2893期 20190206
勇氣是一架梯子,其他美德全靠它才能爬上去。 Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount. -第2906期 20190205
感恩的心中有永恆的夏天。 There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. -第2926期 20190204
做世界的水手,遊遍所有的港口。 To be a sailor of the world, bound for all ports. -第2928期 20190204
只要相信你能擁有,你就能真的能擁有。 Believe that you have it, and you have it. -第2954期 20190202
一個人應該立足本土,放眼世界。 A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world. -第2976期 20200625
機會眷顧那些有準備的人。 Chance favors the prepared mind. -第2979期 20200628
工作中的愉悦,讓作品得以完美。 Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. -第2992期 20200711
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