疫情自學系列 II:如何在兩天之內取得 3 項 Google Analytics 認證

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Learning Mode ON! How To Get 3 Google Analytics Certificates In 2 Days

My 3 Google Analytics Certificate (including Google Analytics Individual Qualification)
This is a total surprise. I swear I only wanted to understand how Google Analytics works, so those weird-looking properties and metrics can talk to me. Then after quick research, it became clear to me that the best tutorial seemed to be on Google’s Analytics Academy; which is the same study materials for Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ). So why not take the course and have another certificate from Google? And the big surprise is that I can have 3 Google Analytics certificates at once!

Course Background

There are a total of 6 courses in Analytics Academy (for the Chinese version, there are only 3). Each course contains around 4 “Units”. A bit like Coursera, each course comes with several short videos and additional reading, as well as a clickable demo (remind me of my project in Google’s UX Design Course).
If you only want to pass the exam, taking Google Analytics for Beginners and Advanced Google Analytics should be quite enough. And you will obtain certificates that are sharable on Linkedin after passed 4 simple exams for each. But do keep in mind, those terminologies and settings will be more “memorable” if you have some hands-on experience with the platform.
The reason why I wanted to learn Google Analytics (GA) in the first place is that I am a newbie in building my own website, and I really want to learn more about my readers (if any). Therefore, when watched those videos, I actually opened two windows of Google Analytics interface; one linked to the demo account and another linked to my own website. Would recommend you to do the same if you will use GA in the future. Plus, some tutorials involve advanced features usually not applicable to new websites; such as opening advertising features or accessing demography data (the latter one only works if you already have 1,000 daily users visiting your website).

Exam Introduction

Google Analytics Individual Qualification is a free exam and 100% web-based. There are 70 questions to answer in one hour. You need to score 80% (have at least 56 questions answered correctly) for passing the exam. After that, the certificate will expire in 12 months. The exam is offered in 16 languages (last time I checked) so accessibility is also considered.
So that’s the basic information of the exam, how to get the certificate in 2 days you may ask. Well, give you a hint, the exam is open book and there’s actually no timer anywhere on the browser. If you only aim for the certificate, I would recommend the following:
  1. Quickly go through course videos and demos: I played the videos at 1.75x speed (a side-effect from watching too much Netflix) so probably finished each Unit within 20 minutes. Make sure you have a basic idea of the whole GA structure (i.e., the function of 3 admin layers and 5 report types), the webpage tracking mechanism, and some definitions (i.e., bounce rate, assisted conversions, sessions)
  2. Practice, Practice, Practice: As you may have guessed, there are many online resources that provide free sample tests. I randomly picked one that ranked first when I search for “Google Analytics sample test”. If you are also good at memorizing things, just take a few sample tests on each topic. Make sure you understand the basics in point 1 above, then I think you are good to go.
  3. Relax when taking the Google Analytics exam: Even though the GAIQ website says it will take 1 hour, the exam won’t really time you, and it’s actually open-book, so just relax and you know the drill.

Final Thoughts

Frankly speaking, Google Analytics Individual Qualification may be more suitable for a fresh graduate, or someone with 2~3 years of working experience and wants to work in digital marketing, e-commerce, or analytic domain. Still, it’s not a bad idea to get one Google certificate when all you need to do is reading a tool manual. And now you know my secret, you can actually get 3 if you pass 2 courses I recommended plus the GAIQ exam.
Google Analytics is no doubt a powerful tool even with the free features. My takeaway here, is how to use this tool to your own advantage. Whether you are just starting out with your first website like me and want to grow your audience, or you are in e-commerce or digital marketing industry; taking Google Analytics Individual Qualification will be a great self-learning opportunity for all. You never know, with digitalization and big data remained the buzzwords in this post-COVID era, one day it might come in handy for both your personal and professional life.

