2022-06-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

『英文寫作』: be responsible/accountable for, take the blame for

Tips : 表達 "某(人/事/物) 應該 對 (人/事/物) 承擔最大責任"
  1. 主詞 + should be the most responsible/accountable for ..
  2. 主詞 + should be hold accountable the most for.. ※被動用法
  3. 主詞 + should take the most blame for ..
  4. 主詞 + should take/bear the biggest responsibility/accountability for ..

例句 : 碳排放應該對目前發生的極端氣候負上最大責任。
  1. Carbon emissions should be the most responsible/accountable for the current extreme climate.
  2. Carbon emissions should be hold accountable the most for the current extreme climate
  3. Carbon emissions should take themost blame for the current extreme climate
  4. Carbon emissions should take/bear the biggest responsibility/accountability for the current extreme climate
  • carbon emissions (複合名詞) 碳排放 : 為句中主詞
  • should (助動詞) 應該 : 讓後面的be動詞呈現原形"be"
  • be responsible/accountable for (形容詞片語) 對. .負責任 : 後面須接名詞
  • extreme (形容詞) 極端的
  • climate (名詞) 氣候

例句 : 反疫苗情緒是造成這次新冠病毒感染高峰的原因。
  1. Anti-vaccine sentiment is responsible/accountable for this coronavirus infection peak.
  2. Anti-vaccine sentiment must be hold accountable for this coronavirus infection peak.
  3. Anti-vaccine sentiment takes the blame for this coronavirus infection peak.
  4. Anti-vaccine sentiment takes/bears responsibility/accountability for this coronavirus infection peak.
  • anti-vaccine (複合名詞) 反疫苗 與 sentiment (名詞) 情緒 : 為句中主詞
  • be responsible/accountable for (形容詞片語) 對. .負責任 : 後面須接名詞
  • coronavirus infection peak (複合名詞) 新冠病毒感染高峰

例句 : 彼得將對輸掉比賽負最大責任。
  1. Peter will be the most responsible/accountable for the loss of the game.
  2. Peter will be hold accountable the most for the loss of the game.
  3. Peter will take the most blame for the loss of the game.
  4. Peter will take/bear the biggest responsibility/accountabilityfor the loss of the game.
  • be responsible/accountable for (形容詞片語) 對. .負責任 : 後面須接名詞
  • the loss of the game (複合名詞) 輸掉比賽
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