2022-02-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 14 分鐘


原文發佈於:2021/01/10 【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部
這是很多 Projector(導能者/投射者)初學者所不知道的秘密。也就是導師常說的,受到邀請時,必須通過本身的內在自主權去核實和檢驗該邀請是否正確無誤。正式邀請,必備條件:指名道姓的官方(正式)邀請,還自動提供相應的報酬或奉酬。
倘若具有動力中心的 Projector 遵循內在自主權與策略去接觸該開放式邀請,再經過來來回回的交涉,並通過內在自主權與策略核實及確認之後,也有機會變成正式邀請,不過,這樣的機會十分渺茫,就像中彩票那樣,非常幸運的人,才可能做到。
這是我的認知與發現,未必適合全部 Projector。有動力中心的 Projector 不妨自己去實驗。
圖下端:Energy Projector:具有能量動力的導能者/投射者是,除了薦骨以外,擁有一個或以上的「馬達」能量中心有定義。
圖下端:Energy Projector:具有能量動力的導能者/投射者是,除了薦骨以外,擁有一個或以上的「馬達」能量中心有定義。

你們都聽說過 Projector 的策略,即你們在這裡等待邀請,但這帶有某種內涵。它不能與 Generator 混淆。但與此同時,也有一些相似之處。 Generator 在這裡是為了回應,這是它的策略,但「回應」從來不需要被一些正式的東西所制約。一隻鳥在唱歌,Generator 就去(回應)了,這是一個在其策略範圍內的正確反應。當你是一個 Projector 時,它總是必須是正式的。它總是必須是正式的。Projector 有兩種他們所實施的策略: 他們有一個主要策略,他們還有一個條件反射策略。而這兩個策略非常重要。話說,你看,作為一個 Projector,你永遠不能沒有另一個(其他人),你總是會和別人在一起,因為他們是滿足你的人。你總是和那些把你變成能量類型的人在一起。這就是它的運作方式。
所以,第一個也是主要的策略是正確地進入任何關係。換句話說,要和某人建立關係,無論是親密關係,或是工作,或是教育,都無所謂,你必須收到正式邀請。換句話說,你真的必須被問到。這是必須要向你而來的東西。必須非常清楚,它向你走來是因為你看到了那個邀請,那個邀請只是在當下時刻,它只是告訴你這是正確的。之後,一切都會改變。這一切都改變了,因為當你走向它的那一刻,「好吧,我接受了這個邀請」。你就突然變成了一個 Generator,進入與他人的關係。而當你與對方建立關係時,你的次要策略就會出現,而你的次要策略是你必須被正式的要求。你必須被請求。
換句話說,所有 Projector 發生的事情是,如果沒有能量類型,他們就無法存在。此時此刻,他們與能量類型有關。他們不得不與能源策略和能源工作方式打交道並受到其影響。因此,對你來說非常重要的一件事是,當你正確地進入一段關係時,也就是說,你被邀請了,你經歷了你的過程,你進入了這段關係。接下來要認識到的是,這不是等待更多關於這種關係的邀請。就是從那時起,為了讓事情正確,為了使事情轉變,為了讓你受到尊重,你必須被請求。請想想那個開放的薦骨中心。那個開放的薦骨中心有一個座右銘,座右銘是:沒有人有權控制我。沒有人有權控制我。沒有人。
Let's talk about strategy. You've all heard about the projector strategy that you're here to Wait for the Invitation, but that carries a certain kind of connotation. It's not to be confused with the generator. Yet at the same time, there are some similarities.
The generator is here to respond, that's its strategy, but Respond never has to be conditioned by something formal. A bird sings, and the generator goes, that's a response that's correct within the context of their strategy. When you're a projector, it always has to be Formal. It always has to be Formal. And projectors have two kinds of strategies that they live out:
They have a Primary Strategy, and they have a Conditioned Strategy. And these two strategies very important. You see, look, as a Projector, you can never be without the other, and you're always going to be with others because they're the ones that satisfy you. You're always going to be with others that turn you into an energy type. That's just the way that it works.
So the first and the primary strategy is to be correct in entering into any relationship. In other words, in order for you to enter into a relationship with somebody, whether it's intimate, whether it's work, whether it's education, it doesn't matter what it is, you have to receive a Formal Invitation. In other words, you really have to be asked. It's something that has to come to you. It has to be very clear that it's coming to you because you see that invitation, that invitation is only for the moment, and it's only to tell you this is correct.
Afterwards, it all changes. It all changes because the moment that you go, okay, I accept this invitation. You suddenly then become a Generator, entering into the relationship with the other. And when you enter into the relationship with the other, that's when your Secondary Strategy comes in and your secondary strategy is you have to be asked formally. You have to be asked.
In other words, what happens to all projectors is that they cannot exist without the energy types. And at the moment they're with the energy types. They cannot help but deal with and be impacted by the energy strategies and the way the energy works. So one of the things that's so important for you is that when you enter into a relationship correctly, that is, you have been invited and you go through your process and you enter into that relationship. The next thing to recognize is it's not about waiting for any more invitations about that relationship. It's about seeing that from then on, in order for things to be correct, in order for things to be transformed, in order for you to be treated with respect, you have to be asked. Think about that Open Sacral Center, please. That Open Sacral Center has a motto, and the motto is, Nobody has a right to control me. Nobody has a right to control me. Nobody.
That's what the open sacral. That's its deepest, deepest statement. Nobody has a right to control me to force me. Nobody. So that the moment that you enter into any kind of relationship or any kind of direction. From that moment onward, you have to see that the abiding strategy for you is simply to be treated with respect. That is, you must be asked. And in being asked, then you will be able to handle the conditioned energy that's around you. Because remember something. The priority is how it starts. It's all about how it starts. If you have the correct kind of relationship and you're invited into that relationship and you agree to that and you enter into it.
The relationship you have from then onwards, the basis of it is correct. In other words, you're not entering into a relationship, not as yourself. You're entering into it correctly. -Ra Uru Hu
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