You fabricated evidence? 🧑
I made a video. Not exactly evidence. You used it to exonerate a client. You used falsified evidence to exonerate a client. 🧑
I think you're splitting hairs. I'm not splitting hairs. What if David & Main find out you faked evidence ? 🧑
It wasn't a David & Main client. It was some nothing little pro bono thing . Off the clock, totally my own thing. Why? Why would you risk the best job you've ever had for some pro bono case? 🧑
I was doing a favour for a friend. Risking disbarment? That's... That's some friend. 🧑
It's fine,it worked out.David & Main are none the wiser. Jimmy, you're playing with the fire here. 🧑
I didn't seem you're compling when Ken douchebag paid our bar bill the other night. That was a little bit of rule-breaking right there. And if I remember correctly, you liked it,a lot. That is not the same thing. 🧑How? What's the difference? That had nothing to do with work,and we were just screwing around. This, fabricating evidence. Jimmy,this could really hurt you if they find out, if you get caught. 🧑They're never gonna find out. 🙍Seriously? You sound like every drumb criminal out there.if you keep this up, they will find out.第四集,26:00,核心反駁
吉米因為未經同意播放廣告,導致小金被公司冷凍,發放邊疆,為此來找哥哥理論,但在理論中,卻狠狠被哥哥修理: You have to admit this shows a lack of judgement on her part. She knows you. She should have known better. 🧑You are such a asshole. Why? For pointing out her one mistake was believing in you? 🧑Chrissake,can we get some perspective here ? It was a simple little commercial. It aired once, that's all. Can I remind you, it worked? It worked like a dream. See, that's your problem, Jimmy. Thinking the ends justify the means. And you're forever shocked when it blows up in your face. 🧑What did I do that was so wrong? You broke the rules. You turned Kim into your accessory. You embarrassed Howard,who…God help him…inexplicably vouched for you with Cliff Main . You made Cliff and his partners look like schmucks. Shall I go on? ….. You are my brother,and I love you, but you're like an alcoholic who refuses to admit he's got a problem. Now someone's given you the keys to the school bus,and I'm not gonna let you drive it off a cliff. 這兩個段落,觀眾們不難發現,Chuck在第一季結尾中,為何要入此反對弟弟成為事務所伙伴的原因,而Jimmy目前的行為,也持續讓我們這群吃瓜群眾捏把冷汗,這邊也整理幾個看法: 1、Jimmy的道德界線:
Jimmy的生存法則,不能說他錯,甚至本質上都非壞事,但他忘記他的身份「律師」,這個角色站在法律的前面,那是條非黑即白的世界。 小金的那句:
''Jimmy, you're playing with the fire here'',言猶在耳,他的「瑕疵」終有一天會成為他的致命傷。 而這樣個性上的缺陷,也只有身為親人的Chuck最清楚,他知道在某些節骨眼的鬆懈,Jimmy會成為敗局的「X因子」。 到了這邊,我從第一季的同情,到現在有點醒悟,才發現,編劇在藉由第二季,擴展了各個角色的深度,建立起更立體的個性,而這些,都開始慢慢影響著角色的行為,及劇情走向。