If you like my article, feel free to give me a clap below or follow my account. If you are also a website-building newbie or interested in GA, don’t be shy to leave your comments! Find more learning stories of mine here.
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Google News 追蹤
僅僅用了兩天就完成Google AI Essentials課程,整個課程總長約9小時,但實際上花掉的時間不用這麼多。這算是我第一次上Coursera的課、也是第一次上Google的課程,也得到不少心得。
本文記錄 1/27~1/28 參加臺南青年職涯發展中心舉辦的 「SEO不只是入門-進階實際應用班」講座。講座內容相當扎實,包含SEO概念與內容佈局,進階SEO技術,以及數據分析應用。另外,文章也提到了SEO的工作內容和目標,以及關於SEO演算法因素和網站架構的相關資訊。
在Google Analytics中,您可以授予其他使用者對您的資源(例如網站或應用程式)的存取權限。這樣他們就可以查看和分析資源的數據。下面是在Google Analytics中新增資源存取權限的步驟:
在Google Analytics中新增資源存取權限非常重要,這樣您可以控制誰可以訪問和管理您的分析資源。以下是在Google Analytics中新增資源存取權限的步驟
本文介紹了 Google Analytics 4(GA4)示範帳戶的取得方式,並提供了幾種 GA4 分析小練習,讓新手能夠實際練習和學習。文章包含了關於 GA4 示範帳戶的資源、如何移除帳戶存取權以及各種分析練習,旨在幫助讀者更熟悉 GA4 這個工具。
Google Analytics 4(簡稱GA4)可說是當今市場上最流行的網站流量分析工具之一,但GA4究竟是什麼?在這篇文章中,我們將深入探討GA4,了解它的功能、優勢,以及誰應該學習。無論你是想更深入了解你的受眾、優化廣告策略,還是透過優化網站來達成商業KPI,GA4都可以幫助你實現目標。
在當今數位時代,SEO(Search Engine Optimization)已成為網站提升曝光度和流量的重要手段。Google Analytics作為一個龐大的數據分析工具,對於SEO分析提供了豐富的數據和洞察。以下是一個簡單的指南,幫助您學習如何使用Google Analytics進行SEO分析
僅僅用了兩天就完成Google AI Essentials課程,整個課程總長約9小時,但實際上花掉的時間不用這麼多。這算是我第一次上Coursera的課、也是第一次上Google的課程,也得到不少心得。
本文記錄 1/27~1/28 參加臺南青年職涯發展中心舉辦的 「SEO不只是入門-進階實際應用班」講座。講座內容相當扎實,包含SEO概念與內容佈局,進階SEO技術,以及數據分析應用。另外,文章也提到了SEO的工作內容和目標,以及關於SEO演算法因素和網站架構的相關資訊。
在Google Analytics中,您可以授予其他使用者對您的資源(例如網站或應用程式)的存取權限。這樣他們就可以查看和分析資源的數據。下面是在Google Analytics中新增資源存取權限的步驟:
在Google Analytics中新增資源存取權限非常重要,這樣您可以控制誰可以訪問和管理您的分析資源。以下是在Google Analytics中新增資源存取權限的步驟
本文介紹了 Google Analytics 4(GA4)示範帳戶的取得方式,並提供了幾種 GA4 分析小練習,讓新手能夠實際練習和學習。文章包含了關於 GA4 示範帳戶的資源、如何移除帳戶存取權以及各種分析練習,旨在幫助讀者更熟悉 GA4 這個工具。
Google Analytics 4(簡稱GA4)可說是當今市場上最流行的網站流量分析工具之一,但GA4究竟是什麼?在這篇文章中,我們將深入探討GA4,了解它的功能、優勢,以及誰應該學習。無論你是想更深入了解你的受眾、優化廣告策略,還是透過優化網站來達成商業KPI,GA4都可以幫助你實現目標。
在當今數位時代,SEO(Search Engine Optimization)已成為網站提升曝光度和流量的重要手段。Google Analytics作為一個龐大的數據分析工具,對於SEO分析提供了豐富的數據和洞察。以下是一個簡單的指南,幫助您學習如何使用Google Analytics進行SEO分析